❧By the King.
❧A Proclamation establishing the Continuance of His Maiesties Farthing Tokens, And prohibiting the vse of all other Tokens whatsoeuer

HAuing heretofore by two seuerall Proclamations, The first bearing Date at White-Hall the nineteenth day of May, in the eleuenth yeere of Our raigne of Great Britaine, France and Ireland, The second Dated at Our Mannor of Greenewich, the one and twentieth day of Iune, in the twelfth yeere of Our raigne, published Our Royall Will and pleasure, touching the vse and continuance of Our Farthing Tokens of Copper, and the suppressing of the manifold abuses committed by Tokens of Lead, Brasse, or any other Mettall, or matter which Tradesmen doe vse be­tweene them and their Customers in some derogation to Our prerogatiue Royall; Therby straight­ly forbidding and prohibiting all and euery person and persons whatsoener, to vse, deliver, or receiue any such Leaden Tokens as haue beene formerly tollerated: And yet neuerthelesse not onely the ma­king and vtterance of the said vnlawfull Tokens of Leade, or other Mettall, or matter contrary to Our said Proclamations, in contempt of Our Royall commandement, and derogation of Our Royall Prerogatiue hath beene continued; but also diuers abuses haue beene practised concerning our said Farthing Tokens, contrary to the true intent of Our said former Proclamations. To the end therfore that euery person may be left without all excuse, if againe they shall presume to infringe Our Royall commandement, Wee doe by these presents publish and declare Our Royall Will and pleasure, That all points and articles conteined in either of the said former Proclamations be duely in all things ob­serued and performed; And that the further vse and continuance of the said Leaden Tokens be vtter­ly put dowme, and abolished; And that Our Farthing Tokens shall continue without any alteration of the Stampe, and Print now vsed, according to the true intent of Our said former Proclamations; And that no person or persons shall goe about to marke, deface, boare, or clip, any of our Farthing To­kens, or to giue, or deliuer any other Tokens of their owne making, or made by others for Tickets, with any of Our Farthing Tokens, either made of Lead, Paper, or Stuffe, or Mettall whatsoeuer: And that in case any of Our said Farthing Tokens haue beene formerly defaced, clipped, boared, or a­ny wayes altered, Wee doe straightly forbid that none of the same shall be hereafter vsed or receiued: And that no person and persons shall receiue at the hands of any other person whatsoeuer, any other Farthing Tokens, or Halfe peny-Tokens, or any other Tokens then Our said Farthing Tokens, ac­cording to Our former Proclamations: and therfore We do straightly prohibit and forbid as aforesaid, all and euery person and persons whatsoeuer, aswel to vse and receiue any Tokens whatsoeuer, other then Our said Farthing Tokens, as also to make and counterfeit such Our Farthing Tokens, or the Engines and Instruments, whereby they are made, or to be made, vpon paine of condigne punish­ment for their offences in that kind; And doe likewise straightly charge and command all and singu­lar Mayors, Iustices of the Peace, Sheriffes, Bayliffes, Constables, Headboroughs, and all other Of­ficers, and Ministers to whom it shall or may appertaine, to do, their vttermost endeauour, for the discouery and searching out of all offences and offenders against this our Royall commandement, and for the due performance, and execution of the Premises.

God saue the King.

❧Imprinted at London by ROBERT BARKER, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie. ANNO DOM. 1615.

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