¶ A Publication concerning all sorts of Gold and Siluer threed, granted by his Maiesties Letters Patents, vnder the great Seale.

WHereas we haue bene informed of the manifest iniuries and wrongs done vnto vs by the secret bringing and conueying into this our Realme of England and other our Dominions of right gold threed, right siluer threed, and right gold and siluer threed, wrought and vn wrought in lace and otherwise, commonly called and knowen by the name or names of Venice gold, Venice siluer, or Venice gold and siluer, Florence gold, Florence siluer, or Florence gold and siluer, French gold, French siluer, or French gold and siluer, Millen golde, Millen siluer, or Millen golde and siluer, and Copper gold threed, and Copper siluer threed, and Copper gold and siluer threed wrought and vnwrought in lace or otherwise, commonly called or knowen by the names of Cap gold, Cap siluer, and Cap gold and siluer, Cullen gold, Cullen siluer, or Cullen gold and siluer, Bridges gold, Bridges siluer, or Bridges gold and siluer, or by what other name or names so euer, in secret and vnlawfull maner without paying the Custome and Subsidie of right due and be­longing to vs of or for the same: For remedie whereof we haue thought good by our letters patents indented vnder our great Seale of England, bearing date the 13. day of Ianuary last past, to demise and to farme let vnto Roger Pennell, and Richard Grimstone, their executors and assignes, all the Customes and subsidies which at any time or times, during the space and terme of 16. yeeres next after the feast of S. Michael the archangel last past, before the date of the said letters patents, should or ought to arise, renew, happen, grow due, or payable to vs, our heires and successors, of, for, or in respect of all or any of the said wares, commodities and marchandizes of all or any of the sorts, or kinds aforesayd, or called or knowen by any of the names aforesaid, which at any time or times during the said terme of 16. yeeres, should be brought or transported from any the parts be­yond the Seas into this Realme of England, or any of the Dominions of the same, for such yeerely rent as by the said Letters Patents is to vs, our heires and successors reserued. And whereas also by the same Letters Patents we haue straightly charged and forbidden all manner of persons other then the said Roger Pennell and Richard Grimstone, their executors, deputies, and assignes, and other then such person or persons, as within the space of fire moneths next after the publication hereof, shall become bound vnto the said Roger Pennell, and Richard Grimstone, or to the suruiuour of them, or to the assignes of them, or of the surui­uour of them, in a bond of fiue hundred pounds, of lawfull English money, for the due payment of such customes and subsidies, as by the Lawes and Statutes of this Realme ought to be answered and paid for the saide wates and commodities and euery of them, and not to vtter or sell the same wares or merchandize, or any part thereof, before such time as the same wares or merchandize shall be sealed with the seale mentioned in the sayd Letters Patents, whereof the print and stampe is set and expressed in the margent of these presents (vnlesse the saide Roger Pennell and Richard Grimstone shall neglect or refuse to seale the same) to transport or bring from any the parts beyond the Seas, and to lay on land within this our Realme of England, or any of the Dominions of the same at any time or times, during the sayd terme of sixteene yeeres, any of the said wares, commodities or merchandize, of all or any the natures, sorts or kindes aforesaid, or called or knowen by any of the names aforesayd. And whereas also by the said Letters Patents we haue graunted that it shall and may be lawfull to and for the said Roger Pennell and Richard Grimstone, their, and either of their executors, deputies, factours, and assignes, and to and for all such person and persons onely which shall so become bound, according to the purport and true meaning of the said Letters Patents, to bring or cause to be brought from the parts be­yono the Seas, into this our Realme of England, or any of the Dominions of the same, according to the Lawes and Statutes of this Realme, any of the said wares, commodities or merchandize, of all or any of the kindes or natures aforesaid, or called or knowen by any of the names aforesayd;

And further by our said Letters Patents we haue willed and commanded that no merchant, nor any other person or persons shall within the said terme of sixteene yeeres buy, acquire, obtaine or receiue within this our Realme of England, or any of the Dominions of the same, of any person or persons, to the in­tent to mechandize, bargaine, vent or vtter againe in grosse or by retaile, or to worke or make in lace or fringe, any of the saide wares, commodities or mer­chandizes of any the natures or kindes aforesaid, or called or knowen by any the names aforesaid, vnlesse the same be first marked or sealed with the saide seale, vnlesse the said Roger Pennell and Richard Grimstone, their executors, administrators, deputies, factours and assignes, shall wilfully refuse or neglect to seale the same vpon paine of our high displeasure, and to suffer such fyne and corporall punishment as offendours in case of wilfull contempt of our expresse commande­ment ought to suffer and sustaine. And moreouer by the sayde Letters Patents our will and pleasure is signified, and we thereby willed and commaun­ded that the said Roger Pennell and Richard Grimstone, their deputies, factours, seruants, and assignes, shall haue conuenient place in the custome house of Lon­don, and in all other custome houses, and places of lading or vnlading of wares elsewhere within England, or in any of the Dominions of the same, there, at their pleasure to be present, and to receiue, collect and enioy without interruption of any person or persons whatsoeuer, all the said customes and subsidies ac­cording to our said Letters Patents, and haue granted by the same Letters Pattents vnto the said Roger Pennell, and Richard Grimstone, their deputies, factors, seruants and assignes, being accompanied with the Constable, or any other our officers for the time being, in lawfull maner and from time to time, and at all times lawfull, meete and conuenient, during the said terme of sixteene yeeres, to search all shippes, vessels, boats, bottomes, houses, warehouses, shoppes or conuenient place or places whatsoeuer, for all or any of the said wares, merchandizes or commodities of any of the natures or kindes aforesayde, or called or knowen by any of the names aforesayd, whereof the customes and subsidies are granted or demised by the said Letters Patents, as shall bee brought or layd on land within this our Realme of England, or any of the dominions of the same within the said terme of 16. yeeres, by any person or persons, before the Customes and Subsides due for the same shalbe paid or compounded for, to or with the said Roger Pennell & Richard Grimstone, their executors, administrators or assignes, and to take and seaze the same.

And furthermore whereas we haue by our said Letters patents straightly charged and commanded all and euery person and persons, Merchants denizens or strangers whatsoeuer, that they or any of them doe not attempt or presume to vnship, discharge, vnlade, and lay on land any of the wares, commodities, or merchandizes before mentioned, in any Port, hauen, creeke, place or places whatsoeuer within this our Realme, before such times as the Customes and Sub­sdies due and payable for the said wares, merchandizes and commodities, and euery of them, bee duely answered, payed, or compounded for, to or with the said Roger Pennell and Richard Grimstone, or either of them, their, or either of their executors, administrators, deputies, seruants, Factors or assignes, or some, or one of them, vpon paine that euery person, or persons. Merchants denizens or strangers whatsoeuer, that shall vnlade, or lay on land any of the said Wares, merchan­dizes or commodities, the Customes and Subsidies whereof are by the said Letters patents demised and granted before such time as the Customes and sub­ [...]dies thereof shal first be duely answered, payd or compounded for, to or with the said Roger Pennel and Richard Grimstone, or either of them, their, or either of their [...]cutors, administrators, deputies, Factors or assignes, within the said terme of 16. yeeres in these presents mentioned, shall forfeit and loose all and euery the [...]me Wares, merchandizes and commodities so vnshipped, vnladen, discharged or layed on land, before such time as the Customes and Subsidies by the saide Letters patents demised and granted payable for the same Wares, merchandizes or commodities, be or shalbe first duly answered or compounded for, to or with the said Roger Pennel and Richard Grimstone, or either of them, their, or either of their executors, administrators, Factors, deputies or assignes, the one moitie of all which forfeitures to be to vs our heires and successors, to the vse of vs our heires and successors, and the other moitie of the same forfeitures to be to the said Ro­ger Pennel and Richard Grimstone, their executors, administrators and assignes, or to such other person or persons as shall first seaze the same to his or their owne vses, without any accompt thereof to vs, our heires and successors, to be rendred or payd for the same.

And whereas by our said Letters patents we haue charged and commanded all and euery Customers, Controllers, Surueyors, Searchers, Waitors, and other our Officers and ministers whatsoeuer, of all and euery Ports, Hauens, creekes, members and passages within this our Realme of England and domi­nion of Wales, That they or any of them shall not permit, tollerate, or suffer directly or indirectly any Merchant English, denizen or stranger, or other person whatsoeuer, to discharge, vnlade or lay on land any of the said Wares, merchandizes and commodities, the Customes and Subsidies whereof are by the saide Letters patents demised and granted vnto the said Roger Pennel and Richard Grimstone, before such time as the Customes and Subsidies thereof be duely an­swered, payd or compounded for, to and with the said Roger Pennel and Richard Grimstone, or one of them, their, or one of their executors, administrators, assignes, deputies, Factors or seruants, or some of them, according to the true intent and meaning of the saide Letters patents. And that if any such Wares, merchan­ [...]izes or commodities, be discharged, vnladen or layed on land, that after knowledge thereof, they shall foorthwith and with all conuenient speed, giue notice of such discharging, vnlading or laying on land to the said Roger Pennel and Richard Grimstone, or one of their executors, administrators and assignes, or to their de­puties, Factors, or seruants, to the end they may take the benefit of our said grant, vpon paint of our displeasure and indignation, and of such forfeiture, paine and punishment, as by the Lawes of our Realme can or may be inflicted vpon them, and euery of them in that behalfe.

And we haue also by our said Letters patents straightly charged, prohibited and forbidden all and euery the Owners, farmers, or occupiers of all and euery Wes, keyes, Brewhouses, and other such like place and places of lading, or vnlading whatsoeuer, within this our Realme of England, That they nor any of them shall not suffer or permit any Goods, wares, merchandizes or other commodities to be vnshipped, vnladen, discharged or layed on land, in any of the said Wharfes, keyes, Brewhouses or other such like places of lading or vnlading, contrary to the Bookes of Customes made in the seuenth yeere of the raigne of our [...]eare sister Elizabeth the late Queene of England, vpon paine of our displeasure and indignation, and of such paines and penalties as by the Lawes and Sta­ [...]utes of this Realme can or may be inflicted on them for their offence in that behalfe, As by the said Letters patents more at large appeareth. All which pre­ [...]isses, to the intent our will and pleasure in that behalfe might the better be knowen to all such our louing Subiects whom it may concerne, Wee are pleased [...]at they should in our name be published, notified and commended by these presents to all and euery our louing Subiects to be done and performed, vpon the [...]ines and penalties aforesaid, according to the tenour and true intent of the said Letters Patents.

God saue the King.

❧ Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie.

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