❧ By the King.
A Proclamation against the vse of Pocket-Dags.
WHereas the bearing of Weapons couertly, and specially of short Dagges, and Pistols, (truely termed of their vse, pocket Dagges, that are apparantly made to be caried close, and secret) hath euer beene, and yet is by the Lawes and policie of this Realme straitly forbidden, as carying with it ineuitable danger in the hands of desperate persons. We are neuerthelesse giuen to vnderstand, that the vse of them is suddenly growen very common: So as for the gaine comming thereof, both many are daily made and wrought within the Kingdome, and as many brought in from forraine parts. And some persons being questioned for bearing of such about them, haue made their excuse, That being decayed in their estates, and indebted; and therefore fearing continually to be Arrested, they weare the same for their defence against such Arrests. A case so farre from iust excuse, as it is of it selfe a grienous offence for any man to arme himselfe against Justice, and therefore deserues (without more) sharpe and seuere punishment. But besides this euill consequence (which alone is not to be neglected.) We have iust cause to prouide also against those deuilish spirits, that maligning the quiet and happines of this Estate, may vse the same to more execrable endes. And therefore by this Our Proclamation, We doe straitly charge and commaund all Our subiects and other persons whatsoever, that they neither make, nor bring into this Realme, any Dagges, Pistols, or other like short Gunnes, by what name soeuer they be, or may bee called or knowen, which are not, or shall not bee of the full lenght of twelue inches in the Barrell at the least: And that no person or persons shall beare or carry, about him or them, any such. And further, We doe will and commaund all and euery Our subiects, and others whomsoeuer, that haue or possesse any such in their owne hands, or in the hands of any other to their vse, That they do before the Feast of the purification of the blessed Virgin MARY next ensuing the date hereof, either breake the same in pieces, so as they may not bee vsed in any wise to shoot withall: Or else that they deliuer and yeeld vp the same to some Justice of the Peace, Mayor, Baliffes, or their principall Officer, of, or neere the Countie, Citie, Towne, or place of his, or their abode, respectiuely, there to remaine in safe custodie, vpon paine of Our heauie displeasure, and of such imprisonment, penalties, and other punishments, as are due to the contemners of Our Royall Commandements.
Giuen at Newmarket the sixteenth day of Ianuary, in the tenth yeere of Our Reigne of Great Britaine, France, and Ireland.
God saue the King.
¶ Imprinted at Lodon by Robert Barker, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie.
ANNO DOM. 1612.