❧ By the King.
❧ A Proclamation for Buildings, in and about London.

THE Kings most excellent Maiestie seeing of what necessary vse Timber is, aswel for the maintenance of the Shipping and Nauie of this Realme, being aprincipall meane for the defence thereof, As for building, and other needfull vses: And vnderstanding withall, how much and how extraor­dinarily the same hath bene and is decayed and consumed in all parts of this Realme, In so much as in the bery Citie by London (being the principall Citie of this Realme) they are now dayly driuen to builde with Beech, and other like kinde of Timber, being of small continuance, which in time will be (if the same hee not prenented) the notorious perill and decay of the same Citie: Doeth therefore straightly charge and command, that aswell all Statutes and Lawes heretofore made, and now in force, for the preser­uation of Timber, As that also concerning Inmates, and the erecting and continuing of Cottages, bee from hencefoorth duely and exaetly put in execution. Forbidding withall, that none bee so hardy vpon paine of con­tempt, and his Maiesties high displeasure, as to conuert any part of any Tree, that may serue for any vse of Timber, to any Coale or Firewood. And for the better preseruation of Timber, and to auoyd the vnnecessary consumption thereof, His Maiestie also straightly chargeth and commandeth, That betweene this and the feast of S. Michael the Archangel comming, no new house be built within the same City of London, or the Suburbs thereof, or within one mile of the same Suburbs, contrary to the Proclamations in that behalfe heretofore made. And that from and after the said feast of S. Michael the Archangel, no person shall build or erect any new House, or the forefront of any House in any new building, where any former building was, within the same City or Suburbs, or within one mile of the said Suburbs, except all the vtter walls and win­dowes thereof, and the forefront of the same be wholly made of Bricke, or Bricke and stone, And the forefront thereof in euery respect shall be made of that vniforme order and forme, as shall be prescribed vnto them for that Streete where such Building shall happen to bee, by the chiefe Magistrates of the same Citie, being within the City and the Liberties thereof, and being out of the Citie by such Iustices of the Peace or other Magi­strates , as haue the gouernment in that place, vpon paine to bee fined and imprisoned for the same, by order of the Court of Starchamber.

And to the end that some fitting and orderly course may be taken and set downe for vniformitie to bee kept in euery Street, where such Buildings shall be, His Maiestie purposeth to direct our his Commission to discreet and skilfull persons, to consider of, and set downe some fit Orders and direction for the same. And his Maiestie further expressely chargethe & commandeth all Maiors, Iustices of the Peace, Constables, Stewards of Leets and Lawdayes, and all others his Maiesties louing Subiects, to whom it shall or may appertaine, carefully to looke into, and execute the premisses, and not to permit or suffer any thing to bee done contrary to the true in­tent and meaning of this Proclamation. And that they take order that such offenders or workemen, as shall persist in doing any thing to the coutrary thereof after admonition to them in that behalfe to be giuen, be bound to appeare in the said Court of Starchamber at the next sitting day of the same Court, there to bee proceeded a­gainst as conteinners of his Maiesties erpresse commandement, Proclamation and Prerogatiue Royal.

God saue the King.

❧ Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie. ANNO 1604.

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