¶ By the King.
¶ A Proclamation for Buildings.

THE Kings Maiestie perceiuing the generall commoditie which would growe to this Citie, if the vse of building with Bricks, in and about the said Citie and Suburbs thereof, were more practised and put in vse, and Timber preserued and spared, which by great waste and vnnecessary expence thereof, is growen very scant within this Realme: And chiefely also obseruing, how much it would grace and beautifie His Citie of London, being the principall place of this Kingdome, for the reforte and entertaine­ment of forreine Princes, States, and Ambassadours, which vpon seue­rall and diuers occasions, doe from time to time come into this Realme, if the foreparts or forefronts of the houses of this Citie and Suburbs thereof, bending and looking towards the streets, were all builded with Bricke. The said building with Bricke being also (as experience daily prooueth) both more durable, and more safe and defensable against fire, and of little more charge then the building with Timber: Doeth therefore straitly prohibite and forbid all persons whomsoeuer, that they nor any of them shall, or doe at any time, after the first day of August next comming, build, erect, or set vp, or cause to be builded, erected, or set vp, any House, Habitation, or Shoppe, or whole Story, of any building ioyning vpon any streete or streetes of the Citie of London, or the Liberties or Suburbs thereof, either in or vpon any ground or place, where no house or habitation, or foundation of house or habitation heretofore hath beene, or in, or vpon any olde or newe foundation whatsoeuer: Except the said House, Habitation, Shop, or Story, so to be builded as is aforesaid, or at the least the forefronts or forepart thereof, bending and looking into the saide streete or streetes be wholy built of Bricke, or of Bricke and Stone, or one of them, vpon paine of his Maiesties high displeasure, and of such paines penalties and imprisonments, as by the lawes of this Realme can or may be inflicted vpon the offen­dors therein, for their contempt and disobedience in that behalfe.

And his Maiestie doeth also forbid all Carpenters, Labourers, and Workemen whatsoeuer, That they nor any of them doe attempt or doe any Labour or Worke, in, or about the Building or setting vp of any houses within the said Citie and places aforesaid, contrary to this his Highnesse Proclamation, vpon paine of such punishment and imprisonment, as by the Lawes of this Realme may or can bee inflicted vpon them in that behalfe. And his Maiestie doeth also commaund the Lord Maior and Aldermen of London, and all his Maiesties Iustices of Peace, hauing authority within the said City or the places aforesaid, That they, and euery of them respectiuely doe cause this his Maiesties Com­mandement to bee strictly obserued, and duely executed, according to the tenor and true meaning hereof, without delay.

Prouided alwayes neuerthelesse, and his Maiesties pleasure is, That this his Highnesse Procla­mation, or any thing therein conteined, shal not extend to any Houses, Habitations, Shops, or Stories of buildings, which from and after the sayd first day of August next comming, shall happen to be buil­ded or erected in any Alley or Alleys, or other so obscure & meane a Lane, as is not fit for such building.

God saue the King.

❧ Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie.

Anno Dom. 1611.

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