¶ By the King.

WHereas We are dayly informed by the Offi­cers of Our Mint and otherwise, That aswell diuers of Our na­turall borne Subiects, both Goldsmithes, Merchants, and men of other Trades; As also Strangers inhabiting within this Our Realme of England, haue presumed for their priuate lucre and gaine, and dayly doe presume to weigh all sorts of Moneys currant within this Our Realme of England, to the end to cull out the old and new Moneys, which either by not wearing, or by any other ac­cident in the making thereof are more weighty then the rest, Some part of which Moneyes so culled out, Wee haue found (when it pleased Our selfe to enter into the examination thereof) to be dayly openly sold to Goldsmithes, and by them imployed for the making of Plate, and Ves­sell of all sorts within this our Realme of England; And some part to be Transported into for­reine parts for priuate mens particular gaine, whereby there is a great scarsitie of good Mo­ney likely to ensue, if present remedy be not prouided for the same: Wee therefore in Our Prince­ly care intending with all conuenient speed to redresse so great and insufferable a mischiefe, Doe by this Our Proclamation make knowen vnto all men, that Our will and pleasure is, And Wee doe hereby straitly charge and command, That no Goldsmith, or other person or persons of what estate soeuer he or they bee, (other then the Master and Officers of Our Mint, for the seruice and imployment thereof) presume or enterprise to melt any Moneys of Gold or Sil­uer, being the proper Coynes of any Our Realmes or Dominions, or currant within the same, or any of them, either to make Plate or Vessell thereof, or for any other vse whatsoeuer, or doe presume to cull or chuse out from the rest any waighty Moneyes, to the intent to conuey the same out of the Realme, or to melt, or otherwise to alter it from Coyne, vpon paine of Our hea­uie displeasure, and of such paines and punishments, as vpon the contemners of Our Royall commandement, grounded vpon the publique good, may be inflicted.

God saue the King.

❧ Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie. ANNO 1611.

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