❧A Proclamation for the search and apprehension of certaine Pirats.
WHereas it hath appeared vnto vs by the Records of our high Court of the Admiraltie, That William Hull Captaine of a Ship called the Talbot of Topisham in our Countie of Deuon, And Philip Ward Captaine of a Ship called the Thomasine of Dartmouth in the said Countie, Christopher Newman, Edward Follet, and Henry Burt, with diuers others their Complices and Associats, seruing as Mariners or Souldiers in the said Ships, respectiuely stand indicted, for that they in Nouember 1602. with their Ships in warlike maner appointed within the Mediterranean Seas, did rob and spoile a Ship called la Serene of Olona in France, and the goods therein laden, belonging vnto diuers Subiects of our good brother The most Christian King: And not content therewith, did also in most sauage maner commit wilfull murther (a crime most foule, odious and detestable in the sight of God, and man) vpon the persons of diuers of the Frenchmen, being in the said Ship, against the Lawes and Statutes of this Realme: Wee of our Princely care for the administration of Iustice (the maine pillar of our Estate) doe with no lesse zeale, aswell for the satisfaction of forreine Princes, as for the example of others in like cases offending, intend to prosecute them, and all their Abettors, Complices and Accessaries, with the greatest seueritie of our Lawes in that case prouided: And therefore we will, and strictly command all and euery our Officers and louing Subiects, that immediatly after the sight of this present Proclamation, they and euery of them do make diligent search and inquirie in all places aswell exempt, as not exempt, for the said persons, and all and euery of them, and the same, or any of them so found, to apprehend and commit to the next Gaole, there to bee detained, vntill our high Admirall, or his Lieutenant Iudge of our high Court of the Admiraltie, vpon notice giuen vnto either of them, of the persons so committed, shall take order in that behalfe.
And moreouer our pleasure is, that no person or persons whatsoeuer, shall wittingly or wilfully receiue, conceale, harbour, intertaine or lodge the said Pirats and murtherers, or any of them, or any of their said Complices and associats, into their house or houses, after the sight and knowledge of this Proclamation, (knowing them by circumstances, credible informations, or otherwise, to be the persons aforenamed) vpon paine vnto euery such person and persons so receiuing, concealing, harbouring, interteyning or lodging any of the said Pirats and murtherers, or any of their complices, of death and forfaiture of all their lands, goods and chattels, according to the Lawes and statutes in that case prouided.
Giuen at our Pallace of Westminster the xij. day of Nouember 1604.in the second yeere of our Reigne of GREAT BRITTAINE, France, and Ireland.
God saue the King.
¶Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie. ANNO DOM. 1604.