WHEREAS diuers great Deceipts and abuses tending not only to the preiudice of vs in our Customes and other duties, but also to the great deceipt and hinderance of many of our louing subiects are dayly practised & committed by diuers persons vsing or exercising the Art, Misterie, and Trade of Dying, and colouring of Woolles, Yarnes, Clothes, Kersies, Dozens, Bayes, Sayes, Knit-hose, Cottons, Rugges, and other Clothes, Stuffes, and Commodities within this our Realme and Domynions of the same, being for the most parte dyed and coloured with such Colours as are not perfect nor durable, but doe within short time decay and weare out, or otherwise become so stayned and changed in such sort, as they grow thereby altogether vnprofitable and vnfit for the vse of our louing subiects, and yet are vttered and sold as for good and perfect Colours, to the great losse, hinderance, and detriment of such of our louing subiects as doe or shall buy or vse the same, and to the discredit, and slaunder of the said Cō modities both at home and in all other forraine parts, being the principall Comodities of our Realme, and yet the prizes and rates of the same Dyings and Colourings are become so great and high by only seeming in shew to be good, as thereby the prizes of all kinds of the foresaid Commodities are not only much encreased & raysed, [...] [...]ompounded [...] for Dying out by Sir [...]ure Aston [...] [...]t, & others. but the same also excéedingly discredited both at home & abroad. Now for asmuch as our trustie and welbeloued seruants and subiects Sir Arthure Aston knight, Iohn Acamonty, Richard Harding Esquiers, George Siluer, Robert Webbe, and Frauncis Blocke Gentlemen, haue by their owne proper labour and industrie, and at their owne great cost, charges, and expences, found out not only the true and perfect mean of working & dying with certen woodes which by the laws & statutes of this Realme are forbidden to be vsed in the Art of Dying, But also a secret not heretofore discouered in Commixing and Compounding certen stuffe or stuffes with the said Wooddes or some of them for the binding and fixing of the Colours to be made therewithall, with which composition, and with other grounds to be vsed in the Art of Dying, they haue vndertaken to Dye and Colour, and to giue directions to die and colour, or cause to be dyed or coloured, All or any kinds of Woolles, Yarnes, Clothes, Kersies, Dozens, Bayes, Sayes, Knit-hose Cottons, Rugges, and all & euery other stuffes and Commodities whatsoeuer vsed or occupied within our Realme of England or the Domynions thereof or of any part thereof with good & durable dyes and colours, such as shall continue, endure, and hould out all maner of wearing, tryalls, and also to vtter and sell the same at conuenient and reasonable prizes.
[...] grant for [...]inging in prohibited [...]s, for the [...]g of the Cōposition.KNOWE yée therefore that wée greatly tendring and affecting the publique and generall good and profite of all our louing Subiects, and for the aduancement of the trade and traffiique of Clothes and other the premisses into all forraine parts, in consideration of the premisses, and for diuers other waightie causes vs thereunto especially moouing, Of our especiall grace, certen knowledge, and meere motion, Haue giuen and graunted, and by these presents for vs, our heires, and Successors doe giue and graunt full, free, and lawfull power, licence and authoritie vnto the said Sir Arthure Aston, Iohn Acamonty, Richard Harding, George Siluer, Robert Webbe, and Frauncis Blocke and eyther of them, their and euery of their executors administrators and assignes and euery of them, and to their and euery of their seruants, factors, & deputies to be thereunto authorised by wryting vnder the hands & seales of them or the suruiuors of them or of any three or more of them, at all times and from time to time during the space of One and Fortie yéeres next and ymmediatly coming after the date hereof, to conuey & bring, or cause to be conueyed or brought into any the parts of this our Realme or the Domynions of the same from any the parts beyond y e seas, All and all maner of Wood & Woods called or knowen by the name or names of Log-wood and Block-wood and eyther of them, and all and euery such other Wood and Woods whatsoeuer by what name or names soeuer they are or shalbe called or knowen, which now be, or at any time heretofore haue béen prohibited or forbidden to be vsed in y e said Art or mistery of Dying, by any law, or statute of this our Realme of England in that case made and prouided, the said lawes or statutes, or any other law, stature, act of Parliament, or other matter or thing whatsoeuer to the contrarie notwithstanding.
PAYING vnto vs our heires and successors such Customes, Subsidies, and other duties for all and euery the same Woods so to be brought in as is aforesaid, as are, or shall be due, answerable, or payable to vs, our heires, and successors of or for the same.
[...]ver to make [...]nie, stuffe, to [...] in Dying, or [...]er, and sell [...] [...]me.AND further we doe by these presents for vs, our heires, and successors, of our especiall grace, certen knowledge, and meere motion, giue and graunt vnto the said Sir Arthure Aston, Iohn Acamonty, Richard Harding, George Siluer, Robert Webbe, and Frauncis Blocke, and to euery of them, their and euery of their executors, administrators and assignes & euery of them, and to their and euery of their seruants, factors, and deputies to be thereunto authorised by wryting vnder the hands and seales of them or the suruiuors of them or of any three or more of them, fall, free, and lawful power, licence, and authoritie, that it shall or may be lawfull to them and euery of them during the Terme aforesaid, in all and euery Countie, Citie, towne Corporate, and other Townes, Villages, Hamblets, and other places within this Realme or any the Domynions thereof, aswell in places exempt as not exempt, to make, worke, commixe, or compound, and cause to be made, wrought, commixed, or compounded the said stuffe or stuffes with the said Woods or some of them to be made & compounded as is aforesaid and for the purpose before mentioned, And the same to vse in dying, or to vtter and sell the same to any the subiects of vs, our heires, and successors to be vsed in dying or colouring of any colthes or other commodities or things whatsoeuer within this our Realme or any the Domynions thereof, Any lawes, statutes, or ordinance to the centrarie in any wise notwithstanding. [...] to those [...] [...]hall buy the [...] to [...]se, and [...]e the same [...]ng.AND also that it shall & may be lawfull to and for them and euery of them to whome the same stuffe or stuffes shalbe so sould (being subiects to vs our heires and successors, and being borne and liuing vnder the obedience of vs our heires & successors) their workemen, seruants, and apprentices to vse and occupie the said stuffe or stuffes so commixed or compoundded, or caused to be commixed or compounded by them the said Sir Arthure Aston, Iohn Acamontie, Richard Harding, George Siluer, Robert Webbe, and Frauncis Blocke, or any of them, their executors administrators or assignes or any of them, or by their or any of their seruants, factors, or deputies to be thereunto authorised by wayting vnder the hands and seales of them or the suruiuors of them or of any three or more of them, in and for the dying and colouring of all & all maner of Woolles, Yarnes, Clothes, Kersies, Dozens, Bayes, Sayes, Knit-hose, Cottons, Rugges, and other stuffes & commodities whatsoeuer within this our Realme or the Domynions therof in any house or houses, place or places by them or any of them to be employed for the same, being thought fit & conuenient for that purpose, Any law, statute, act of parliament, or ordinance, or other matter or thing to the contrarie in any wise notwithstanding.
[...]wer to vtter [...] [...]ll the como [...]s so dyed [...] the saide [...].AND the Comodities and things with the said commixtion, composition, or dying stuffe so to be dyed as aforesaid, shall & may likewise be lawfully sold and vttered to any person or persons whatsoeuer, Any law, statute, act of parliament, ordinance, or other matter, cause, or thing whatsoeuer to the contrarie thereof in any wise notwithstanding.
TO HAUE and to hould all & singuler the said Licences, powers, and authorities and other the premisses before in & by these presents graunted, to the said Sir Arthure Aston, Iohn Acamontie, Richard Harding, George Siluer, Robert Webbe, & Frauncis Blocke, end to euery of them, their and euerie of their executors, administrators, and assignes, from and after the date hereof vntill the end and terme of One and Fortie yéeres from thence next ensuing & fully to be compleat and ended. AND forasmuch as our purpose, will, & pleasure is to auoid & suppresse in this our Realme & the Domynions thereof all & all maner of working in the Art or misterie of Dying with any maner of deceitfull woods not sufficiently commixed or compounded as aforesaid, by what name or names soeuer they be called, other then such as shalbe so cōmixed or compounded by the said sir Arthure Aston, Iohn Acamontie, Richard Harding, George Siluer, Robert Webbe, and Frauncis Blocke, or any of them, their executors, administrators or assignes or any of them, or by their or any of their seruants, factors, or deputies or any of them to be thereunto authorised as aforesaid. [...] [...]wer to search and seaze all [...]ibited woodsWEE doe therefore of our especiall grace, certen knowledge, and méere motion by these presents nominate, ordaine and appoynt the saide sir Arthure Aston, Iohn Acamontie, and Richard Harding, and euery of them, their and euery of their executors, administratos, deputies and assignes to be Searches for & concerning the finding out of the said Woodes, and doe by these presents giue full power & authoritie vnto the said sir Arthure Aston, Iohn Acamontie, and Richard Harding, and euery of them, their & euery of their executors, administrators & assignes, and to their & euery of their Deputies shewing foorth these our Letters Patents, or the Duplicate, Transcript, or the Exemplification thereof at all times, & from time to time during the terme aforesaid in the day time with the Constable or other head Officer of the Towne, parish, or place at all conuenient times to Enter into euery Shippe, Barke Boat Bottome, Crayer, Lighter, or other Vessell, and into euery shoppe, celler, warehouse, place & places aswell within Cities, Townes corporate, market townes, villages, and hamblets, as in all other places aswell within liberties as without within this our Realme of England and the Domynions therof, in all conuenient, lawfull, & reasonable maner to search & find out all or any of the said deceyuable woods, & the same so found to seaze & dispose of as by the lawes and statutes of this our Realme of England is in that behalfe limited and appointed, or otherwise as shall séeme to them fit & conuenient for the making and compounding of the stuffe to die therewith as is before mentioned.
[...] entr [...]ie to be [...]e, or custome [...] [...]e paid for any [...]idden woods, [...] than such as be brought in be said Paten [...] &c.AND furthermore wée doe hereby for vs, our heires, and successors forbid, and our expresse will and pleasure is, That no Customer, Controller, or Collector of the Customes or Subsidies of Tonnage or Pondage of vs our heires & successors, or any of our or their Farmers or Officers, shall at any time during the terme of yáeres aboue mentioned accept of, or take any entrie, or receaue any custome or subsidie, or make any composition of or for any custome or subsidie of or for any Log-wood or Blockewood, or any other wood or woods commonly vsed in Dying, prohibited & forbidden by the lawes & statutes of this Realme of England, (or any of them) to be brought into this our Realme or other the Domynions of the same or any part thereof, other then of the said sir Arthure Aston, Iohn Acamontie, Richard Harding, George Siluer, Robert Webbe, and Frauncis Blocke, or any of them, their executors, administrators or assignes or any of them, or their or any of their deputie or deputies thereunto authorised as is aforesaid, Any law, statute, custome, or vsage to the contrarie notwithstanding. [...]l Customers, vpon euerie entrie to be [...]ed, to giue [...]nt notice to [...]atentees, &c. [...] [...]e end the [...] may be sea [...] and disposed according to [...] [...]aw.AND wée doe further hereby will and appoint, that vpon euery such entrie to be offered to any the said Customers, Controllers, Farmers or Officers of any the Woods aforesaid by any other person or persons other then the said sir Arthure Aston, Iohn Acamontie, Richard Harding, George Siluer, Robert Webbe, and Frauncis Blocke, or any of them, their executors administrators or assignes or any of them, or their or any of their Deputies thereunto authorised as aforesaid, euery such Customer, Controller, Collector, Farmer or Officer to whom any such entry shalbe offered, shall therof with all conuenient spéed after euery such entry offered, Certifie the said sir Arthure Aston, Iohn Acamontie, Richard Harding, George Siluer, Robert Webbe, and Frauncis Blocke, or one of them, or one of their executors, administrators, deputies, or assignes of the same, to the end that they & enery of them may cause the said Log-wood and Block-wood and other the woods aforesaid to be burned, according to the lawes of this Realme in that behal [...]e [...]ade and prouided, or otherwise to dispose thereof as shalbe by them thought fit & conuenient for the making & compounding of the stuffe to Die therewith as is before mentioned. AND forasmuch as our further will and pleasure is, that these our Letters Patents and all things therein contained shalbe held in due regard, and be duly executed in all points aswell within Cities, Boroughes, townes corporate, Market townes, as in all other place & places whatsoeuer within this our Realme or the Dominions thereof, any Charters, Letters Patents, Priuiledges, liberties, grants, prescription, or restraint to the contrarie notwithstanding.
WEE doe therefore by these presents straightly charge, will, and require all and euery Iustices of Peace, Maiors, Sheriffes, Bayliffes, Gouernors of townes, Headboroughes, Constables, Alnegers, Customers, Controllers, Searchers, and all other our Officers, ministers, and subiects whatsoeuer within this our Realme or any the Domynions thereof or any part thereof, at all times and from time to time during the terme of yéeres before by these presents graunted (as occasion shalbe offered) to be obedient, ayding, assisting and helping vnto the said Officers to ayding and [...]ng to the Pa [...]es of their [...]es.sir Arthure Aston, Iohn Acamontie, Richard Harding, Geroge Siluer, Robert Webbe, and Frauncis Blocke, and euery of them, their & euery of their executors, administrators, deputies, factors, seruants, & assignes, and to euery or any of them, They or any of them shewing foorth these our Letters Patents, or the Duplicate, Transcript, or Exemplification thereof for the performance, accomplishment, & due execution of these our Letters Patents in all things and by all things according to the purport, true intent, and plaine meaning of these presents.
PROVIDED alwaies neuerthelesse, That if the sayd sir Arthure Aston, Iohn Acamonty, Richard Harding, George Siluer, Robert Webbe, and Frauncis Blocke, or any of them their or any of their executors, administrators, assignes, seruants, or deputies, shall willingly and vnlawfully conuert any the said Woods so by them or any of them their or any of their meanes brought into this Realme or any the Domynions thereof, [...]uided alwaies, any of the sayd is be conuerted [...] other vse, than [...] kind the sayde [...], or if, [...] is [...] the dire [...] [...] sayd, it [...] [...]gh the de [...] of the Pa [...] die good [...]ors, That [...] their parts [...] default, [...] [...]gnificati [...] [...] voide. or seazed as aforesaid, otherwise than in compounding or printring the same to make and dye therewith such true and good colors as is before mentioned to be vndertaken by them, Or if vpon due proose thereof made, it shall appeare and prooue hereafter that the stuffe, so hereafter to be made or compounded by them or any of them, shall through any of their defaults, not dye or make good wearing colours as is aboue mentioned the Dyers vsing the same, working it vpon such grounds, and according to such directions as shalbe giuen by the sayd sir Arthure Aston, Iohn Acamonty, Richard Harding, George Siluer, Robert Webbe, and Frauncis Blocke, or their assignes or the suruiuors of them or their assignes, or any three or more of them vnder their hands in writing, or by the executors or administrators of the suruiuors of them or any three or more of them vnder their hands in writing. That then and from thenceforth the power, interest and terme before by these presents graunted of such and so many of them as so shall offend, or make default or shall procure or consent to any such offence or default contrarie to the true meaning of this Prouisoe, at the will and pleasure of vs, our heires and successors, in that behalfe to be signified vnder our Signe Manuell and priuie Signet, shall as to him or them onely that so shall offend or make default, or procure or consent to any such offence or default, be vtterly voide and of none effect. Any thing before mentioned to the contrarie thereof in any wise notwithstanding. AND yet neuerthelesse for the residue of them that shall not offend, or make default, nor procure or consent to any such offence or default as is aforesaid, These presents shall remaine in full strength and effect. This Prouisoe or any thing therein contained to the contrarie notwithstanding. In witnes whereof we haue caused these our Letters to be made Patents.
God saue the King.
Printed by Thomas Purfoot.