By the King.

WHereas diuers Bakers, Brewers, Inholders, Butchers, and other Victualers through their greedy desire of vn awfull game, not contented with reasonable profite in vttering and selling of Thetuals vnto our Subierts in the Common­wealth, And specially in our Progresse within y e Verge of our Court, where our Nobilitie, Seruants, and Trame (daily attending vpon our Person) are lod­ged and placed by our Harbingers, are vnlawfully exacted vpon with vnreaso­nable and extreme Prices by the said Victualers, enhaunsing the same Victuals, Horsemeate, Lodgings, and all other necessaries, at a more deere Price then it was sold for before our comming in Progresse: Therefore our will and plea­sure is, and wee doe hereby straightly charge and command, That euery man doe obey and keepe all such Prices as is and shall be Prised, Assessed, and Rated by the Clarkes of the Market of our House­hold within the Verge of our Court, aswell within Liberties as without, and the Iurie before him, or his lawfull Deputie, by vertue of his Office, sworne and charged from time to time: The same Rates and Prices not onely to bee certified by our said Clerke of the Market or his Deputie, into our Compting house; But also fixed & set vpon the gates of our Court and other places within the Verge, as well within Liberties as without: And that no manner of person or persons of what estate or de­gree soeuer he or they be, doe in any wise apy more for Corne, Victuals, Horsemeate, Lodging, or any other thing, then after the Rate and Forme aforesaid, vpon paine of Imprisonment, and to be Fined, with further punishment that shall thereof follow: The same paines and punishments, and cuery part thereof to bee executed, aswell vpon them and cuery of them whith doe or shall presume to vtter and sell any manner of thing or things contrary to the true meaning of this our Proclamation, As up­on all those which doe or shall presume to pay any more for any kind of Victuals, horsemeat, Lodging, or any other necessaries, then is or shalbe Rated and Prised as aforesaid.

And moreouer we doe straightly charge and command, That no maner of person or persons, now vsing, or which hereafter shal vse, or of right ought to vse, to serue any Citie, Borough, Towne or other place, where our repose & a bode is or shalbe, or elswhere, within the Verge of our Court, aswel within liberties as without, with any kind of corne, victuals or any other necessaries, aswel vpon the Market day, as at any other time, shalbe any thing the more remisse or slacke in making of promision for the same, then they or any of them now be, or heretofore haue ben, nor vse any colour of craft to deceme the buyers thereof, nor hide or lay aside the same their Corne, Victuals, Horsemeate, Lodgings, or any o­ther necessaries, to diminish the Market; whereby our whole Trame, within any Citie, Borough, Towne, or other the Inhabitants of the same, and other our Subiects thereunto resorting, should not be aswell serued and as plentcously furnished in euery behalse, as it was before, or of right ought to haue been, in defraud of this our Ordinance.

And furthermore we straightly charge & expressy command all our Iustices of Peace, our Clerke of the Market, his deputie or deputies, Maiors, Bailiffs, Shiriffes, Constables, and al other our faith­full officers, and euery of them, of Cities, Boroughs, Townes, Hundreds, and other places within the Verge of our court, aswell within liberites as without: From time to tune, when and as often as neede shall require, (vpon complaint by any partie instly made) diligently cuery of them within their authorities, forthwith to endeauour themselues, to see iust punishment and due Reformation of the premisses, agamst such person or persons as shall offend herein, according to Iustice, and Prices as aforesaid.

God saue the King.

❧ Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie. Anno Dom. 1604.

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