❧ By the King.
❧ Orders for the Posts of our Realmes, and for all men to obserue and obey in the speedy carriage of Packets, directed for our affaires.
WHereas heretofore the Lordes of the Priuie Counsell to the Queene our Sister deceased, for great and weightie causes concerning the State, haue endeuoured to set downe, and publish sundrie Orders, and generall directions for matters of Posting, especially for the speedie dispatch of Packets and Letters importing the princes immediate affaires, the colour whereof seruing priuate turnes, hath greatly frustrated their endeauours: It is now therefore, for the better warrantise and direction of our Posts, thought meet and conuenient, that the former Orders be reuiued, and (according to the necessitie of the times) renewed and published in our name in manner as followeth.
- 1 First, euery Post receiuing a daily Fee, and entertained specially for the Packet, according to the proportion of his wages by the day, shall keepe certaine Horses, to the number of two at the least, with furniture conuenient, and those alwayes to haue at hand in a readinesse to runne with our Packets onely in Post, so soone as the same are brought to his hands. He shall haue also two Bags of Leather at the least well lined with Bayes or Cotton, to cary the Packet in, and Hornes to sound and blow, as oft as he meets company, or foure times in euery mile.
- 2 Euery Post thus furnished, shall at all houres receiue and cary, or send away, all Packets or Letters brought vnto him, directed for Our speciall affaires, dated on the outside, with the time and place of their first deliuery, and subscribed by the hands of our Principall Secretaries, and Master and Comptroller generall of the Postes: And for matters of the Nauy, or to the Maritime Forts vpon the Sea coast, or principal Port Townes, by our Admirall of England: For matters of the Cinque Ports, by our Warden: For matters of Scotland, by our Treasurer and Secretary of Scotland: And for Ireland, by our Lieutenant the L. Mountioy, Or addressed to them in the proper businesse of their places, or the body of our Counsell, from what persons or places whatsoeuer: Of whose names, and addresse only, the Posts shall take notice, according to the first Institution, and Originall vse of their seruice, and of none other.
- 3 Euery Post so receiuing our Packets, directed and subscribed as abouesaid, shall within one quarter of an houre at the most after they come to his hands, dispatch them away in Post, and shal runne therewith in Sommer (that is, from the first of Aprill to the last of September) after seuen Miles the houre: and in Winter (which shalbe esteemed the rest of the yeere) after fiue Miles the houre at the least, as the wayes affoord, and the wheather fall out.
- 4 And that it may appeare from time to time (when, and as often as if shalbe required) with what care and diligence the seruice is at all hands applyed and performed, Euery Post shall keepe a large and faire leger Paper Booke to enter our Packets in, as they shall be brought vnto him, with the day of the moneth, houre of the day or night, that they came first to his hands, together and entring onely such for our Packets, as come warranted as aforesaid, and all others to passe as By-letters.
- 5 Lastly, to the end that the Posts generally may the better attend their seuerall seruices, and performe their duties in that behalfe, Our pleasure is, that they and euery of them shall brooke and enioy the benefite of all former fauours allowed them, namely, That they and their seruants be holden free and exempted from all Prests and attendances at Assises, Sessions, Inquests, and Musters.
God saue the King.