¶A Proclamation concerning Ale-houses.

❧By the King.

WHereas for the suppressing of the great disorders daylie vsed in Ale-houses and Uictual-houses, many good and wholesome Lawes and Orders haue beene deuised, which haue not taken such effect as Wee de­sired, because the same haue not beene so duely executed as they ought to be. Wee haue therefore appointed certaine Patentees to take know­ledge thereof, and to compell the Ale-house-keepers Licensed, to keepe good Orders, by pressing them vpon the penalties of their Recog­nizances, taken to Our vse; In the proceeding wherein Wee are also informed that the Recognizances taken for that purpose, in most Counties of Our Realme (being the onely Tye Wee haue vpon that Lawlesse kinde of people) are either altogether defectiue, or not duelie certified, so that these vnruly persons still remaine at libertie: And that there are diuers of them that take authoritie to themselues to keepe Ale-houses, as though they were Licensed, and yet are not: Both which sorts wee are desirous to drawe into better Order, and to that purpose Wee haue caused certaine Articles of direction (bearing the Date hereof) to bee published, which hereby Wee streitly Will and Commaund to bee executed by such as the same shall any wayes con­cerne, and as they will giue an accompt vnto Us when Wee shall require it. And because Wee would not haue Our Subiects that dwell in parts remote from Our City of London to bee ouer­trauelled hereabout, and all to bee drawne hither to Our sayd Citie: Wee haue giuen Order to the Pattentees, taking the allowance of Our Chiefe Iustice of the Kings Bench, to appoint Com­mittees from time to time, such as shalbee knowne to bee of experience and integrity to prosecute in those more remote Counties, such forfeitures as shall growe due vnto Us by the sayd Recogni­zances.

¶By the King.

¶Articles of direction, touching Ale-houses.

FIrst, That the Iustices of Peace of euery County, Citie, or Towne Corpo­rate within this Kingdome, and the Dominion of Wales, Doe once euery yeere in the Moneths of April and May, assemble themselues, either at a speci­all Sessions, or such other meeting as they shall appoint for that purpose (re­specting the ease and conueniencie of the people of the Countrey) and there call before them or any two of them (whereof one to be of the Quorum) all such persons as doe sell Ale or Beere by retayle in any place (aswell within Libertie as without) within such County, Citie, or Towne Corporate▪ and then and there taking true Certificate, and Information from men of Trust; who be persons of honest Conuersation, and who not. And to giue Licence to such per­sons, as they in their discretions shall thinke meet, to keepe Common Ale-houses, or Uictualling-houses, within the places where such persons dwell.

[Page]THat in the Licensing of the sayd Uictualers, and Ale-house-keepers the forme of the Recogni­zance, hereafter following, and the Condition thereunto annexed be vsed and none other.

Memorandum, Quod Anno Regni Dom. nostri IACOBI, Dei gratia Regis An­gliae, Franciae, & Hiberniae fidei defensor. &c. & Scotiae Coram Iusticiarijs dicti Dom. Regis ad pacem in Comitat. praedict. conseruand. &c. manuceperunt pro Victular. viz. vterque manucaptor. praedict. sub poena quin (que) librar. & praedict. assumpsit pro seipso sub poena x. li. Quas Concesserunt, &c. Sub Conditione sequent.

THe Condition of this Recognizance is such, that whereas the aboue bounden is ad­mitted and allowed by the said Iustices to keepe a Common Ale-house, and Victualling-house, vntill the first of April next ensuing the date hereof, and no longer, in the house wherein hee now dwelleth, at in the sayd County of and not elsewhere in the sayd County. If therefore the sayd shall not, during the time aforesayd, permit or suffer, or haue any playing at Dice, Cardes, Tables, Quoits, Loggets, Bowles, or any other vnlawfull Game or Games in his House, Yard, Garden, or Backside; Nor shall suffer to bee or remaine in his house any person or persons (not being his ordinary houshold seruant) vpon any Sabbath day, or Holy day, during the time of Diuine Seruice or Sermon: Nor shall suffer any person to lodge or stay in his house aboue one day and one night, but such whose true Name and Surname he shall deliuer to some one of the Constables, or in his absence to some of the Officers of the same Parish the next day following, vnlesse they be such person or persons as hee or shee very well knoweth, and will answere for his or their forth-comming▪ nor suffer any person to remaine in his or her house, Tipling or drinking, contrary to the Law; nor yet to be there Tipling or drinking after nine of the clocke in the night time, nor buy or take to pawne any stollen goods; nor willingly har­bour in his sayd House, or in his Barnes, Stables or other-where, any Rogues, Vagabonds, Sturdy beggers, Master­lesse men, or other notorious offendors whatsoeuer: Nor suffer any person or persons to sell or vtter any Beere or Ale, or other victuall by Deputation, or by colour of his or her License. And also if he shall keepe the true assise and measure in his Pots, Bread, and otherwise, in his vttering of his Ale, Beere and Bread; and the same Beere and Ale to sell by scaled measure, and according to the assise, and not otherwise. And shall not vtter or sell any strong Beere or strong Ale aboue the peny the quart, and small Beere or small Ale aboue a halfe-peny the quart, and so after the same rates. And also shall not vtter nor willingly suffer to be vttered, drunke, taken, and tipled any Tobacco within his said House, Shop, Cellar, or other place thereunto belonging, that then, &c.

That euery Alehouse-keeper and Uictualler so to be Licensed, doe enter into Recognizance with two able sureties to be bound in fiue pounds a peece, & the principall ten pound at the least for the per­formance of the Condition of the said Recognizance, which shall endure but for one whole yeare, and then to determine, vnlesse it shall seeme fit to the Iustices of Peace to renew [...]he same againe by ta­king a new Recognizance of the same Condition: And whatsoeuer Date the Recognizance shall haue, it is to indure but vntill the said Monthes of Aprill and May, or one of them.

That the Clerkes of the Peace, Towne Clerkes, or their Deputies respectiuely bee called to at­tend the Iustices of Peace at such their meetings or assemblies, and that they doe there take the Re­cognizances aforesaid of euery Uictualler or Alehouse-keeper Licensed, and doe duely enter them amongst the Records of the Sessions of the Peace in their charge, whereby his Maiestie may bee duely answered of the forfeitures that shalbe made of the parties so bound.

That the Clerkes of the Peace and Towne-clerkes aforesaid, or their Deputies shall within some conuenient time after the taking of the said Recognizances, faire engrosse the Recognizance and Condition in Parchment, which they shall keepe as the Originall, and send a true Copie of the said Recognizance examined with the said Originall, to euery Alehouse-keeper allowed, whereby he may the better enforme himselfe what he and his sureties are bound to obserue.

That the Clerkes of the Peace, and Towne-clerkes or their deputies doe write out and bring with them to euery Sessions of the Peace, or other meeting of the Iustices, a Register Booke con­teyning the true names, surnames and places where euery Alehouse-keeper or Uictualler that is Li­censed doth dwell, to the end it may appeare to the Iustices of the Peace who be Licensed, and by whom, and who be not, and what other alterations haue beene from time to time for the placing of men of honest and good conuersation, and displacing others of ill behauiour.

That the Clerkes of the Peace and Towne clerkes, and their Deputies may take of euery Ale­house-keeper for their fee, for performing of the seruices aforesaid at the time of the acknowledge­ment of the said Recognizances, the fee of eighteene pence and no more, ouer and aboue the fee of twelue pence allowed for the Iustices clerkes by the Statute, which shalbe paide to the said Iusti­ces clerkes.

[Page]That in case the Alehouse-keeper not knowing of the Iustices meeting, or being hindred by sick­nesse or other such like impediment shall faile of admittance at the generall or publike assemblies, and shall notwithstanding bee admitted or Licensed by two Iustices of the Peace (whereof one to be of the Quorum) The Recognizance with condition faire engrossed in Parchment in the forme pre­scribed as aforesaid shall forthwith or at the next Sessions at the furthest be returned to the clerkes of the Peace, or the Towne-clerkes respectiuely vnder the hands of the Iustices, before whom such Recognizance was taken, together also with the said Fee of eighteene pence for the entring, re­gistring, making and deliuering of a copie vnder his hand to the Alehouse-keeper as aforesaid.

That none be Licensed or allowed to keepe an Alehouse that hath not one conuenient lodging at least in his or their houses, for the lodging of any passenger or traueller, and to haue alwaies in her or their houses good and wholesome small Beere or Ale of two quarts for a peny, for the reliefe of the Laborer, Trauailer or others that call for the same.

That the Iustices of Peace within their seuerall Precincts, doe not permit or suffer any vn­licensed Alehouse-keeper, or Uictualer, to sell Beere or Ale, but that they proceed against them, by all due and lawfull meanes whatsoeuer: And that they be very carefull, from time to time, to cause the Brewers to be proceeded against, in their generall and Quarter Sessions, for deliuering Beere, or Ale, to such vnlicenced persons, according to the Statute in that case prouided.

That the Clerkes of the Peace, and Towne-Clerkes respectiuely doe once euery yeere, in Tri­nitie Terme, make and bring in a Briefe, of all such Recognizances, as shall be taken within eue­ry County, Citie, and Towne corporate, into the Office of the Patentees (appointed by them for that purpose) to the end all concealements of Recognizances, taken in that behalfe, may be dis­couered; and the benefit accruing vnto his Maiestie, by such as wilfully breake the same, may bee more duely prosecuted: Of which, that his Highnesse be not defrauded, Order is giuen to the Patentees that with the allowance of the chiefe Iustice of the Kings Bench, there be appointed Committees in euery Countie, for the recouerie thereof, from time to time.

That the Iustices of Assise in their Circuits, and Iustices of Peace, at their generall Sessions of the Peace, doe from time to time, enquire of the due execution of these presents, and of all other abuses, disorders, and misdemeanors whatsoeuer, committed, or suffered, against the prouisions aforesaid, and the true meaning of them.

God saue the King.

❧Imprinted at London by Bonham Norton and Iohn Bill, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie. ANNO. M.DC.XVIII.

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