❧ By the King.
❧ A Proclamation concerning The Kings Euill.

WHereas such people as repaire to His Ma­iestie for healing of THE KINGS EVILL, haue in former times forborne to approch or offer themselues to the former Kings of this Realme, during the Summer time, in respect of danger, and inconuenience, which order hath bene of late neglected, and such people vseth to repaire indifferently at all times: There­fore his Maiestie doeth declare and forbid, That hereafter no such person make their re­paire vp for healing, betweene the Feasts of Easter and Michaelmas, for the which al­though it had bene ynough for His Maiestie to haue signified His pleasure for recontinu­ing the said order vnto the Clearke of His Closet, or His Chirurgions in that behalfe; Yet His Maiestie doubting that some such weake and infirme persons may come vp from remote parts, and thereby leese their trauaile, is pleased out of His goodnesse, to publish this Order by His Highnesse Proclamation.

God saue the King.

❧ Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie.

ANNO DOM. 1616.

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