By the Kings Maiesties Commissioners, for trans­posing and changing the dayes and times of Faires, Marts, or Markets, vpon reasonable Compositions, and establishing of them.



WHEREAS diuers Grants haue formerly beene made, aswell from his Maiestie as his Progenitors, vnder the great Seale of England, vnto sundry Bodies Politique and Corporate; and vnto priuate persons, of Faires, Marts, & Mar­kets; to be kept within seuerall Townes within his Maiesties Dominions of England and Wales, for the benefit of his Subiects in generall.

His Maiestie being lately informed, that sundry of the said Faires, Marts, & Mar­kets; throught the improuidence of the first Procurers; or by other accidents, are found inconueniently appointed for the daies of the weeke, and times and seasons of the yeare: rather to the subiects preiudice then benefit.

His Maiestie therefore (nothing more desiring, then the ease, benefit and content­ment of his Subiects, in case of this nature, so much concerning the publique Com­merce in generall) hath beene sithence graciously pleased to graunt his Commission, vnder his great Seale of England, directed to some of his learned Councell, and others whose names are here vnder subscribed: Giuing them thereby authority to compound & agree for reasonable fines, with all & euery person and per­sons; Bodies Politique and Corporate, and others houlding any Faires, Marts, or Markets by graunt or prescription from his Maiestie or any his Predecessors, for altering, transposing, changing, & accommodating such Faires, Marts, or Markets, to such dayes of the weeke and times of the yeare as might become most commodious and beneficiall for his subiects, without speciall suite to be made therefore.

These are therefore to giue notice vnto all such as shall be desirous to alter, transpose, or change their Faires Marts, and Markets to more conuenient dayes, times and seasons, by new graunts from his Maiestie then formerly they haue beene. That they repaire vnto the house of Mistris Peirce in Chancery Lane neare vnto the Subpena Office, where one of the Commissioners will attend, that they may be reasonably dealt withall, according to the tenor of his Ma­iesties gracious Commission in that behalfe made.

The Commissioners for this Graunt.
  • Sir Henry Yeluerton Knight, his Maiesties Atturney Generall.
  • Sir Thomas Couentry Knight Solicitor.
  • Sir Edward Mosley Knight, Atturney of the Duchy.
  • Sir Robert Dowglas Knight, Treasurer of his Highnesse houshold.
  • Esquires.
    • William Allison.
    • William Angell,
  • Gentlemen.
    • Thomas Powell,
    • Daniell Powell,
    • Iohn Hill,
    • Richard Downes

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