A Proclamation touching the Kings Maiesties Audit now shortly to be holden and kept [...] in the [...] of [...] for the reuenues of his Highnesse Crowne, within the Countie of [...] for the yeare ending at the feast of Saint Michael Th'archangell now next comming. Anno domini [...]

WHere it is enacted by authority of Parliament, that euery Auditor of the reuenues of the imperiall Crown of this Realme (sometime belong­ing to the late Court of Augmentations, and now to his Highnes Court of Eschequer) shall yearely and euery yeare before the time of the Audit cause Proclamations to bee made in sundry Market Townes, in euery County within the limits and circuit of their seuerall offices, to the end and intent that all and singuler Receiuers, Bailiffes, Collectors, Recues, Farmers, and other Occupiers, Officers, and Ministers accomptable, and all others what­soeuer hauing to do at that Audit, may the better be prepared with their mony, and al other things requisite for the finishing and clearing of their accounts there, as appertaineth.

Know yee therefore that his Highnesse Auditor of the said reuenues, within the said County of [...] doth, by this present Proclamation, notifie and declare to all and singuler Mayors, Shiriffes, Receiuers, Stewards, vnderstewards, Clarkes of Courts, Woodwards, Bailifs, Collectors, Reeues, Farmers, and to all other the Kings Maiesties Officers and Subiects, that his Highnesse Audit for his foresaid reuenues, within the said County of [...] for the yeare ending at the feast of S. Michaell the Archangell now next comming shall be kept and holden at [...] in the [...] and there shall beginne vpon [...] morning, which shall bee the [...] daie of [...] next, and there continued vntill [...] at night then next following, the space of [...] whole daies. Wherefore his Highnesse said Auditor, on his Maiesties behalfe willeth and chargeth aswell al and singuler his Highnesse Stewards, vnderstewards, and Clarkes of Courts, or their sufficient Deputies, to be attendant at the Audit: and to bring thither with them, the Court Roules belonging to their seuerall Offices, for the said yeare, and all other yeares, wherof the profits be not yet answered: As also all and singuler Recei­uers, Woodwards, Bailifs, Collectors, Reeues, Bedels, Farmers and al other his Highnes Officers, Occupiers, and ministers accomptable, and all other his Subiects that owe to his Maiestie any arrerages, tenthes, rents reserued, or other duties, to appeare at the said Audit then and there to yeeld account and make paiment of the same, and of al other issues, commo­dities and profits due to his Highnesse, within the said [...] And to bring then al­so with them, all Rentals, Letters Patents, Indentures, Leases, Copies, and Extracts of Court Rouls, Warrants, Commissions, Tallies, Acquittances, and all other Writings and things concerning any of the premisses. And therof not to fail as they and euery of them tender their duties towards his Highnes, and wil auoid the forfaiture of their several fees and offices and other the penalties (by sundry good Statutes) limited for punishment af all such as do not therein according to their duties.

God saue the King.

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