¶ By the Examiner and Register to the Commissioners assigned and to be assigned for the execution of the Statutes
against BANKRVPTS.
THe Kings most Excellent Maiestie, whose princely care and study is and alwayes hath beene to ease and releeue his louing Subiects in all their necessities, and to preuent all mischiefes and inconueniences which may befall vnto them: being certified by the right honourable Francis Lord Verulam Lord Chancellor of England, the right honourable Sir Henry Mountague Knight, Lord chiefe Justice of his Maiesties Bench, Sir Anthony Benn Recorder of the Citie of LONDON, and Sargeants and others learned in the Lawes:
That in respect the Commissioners appointed for the execution of the Statutes against Bankrupts haue power to sell the lands, goods, chatels, debts and estates of all such as shall become Bankrupt, and are not bound to make any returne of their Commissions, nor of any of their doings, into any of his Maiesties Courts of Record, as all other Commissioners doe, but all their proceedings doe remaine in scattred papers, some with the Commissioners themselues, some with a Clerke of their owne appointment, and some with the Creditors, in such sort as those which doe buy the lands, goods, chattels, debts, and estates of such Bankrupts, being oftentimes called in question for them againe by the Bankrupt or his friends, haue no meanes to furnish themselues with the Copies of the arts and proceedings of the Commissioners, whereby they should defend their titles and interests to the same, neither are the copies thereof, as they haue beene vsed and made, so authentike as may be giuen in euidence at trials, or pleaded.
And that diuers other his Maiesties louing Subiects, who are often grieued and preiudiced by the decrees and orders of the Commissioners, and yet cannot see them in respect no record nor memoriall certaine hath beene kept of them.
In regard whereof, it hath beene by the said Lord Chancellor, Lord chiefe Iustice, and the rest, thought very necessary and fit that there should be an Officer made and appointed who shall be known by the name or title of Examiner and Register to the Commissioners for Bankrupts, and be sworne and inioyned faithfully to register all the proceedings vpon such Commissions, and keepe them together in some conuenient place or Office, where any of his Maiesties louing Subiects that shall haue occassion may repaire to search and take copies thereof.
Vpon which certificate made vnto his Maiestie as aforesaid, his Highnesse was most graciously pleased to giue and grant his Highnesse Letters Patent vnder the great Seale of England, bearing date the sixth day of May in the sixteenth yeere of his Highnesse raigne of England, France, and Ireland, and of Scotland the one and fiftieth, the said Office of Examiner and Register to the Commissioners for Bankrupts, vnto Edward Hawkins Gent. to be executed by himselfe, his sufficient Deputie or Deputies, and none other whatsoeuer after the date of his Highnesse said Letters Patent, to entermeddle with taking any examination, setting downe, writing, drawing, or engrossing of any order or orders, decree or decrees, deed or deeds, of gift, assignement, bargaine and sale, or any other of the proceedings of, from, by, or before the Commissioners, as by his Highnesse said Letters Patent it doth and may more at large appeare.
Now these are therefore to giue notice to all whom it may concerne, that the said Office of Examiner and Register to the Commissioners for Bankrupts is kept by the said Edward Hawkins in Iuie Lane, ouer against M. Osbornes Office, neere S. Pauls Church in London.
God saue the King.