¶ By the King.
❧ A Proclamation for the Brittish Vnder­takers to repaire into Ireland.

WHereas We haue formerly published certaine Conditi­ons to be obserued by the Brittish Vndertakers of the Eschea­ted Lands in Vlster, as may appeare by a Booke thereof prin­ted in the beginning of the yeere, One thousand sixe hundred and ten, Now for the better expediting of the Plantation there, we doe will and command all such persons, as haue bin admitted to be Vndertakers, that they (either in person, or by such Agents as shall bee allowed by Our Counsell of Estate, of Our Realmes of England or Scotland respec­tiuely) doe repaire into Our Realme of Ireland, before the beginning of May next, furni­shed with all necessaries for the performance of the said printed Conditions, the Coue­nants and Limitations of their Patents and Conditions of their Bonds and euery of them. And we let you know hereby, that if any shall faile herein, Wee meane not onely to take aduantage of the forfeitures of their Patents and Bonds, but will inflict such further punishment, as is due to the contemners of Our Royall authoritie, and to the hinderers of that worke, vpon which the publike tranquillitie of that Kingdome hath so much dependeucie.

God saue the King.

❧ Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, Printer to the Kings most excellent Maiestie. Anno Dom. 1611.

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