¶ By the Lords of His Maiesties Priuie Councell.

WHereas in diuers Ports of this Kingdome, the Officers of the said Ports doe exact a certaine pettie duety, commonly called Head-money, vpon euery Passenger, aswell at their going forth, as at their entrance into the King­dome, which is now absolutely taken away and ablished, by a Treatie some few yeeres since made and concluded betwixt His Maiestie and the most Christian French King, that now is, both in these His Maiesties King­domes, as also in the Realme of France, and all other Dominions belong­ing to that Crowne, as concerning those of the English and French Na­tion: These shall bee to let you knowe, that His Maiestie intending (as al­waies hee hath done) really to obserue the said Treaty in that and all o­ther Articles therein contained, hath giuen strait charge and com­mandement, that no Officer, nor other person whomsoeuer, shall presume hereafter to exact or de­mand the said Head-money, vpon any Subiects of His good Brother the most Christian French King, that shall haue occasion to passe at that Port, or any the members thereof, either at his going forth or landing, but that it may bee free for all such persons, of what condition or degree soeuer, against whome there shall bee no other particular cause of restraint to passe, as aforesaid, without the ex­action of this or any duetie of the like nature whatsoeuer. To which His Maiesties Royall plea­sure and expresse commandement; Wee doe in his Highnesse name straitly charge and command you and euery of you, whome it may concerne, to conforme your selues, that you doe not henceforth demaund, or suffer to be demaunded the said pretended duetie, commonly called Head-money, nor a­ny thing in the nature or Lieu thereof, as you will answere the contrary at your perill, and as you will auoid His Maiesties high displeasure.

To all Maiors, Portreeues, Customers, Comptrollers, Searchers of Ports, and all other His Maiesties Officers whom it may concerne, and to euery of them.
  • G. Cant.
  • Pembroke.
  • Th. Edmonds.
  • Fr. Bacon, Canc.
  • T. Arundell.
  • Tho. Lake.
  • T. Suffolke.
  • Iames Hay.
  • Iul. Caesar.
  • Lenox.
  • F. Cary.

❧ Imprinted at London by Bonham Norton, and Iohn Bill, Deputies and Assignes of Robert Barker, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie. AN. DOM. M.DC.XVII.

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