WHereas it hath pleased His Maiestie, by His Proclamation bearing date the xv. day of May 1609. to publish His pleasure touching the ordinary Posts of this Realme, for the orderly carrying of Letters and Packets to, and from the parts beyond the Seas, intending thereby the generall quiet of His Realme, the aduancement of His owne Seruice, and the lawfull Trafique of all honest Merchants, forbidding also all others whatsoeuer, to entermeddle therewithall, not hauing speciall and sufficient Warrant, as in, and by the said Proclamation vnder His Maiesties owne hand more at large appeareth; which notwithstanding, sundry disauowed persons, especially of late times, doe come from forraine parts without Authoritie, and contrary to the Entercourse, haue vsed, and doe still continue secretly, and suspiciously to take vp, and conuey Letters and Packets, to the manifest hinderance of His Maiesties Seruice; which by their meanes lyeth open to all kinde of secret and dangerous practises, the apparant wrong of His Maiesties Officer, (who hath taken great paines in setling the businesse with most conueniencie for His Highnesse Seruice) and the disturbance of the said ordinary Posts in performing their dueties; the speciall default whereof, is found to grow through the want of due regard in those to whom the same was recommended. For redresse whereof in time to come, and for a further intimation of His Maiesties pleasure, We haue thought it most expedient (according to His Maiesties commandement) of His behalfe, and in His Name, hereby to forbid all such disauowed persons, the gathering vp, and carrying of any Letters or Packets hereafter, or any way directly, or indirectly, to intrude themselues in any such imployment; and likewise to forewarne all Merchants and others, as they tender His Maiesties Seruice, and their owne lawfull Trafique and quiet, That they doe duely obserue and performe the tenour of the said Proclamation. To which end, Wee doe by these presents authorize Our welbeloued Mathew de Quester, Post-Master for forraine Seruice, vnder His Maiesties Post-Master generall of England, to seaze, enquire out, and apprehend all such busie disauowed persons, as are not appointed and allowed of by the Post-Masters reciproquely, or by other sufficient authoritie, and them so apprehended, to stay, and commit ouer to the next Magistrates of the place, and all his, or their Letters, to seaze, and bring vnto Vs, or any of Vs, or any of His Maiesties Priuie Councell, that after view, and consideration had of them, such further order may be taken with the parties offending, as shall be found expedient according to the intent of His Maiesties said Proclamation hereunto annexed. And for the better performance fo His Maiesties pleasure herein, Wee doe hereby straightly require and command all His Maiesties Offices whom it may concerne, That they, and euery of them be ayding and assisting vnto the said Mathew de Quester, in the execution of this Seruice, as they will answere the contrary.
- G. Cant.
- T. Suffolke.
- Lenox.
- Exeter.
- E. Zouche.
- E. Wotton.
- I. Stanhope.
- Tho. Lake.
- Raphe Winwood.
God saue the King.
❧ Imprinted at London by ROBERT BARKER, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie. ANNO DOM. 1615.