IAMES, By the grace of God, King of England, Scotland, France and Ire­land, Defender of the Faith &c. To all and singular Archbishops, Bishops, Archocacons, Deanes and their Officials, Parsons, Vicars, Curates, and all Spirituall persons: And to all Iustices of Peace, Maiors, Sheriffes, Bailiffs, Constables, Churchwardens, and Headberowes: And to all Officers of Citties, Borroughes, Townes Corporate: And to all other our Officers Ministers and Subiects whatsoeuer they be, as well within Li­berties as without, to whom these presents shall come greeting. Whereas we haue been very credibly certified, by certificate vnder the hands of our trustie and welbeloued sub­iects, Sir Francis Darcie knight, Sir Thomas Fowler knight, Sir Lewis Lewknor knight, Sir William Slingsby knight, Sir Baptist Hickes knight, Nicholas Collyn and Thomas Saunderson Esquiers, Iustices of the Peace within our Countie of Middlesex: That our louing Subiect, Iohn Butler of Heason, in our sayd Countie Brewer, hauing heretofore bene a man of worth and estimation, is now fallen into great want and pouertie, by reason of a sodaine and most lamentable accident by fire, happening vpon Monday, being the sixtenth day of May, last past be­fore the date hereof, about ten of the clock in the night beginning first in the Brew-house and in short time increa­sed so fast and grew so vehement, that it could not be quenched, vntill it had quite burnt & consumed the said Brew-house, together with his [...]welling house, Barne, Stables, and other out-houses, and goods and Chattells therein, amounting to the valew of a thowsand pounds at the least, to the vtter vndoing of him, his poore wife and chidren, who having heretofore lived in wealth and plentie, are now like to perish for want of thinges necessary, vnlesse, the Charitable beneuolence, of our louing and well disposed subiects, be effectually extended towards them in this their great want and misery.

KNOW yae therefore, that Wee (tendring the lamentable estate of our said poore Subiect) of our especiall grace and Princly compassion haue giuen and graunted, and by these our Letters Pattents doe giue and grant vnto our said poore subiect Iohn Butler, and to his Deputy or Deputies, the Bearer or Bearers hereof, full power, licence, and authority, to aske, gather, receiue and take the almes and charitable beneuolence of all our louing Subiects whatsoeuer, inhabiting within our Counties of Middlesex, Buckingham, Northamton, Leicestor and Warwicke, with our Citty of Couentry, And all other Cities, Townes Corporate, Priuiledged places. Parishes, Villages, and other places whatsoeuer, within our said Counties and not else where, as well for and to­wards the new building of his said house, as for and towards the reliefe and maintenance of him, his poore Wife and Children.

WHEREFORE Wee will and command you and euery of you, that at such times as the said Iohn Butler, his Deputie or Deputies, the Bearer or Bearers hereof, shall come and repayre to any your Churches, Chap­pels, or other places to aske and receiue the gratuites and charitable beneuolence of our said Subiects: quietly to permit and suffer him or them so to doe, without any your lets or contradictions. And you the said Parsons, Vicars and Curates, for the better stirring vp of a charitable deuotion, deliberately to publish and declare the tenor of these our Letters Patents vnto our said subiects exhorting and perswading them to extend their liberall contributi­ons in so good and charitable a deede: And you the Churchwardens of euery Parish where such collection shall be made as aforesaid, to collect and gather the charitable deuotion and beneuolence of our said Subiects, and the same so gathered, to deliuer it to our said subiect Iohn Butler, his Deputie or Deputies the bearer or bearers hereof, when as thereunto you shall be required: Any Statute, Law, Ordinance, or prouision heretofore made to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding.

IN witnes whereof we haue caused these our Letters to be made Patents, for the space of one whole yeare next after the Date hereof to indure. Witnes our selfe at Westminster the fifteenth day of Iune, in the foureteenth yeare of our Raigne of England, France, and Ireland, and of Scotland the nine and fortieth.


God saue the King.

At London Printed by T.P.

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