❧ By the King.
¶ A Proclamation declaring His Maiesties plea­sure concerning Sir Walter Rawleigh, and those who aduentured with him.

WHereas We gaue Licence to Sir Walter Rawleigh, Knight, and [...] of Our Subiects with him, to vndertake a Voyage to the Cou [...]rey of Guyana, where they pretended great hopes & probabilities to m [...]e discouery of certaine Gold Mines, for the lawfull enriching of them [...]lues and these Our Kingdoms: Wherein We did by expresse limitat [...] and Caution restraine, and forbid them and euery of them, from a [...]empting any Acte of hostilitie, wrong, or violence whatsoeuer, vpon [...]ny of the Territories, States, or Subiects of any forraine Prince [...]th whom We are in amitie: And more peculiarly of those of our deare Brother the King of [...]paine, in respect of his Dominions and Interests in that Continent.

All which notwithstanding, we are since informed by a Common fame, that they, or some [...]them haue, by an hostile inuasion of the towne of S. Thome (being vnder the obedience of [...] deare Brother the King of Spaine) and by killing of diuers of the inhabitants therof, his S [...]ects, and after by sacking and burning of the said towne, (as much as in them for their owne pa [...]ay; malitiously broken and infringed the Peace and Amity, which hath been so happily estab [...]hed, and so long inuiolably continued betweene Vs and the Subiects of both Our Crownes.

We haue therefore held it fit, as appertaining neerely to Our Royall Iustice and Hou [...] eftsoones to make a publique declaration of Our owne vtter mislike and detestation of the s [...] insolences,[?] and excesses, if any such haue bene by any of Our Subiects committed: And for t [...] better detection and clearing of the very trueth of the said common fame; Wee doe hereby s [...]itly charge and require all Our Subiects whatsoeuer, that haue any particular vnderstandi [...] [...] notice therof, vpon their duety and alleagiance which they owe Vs, immediately after publi [...]tion of this Our pleasure, to repaire vnto some of Our Priuy Counsell, and to discouer and make knowne vnto them their whole knowledge and vnderstanding concerning the same, vnde [...]ing of our High displeasure and indignation; that Wee may thereupon proceede in Our P [...]ly Iustice to the exemplary punishment and coertion of all such, as shal be conuicted and found [...]ty of so scandalous and enormous outrages.

God saue the King.

¶ Imprinted at London by Bonham Norton, and Iohn Bill, deputie Printers for the Kings most Excellent Maiestie.


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