❧ By the King.
FOrasmuch as it hath pleased GOD of his exceeding goodnesse, to stay his heauy hand wherewith the last yeere hee punished our City of LONDON by the infection of the Plague, Wee haue iust cause giuen vs both to bee thankefull to his Diuine Maiestie for his goodnesse, and to bee as prouident as a carefull Prince can bee, to take away occasion of reuiuing the same. Wherefore, for that there is at hand a notable Faire at Bristoll, commonly called S. Iames Faire, whereunto there is great resort, especially from our Citie of LONDON, and the Sicknesse raigning now in the said Citie of Bristoll, and places there-abouts: We haue thought good by open declaration of our pleasure, to admonish and require all our louing Subiects of our said Citie of LONDON, to forbeare to resort at this time to the saide Faire, vpon paine of such punishment, as for a contempt so much concerning the vniuersall safety of our people of our said Citie, they shall be adiudged to deserue, which Wee shall haue so much the more cause seuerely to inflict, because our returne to our said Citie of LONDON is like to bee very soone for our abode there, about great and waighty causes, from which by reuiuing of the Sickenesse in that place (which GOD forbid) we might be put off, to the great hinderance of our affaires.
Giuen at our Pallace of Westminster the eight day of July, in the second yeere of our raigne of England, France and Jreland, and of Scotland the seuen and thirtieth.
God saue the King.