By his Maiesties Commissioners for granting of Faires and Markets.



THE KINGS most Excellent Maiestie, tendring and affec­ting the Ease, Contentment, and Security of His louing Subiects, and His Maiesty out of his great Wisedome and Care for this Weale-publike, and for Increase of Com­merce, by way of Commutation, and buying and selling betweene his said Subiects, by all good and lawfull meanes, in all the parts within these his Kingdomes, where and when it is wanting and most necessary. TO which purpose His Maiesty, knowing that Faires & Markets in sundry places of this His Kingdome, and Dominion of Wales, as the principall meanes of Inland Trade, haue beene by his Princely Progenitors out of their speciall Grace in some measure formerly erected, when this Kingdome did not so abound in people as sithence, and at this present (thanks be to God) they doe: AND now His gracious Maiesty hauing also taken speciall Care and Knowledge, and with the aduice of some of his most Honourable Priuy Counsell, and Councell Learned, and at the humble suite of some of his Subiects, that many of his Subiects haue desired, and doe desire for Conueniencie and Ease to them, as well the increase of the number of some more Markets and Faires in places conuenient to them that haue, as also granting de Novo, in meete place where are none, with Confirmations to those which haue or doe vse and claime to haue Market and Faires without his spe­ciall License, by vsurping on His Maiesties Prerogatiue Royall therein: Whereby they are subiect to His Writte of Quo Warranto, and the penalties of the Lawes prouided in that behalfe: Is therefore graciously pleased, and hath thought fit by his Letters Pattents, vnder His great Seale, by way of Commission direc­ted to His Atturny Generall, Solicitor Generall, and other Gentlemen of quality, of his Seruants and some others, to whose wisedomes and discrection his Highnesse hath giuen power and authority, and Committed same, to Compound and Agree with all such persons of Quality and Worth, as to them shall seeme good, in Legall and Conuenient manner, with necessary Cautions for new Granting and E­recting, or Altering, Confirming and Renewing Markets and Faires in all Conuenient and Necessary places, as to their Wisedomes and Discrections, vpon due examination shall seeme fit for the ease and good of his said Subiects, and for the better encrease of Domesticke Commerce, which hath beene in all times a great helpe to populous Kingdomes and Common-wealths; and that such Grants as his Maiesties said Com­missioners shall thinke fit to be made in this behalfe, HE is graciously pleased shall be past vnder his Great Seale of England, to them and their Heyres. For further knowledge whereof, all those whom this doth or shall concerne, may take notice heereof in more particular to be further and better satisfied by His Maie­sties Commissioners for this purpose: At the Flying Horse betweene Saint Dunstons Church, and Chan­cery Lane in Fleete-streete.

The Commissioners for this Graunt are these:
  • Sir Henry Yelverton Knight, His Maiesties Atturney Generall:
  • Sir Thomas Couentry Knight, His Maiesties Sollicitor Generall:
  • Sir Edward Moseley Knight, His Atturney of the Dutchy of Lancaster:
  • Sir Iohn Wood, Knight:
  • Sir William Alexander, Knight:
  • Sir Henry Breton, Knight.
  • Sir George Peckham, Knight,
  • Euseby Androes Esq
  • Tho: Wiss Esquire:

God saue the King.

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