[...] receiue, and take the moietie, or one halfe thereof, according to the true meaning of this our graunt of and from the Marchants and owners of the goods in the Shippes, Hoyes, Barkes and vessells, from time to time, according to the quantitie of the goods and Marchandizes wherewith the said Shippes, Hoyes, Barkes or vessells shall be fraught or laden.
And that the said persons hereafter named, their or either of their Executors, Administrators or Assignes, substitute or substitutes one or more of them shall or may likewise lawfully demaund, receiue and take of euery Shippe, Hoye, Barke, Fisherman or vessell being the Shippe, Hoye, Barke or vessell of any Aliene, Denizen or stranger, not being our naturall borne Subiects, that shall happen to sayle, or passe from Port to Port, by or alongst the said
North Coast, the like dutie of one pennie upon the Tunne, in the voyage outward and inward, as aforesaid, which we will and ordaine, for vs, our Heyres, and Successors, shall be collected and taken by the persons hereafter named, their Exequetors, Administrators, Debutis, or Assignes, at or in the Port, Harbour, Creeke, or Roade within any part of our Dominions where the said Shippes, Hoyes, Barkes or vessells of any such stranger, shall harbor or put in, although the same Shippe, or vessell shall not there be vnladed or discharged of any the goods or Merchandizes, wherewith it shall be fraught or laden.
And that the same dutie of one pennie vpon the Tunne as aforesaid being once paide, and the receipt thereof being testified by those who shall be appoynted to receiue the same, the said Masters and owners of Shippes and other vessells, as well our naturall borne Subiects as strangers, shall be then freed and discharged of and from the payment of the said dutie, in euery or any Port or Ports in which the said Shippes or vessells, shall or may happen or come in euery or any such voyage as aforesaid.
KNOVV YEE therefore that wee as well in consideration of the premises, as for diuers other good causes and considerations vs hereunto mouing of our speciall grace, certaine knowledge and meere motion, haue giuen and graunted, and by these presents for vs, our Heires & Successors, wee doe giue & graunt vnto our trustie & welbeloued seruants
Sir VViliam Erskin Knight, and
Iohn Meldrum Esquire, their Executors, Administrators and Assignes, as well in regard of the true, faithfull, and acceptable seruice by the said
Sir William Erskine &
Iohn Meldrum to vs heeretofore done, and as being the first suters vnto vs for the erecting and setting vp of
Light-houses at or neer
Winterton aforesaide, as also for other good causes and considerations vs thereunto mouing free libertie, licence, power and authoritie, that they or any of them shall and may lawfully make, builde, erect, set vp, remoue, and maintaine, or cause to be made, builded, erected, set vp, remoued and maintained in all such place and places of the said
North Coast within the compasse of two miles of the Towne of
Winterton in our County of
Norfolke as to them shall seeme most fit, needfull and requisite, such and so many conuenient
Light-howses, with continuall
Lights to be burning in them during all the night time, whereby the said Seafaring men may take notice and be warned of the dangers thereabouts and so be the more able to auoide and escape them, and the said ships and vessells may the better ariue & come into their Ports and Harbors without perill, as to them the said
Sir William Erskine and
Iohn Meldrum, their Executors, Administrators and Assignes or any of them shall be thought fit, requisite and needfull.
And for the great & continuall charges to be from time to time susteyned & borne in & about the erecting and maintaining of the said
Lights and
Light-howses, we doe for vs, our Heires, and Successors will, ordaine, giue and graunt to the said
Sir VVilliam Erskine and
Iohn Meldrum, their Executors, Administrators, Deputies and Assignes full power and authoritie, that they and euery of them shall and may lawfully demaunde, receiue, haue and take of, and from the Masters and Owners of Shippes, Hoyes, Barkes, Fishermen, and other Vessells passing or sayling by or alongst the said
North Coast one pennie vppon the Tunne according to the burthen of the same Ships or vessels for euery whole voyage inward & outward as aforesaid, to be from time to time answered and payd either in such Port or places where the same Ship or Vessell shall be fraught or laden, or else in such Port or place where the same Ship or Vessell shall be discharged and vnladen as aforesaid. Neuerthelesse our will and pleasure is that for the erection, reparation, renewing remouing and continuall mayntenance of all or any such
Light-house or
Light-houses heretofore erected & set vp, or which hereafter shall or may be erected, renued, altered, remoued and mayntained, at or neer
Winterton, or within two miles compasse of the same as aforesaid, no other or further dutie or payment to be demaunded or taken of our subiects or others, then the aforesaid dutie or payment of one penny in the Voyage vpon the Tunne outward and inward as aforesaid.
AND WE doe further of our speciall grace, certaine knowledge, & meere motion for vs, our Heires, and successors, giue & grant vnto the said
Sir William Erskine and
Iohn Meldrum, their executors, administrators and assignes, full power and authoritie that they and euerie of them at their wills and pleasures shall or may lawfully erect, set vp, alter, change, renue and remoue by or at their proper costs and charges, and by and with the aduise and direction of expert and skillfull Seafaring men, dwelling or trading vpon the aforesaid Coast, such and so many
Lights and
Light-houses, at or neere
Winterton aforesaid; or within the compsse of two miles thereof as aforesaid, as shall be thougt fit and as iust occasion or necessitie shall require. To haue, hold, exercise and enioy the said liberties, licences, powers & authorities, & the said dutie or payment of one pennie vpon the Tunne as aforesaid before by these presents giuen and granted and euerie of them vnto the said
Sir William Erskine and
Iohn Meldrum their Executors, Administrators & Assignes, for & during the full end and tear me of fiftie yeares from the date of these presents fully to be compleate & ended.
AND for asmuch as any other order or course cannot well be taken for the due leauiyng of the said dutie or payment of one penny vpon the Tunne in the Voyage outward and inward as aforesaid for and towards the effecting and continuance of this so good and necessarie a worke, then by appoynting the payment and collection of the same, to be had & made within the Ports, Harbors, Roades and Creekes, vnto the which the said Ships, Barkes, and Vessells shall or doe come and arriue, we doe by these presents for vs, our Heires and Successors, will, ordaine and appoynt and also straightly charge, command, and authorise all and euery the Customers, Collectors, Controulers, Receiuers of entries of ships, Water-baylifes & al other the officers whatsoeuer of and concerning the Customes to vs, our Heires & Successors, and all other the Wardens or keepers of any our Hauens and Ports now being, and which from the time hereafter shall be as well in our seuerall Ports of
London &
New-castle, as in all and euery other the Ports, Harbors, Creekes, Roades, and places within our Realme of
England to whome it shall or may appertaine, that they or some of them being first lawfully deputed and appoynted by the said persons herein before named, their Executors, Administrators or Assignes, or some of them for the leuying and receiuing the said dutie of one pennie vpon the Tunne as aforesaid from time to time & at al tunes hereafter during the said terme of fiftie yeares before such time as they or any of them shall or may giue any Cocket or other discharge whatsoeuer, or before they shall receiue or take any entry respectiuely of or for any Ship, Barke or Vessell which hereafter shall passe or repasse by or alongst the
North Coast aforesaid shall demaund, collect and receiue the said dutie and allowance of one pennie vpon the Tunne in the voiage, outward and inward herein before specified, respectiuely of and for all and euery such Ship, Hoye Barke, or Vessell, belonging to any Merchant, Fisherman, or other person or persons our naturall borne Subiects, Denizens and Strangers as shall sayle and teade from Port to Port by or along the Coast aforesaide, except the Maister or Owner of the same Ship, Barke or Vessell shall produce & shew forth a receipt or acquittance of and for the payment of the said dutie vnder the hand and seale of such officer or officers as shall be deputed and appoynted by the said persons herein before named, their Executors, Administrators or Assignes in euery or any such Custome-house or place from whence the said Shipe or Vessell shall come testifiing the payment and receipt thereof to be there duly had and made.
And that all and euery such Customer, collector, or other officer in our said Custome-houses to be appoynted and deputed as aforesaid, shall yeeld and make iust and true accompts and payments, of all and every such collections sum & summes of money, as by him
[Page]them or any of them, shall be collected or receiued from time to time, vnto the said
Sir William Erskine Knight, and
Iohn Meldrum their Executors, Administrators or Assignes, to be by them, either or any of them, receiued and reteyned to their owne proper vse and behoofe, for & in respect of their great and continuall charges, to be susteined and borne, in erecting, renewing, altering, remouing and continuall maintaining of the said
Light-houses and
Lights, in the night season as aforesaid, without any accompt or other thing therefore, or for any part thereof by them to be made or giuen for the same, other then the yearely rent hereby to vs our Heyres and Successors receiued, yeelding, and paying therefore vnto vs, our Heires and Successors, the yearely rent or summe of six pounds thirteene shillings and foure pence of lawfull money of
England, at the receipt of our Exchequer at
Westminster, or to our Receiuer or Receiuers, of our Countie of
Norffolke for the time being, at the feast of the Annunciation of the blessed virgine
Mary, and at
S. Michaell the
Arch-Angell, by even and equall proportion, during the said terme, or within thirty dayes next after eyther of the said feastes.
And to the end, that the said
S VVilliam Erskine and
Iohn Mledrum, their Executors, Administrators and Assignes, shall and may the better haue & enioye the full force, benifit and effect of this our present graunt; and to the intent and purpose, that the Master, Wardens and Assistants of the Trinitie House of
Debtford Strond aforesaid, and all others whosoeuer, may be restrayned during the terme of Fiftie yeares aforesaid, from continuing, reparing, renuing, remouing and maynteyning, any
Light-house or
Light-houses already erected and set vp, since
March last, within the space of two Miles of the Towne of
Winterton aforesaid, and from erecting and setting vp during the said terme, any other new
Light-house or
Light-houses, at or neere the said Towne, or within two miles thereof and of and from the receiuing, hauing or taking, by any wayes, meanes, or pretences whatsoeuer, any collection, contribution, sume or sumes of money whatsoeuer for the same, during the said Terme of Fiftie yeares before specified, notwithstanding any former course, taken or had, by, or for the said Master, Wardens and Assistants of the Trinitie house of
Debtford Srond aforesaid, for the
Light-houses since
March last by them ecected, at or neere
VVinterton aforesaid.
Wee doe by these presents, for vs, our Heires and Successors, authorize, the Lords of our Priuie Councell for the time being, and wee doe also straightly charge, require and command all Mayors, Sheriffes, Iustices of peace, Captaines of our Castles, and Forts, Bayliffes and other Officers and Ministers whatsoeuer, of vs, our Heyres and Successors to whom it doth and shall appertaine, that they and euery of them bee from time to time hereafter ayding and assisting vnto the said
William Erskin Knight &
Iohn Meldrum, their and either of their Executors, Administrators and Assignes, substitutes, factors and seruants, and euery of them, in & concerning the premises vpon euery complaint to be made touching or concerning the same, according as in Iustice shall be by them or any of them desired and requested in that behalfe, and these presents or the intolement thereof shall be vnto them and euery of them a sufficient warrant and discharge for the doing, performing and executing the same.
AND lastly we doe hereby signifie and declare our expresse will and pleasure to be, and we doe for vs, our Heires and Successors, straightly charge and command the said Maister, Wardens, and Assistants of the Trinitie house of
Debtford-Strond and their successors, that they and euerie of them, their factors and seruants appoynted by them shall and doe immediately from henceforth surcease and desist as well of and from erecting or setting vp of any
Light-house or
Light-houses at
VVinterton aforesaid, or within two miles compasse thereof as aforesaid, as of and from the continuing or maintaining of any
Light or
Lights burning in any
Light-house or
Light-houses since
March last by them there erected or set vp, & that they and euery of them shall for beare from henceforth to demande, receiue or take any dutie, payment allowance, or benifit of or from any our subiects or others trading or passing by or alongst the said Coast, for or in respect of the same
Light-house or
Light-houses by or vnder any colour, pretence or pretext, whatsoeuer any Act, Statute, Ordinance, Prouision, Charter and Graunt, heretofore had made, enacted, or prouided, or any other cause, consideration, matter, or thing, to the contrarie thereof in any wise, notwithstanding, & that vpon the paine and perill of incurring our high and heauie displeasure for their contempt or neglect of this our royall will and commandement herein so expresly declared in this behalfe, although expresse mention of the true yearely value or certainty of the premises or of any of them, or of any other gift or graunt by vs or any of our Progenitors or Predecessors to the aforesaid
Sir William Erskine and
Iohn Meldrum or either of them before these times made in these presents, is not made, or any Statute, Act, Ordinance, Prouision, Proclamation or Restraint heretofore had made, set forth, ordained or prouided or any other matter, cause or thing whatsoeuer to the contrarie in any wise notwithstanding.
In witnesse whereof we haue caused these our Letters to be made Patents, witnes our selfe at
18 day of
Feb. in our
15 yeare of our Raigne of
England, France and
Ireland and of
Scotland the
God saue the King.