¶ By the King.
¶ A Proclamation commanding the due execution of two Statutes against falsifying of Wooll, and woollen Yarne, for the better maintenance of clothing.
HAuing taken into Our princely care & consideration, the maintenance and increase of the clothing of this our Kingdome, as the principall natiue commodity therof, whereunto there are principally incident two cōsiderations: The one of the manufactures depending thereupon: and the other of the materials of wooll & woollen yarne, out of which the cloath is made and wrought: And being informed of the great and intollerable abuses of the Broggers, Forestallers & Ingrossers of wool, which partlie by neglect, & partly by color of licence haue not onlie bene cause of the high prices & dearth of Woolls, to the decay and discouragement of the Clothier, but also by their sundrie falcifications and corruptions in the mixtures of the said Wools, doe daylie both deceiue the Clotheir in that he buyes, and disable him to make his Cloth of that true and perfect making which he ought: Against which inconueniences there haue bene principally deuised and enacted two Statutes: The one in the eight yeare of the reigne of King Henrie the sixt, the fift Chapter; and the other in the fift and sixt years of King Edward the sixt, intituled an Act limiting the times for buying and selling of Wools. Wee therefore out of Our Royall zeale to the common good of Our people, do by this Our Proclamation by the aduice of Our Priuie Council, publish and declare, and straightly charge and command, aswell our Treasurer of England, Chancellor of our Exchequer, & all other our Iudges, Barons of our Exchequer, our Attorney general, Our Iustices, Officers, and Ministers, according to the seuerall dueties of thier places, respectiuely: as also all Our subjects in generall, to vse their best care and diligence, that the said Statutes before mentioned, be duelie kept & obserued, & diligently and carefullie prosecuted and put in execution, vpon paine, not only of the penalties and forfeitures in the said Statutes conteined, but also of our high indignation, and such prosecution and censure as shall be fitt.
Giuen at Our Mannor at Greenewich, the xxxi. day of May, in the thirteenth yeare of Our Raigne of England, France and Ireland, and of Scotland the 48.
God saue the King.
Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, Printer to the Kings most excellent Maiestie. ANNO DOM. 1615.