By his Maiesties Officers for Licencing of Pedlers and Petty-Chapmen.
HIs Maiesty, purposing to reforme the abuses dayly committed by Pedlers and Petty-Chapmen, which in too great numbers abound in euery part of this kingdome. Is gratiously pleased, for the seperating of honest industrious persons from wandring roagues and vagabonds, that a competent number of such persons as shall procure Certificates vnder the hands and seales of two Iustices of peace of the Country where they most vsually reside, to testisie their fitnesse to vse the said Trade: and shall become bound to his Maiesty before his said Officers, with two sufficient suerties to continue of good behauiour, shall bee Licensed to vse the said Trade, during their naturall liues.
To which end, his Malesty with the aduice of his learned Counsell, hath by his Highnesse Letters Patents vnder the great Seale of England, erected an Office for euer to endure; and to be kept in London, and in any other places within the Realme of England and Wales; And hath therein authorised certaine Officers for tearme of yeares, as wel to grant Licenses vnder the Seale of the said Office vpon the cautions aforesaid, vnto such honest Persons as shall repaire vnto them: As also to restraine and cause all such persons to be suppressed and punished as Rogues, according to the lawes in that case prouided: who shall presume to trauell and exercise the said Trade in England or Wales, not being therevnto licensed as aforesaid.
For the better execution whereof, his Maiesty by his said Letters Pattents doth require all Iustices of Peace Maiors, Sheriffes, Bayliffes, Constables, and all other his Officers in their seuerall places to be ayding and assisting.
The Office for granting the said Licences, is kept at one M r. Thomas Whitleys house ouer against Saint Stephens Church, in Walbrooke London.
God saue the King.