[royal blazon or coat of arms]
IAMES by the grace of God King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, defender of the Faith, &c.
To all and singular Arch­bishops, Bishops, Archdeacons, Deanes and their Officials, Parsons, Vicars, Curats, and to all Spiritual Parsons, And also to all Iustices of Peace, Ma­iors, Shiriffes, Bailiffes, Constables, Church wardens, and Headboroughes, And to all other our Officers, Ministers and Subjects whatsoeuer, aswell within Liberties as without, to whom these presents shall come, greeting.

Wee haue vnderstood by a License granted by our brother the French King, to Master Iohn Triphon the bearer hereof being a Grecian borne, of a Noble house, That for Religion hee, his Mother and Sisters, haue bene ba­nished and driuen out of their Countrey by the Great Turke, and that his Mother and Sisters are fled to the Island of Creete, Whereby both himselfe, and they, are fallen into great want and misery, remayning thus exiled from their Countrey, and are likely to fall into greater distresse, except they be relieued by the charitable Deuotions of well disposed Christians towards their maintenance, and the payment of a great Ransome layed vpon them. Nowe for that there is nothing more acceptable to Amighty God then the charitable comforting of distressed Christians, fallen into such calamities, especially for their profession of Christianitie. Wee tendering the poore and lamen­table Estate of the said Iohn Triphon, his Mother and Sisters, of our especiall Grace and Princely compas­sion, haue giuen and granted, And by these our Letters Patents doe giue and grant vnto the said Master Iohn Triphon or his Deputie the bearer hereof, full power, license and authoritic to aske, gather, receiue and take the Almes, and charitable deuotion of all our louing Subjects, inhabiting within our Counties of Middlesex, with our Cities of London and Westminster, with the Suburbs thereof, Kent, Essex, Hart­ford, Surrey, Sussex, Buckingham, Barke, Cambridge, with the Vniuersitie there, Suffolke and Norf­folke, with the City of Norwich, and in all Cities, Townes corporate, priviledged places, Parishes, Vtl­lages, and all other places whatsoeuer, within any of our said Counties and Cities, and not elsewhere, for, and towards the maintenance of himselfe, his Mother and Sisters, and the payment of their said Ran­some. Wherefore we will and command you, and euery of you, that at such time and times as the said Master Iohn Triphon or his Deputie the bearer hereof, shall come and repaire to your Churches or other places to aske, gather, receiue and take the gratuities and charitable Deuotion of our sayd Subiects, quietly to permit and suffer him and his Deputie so to doe, without any maner your let or contradiction: And you the said Parsons, Vicars and Curats, for the better sturring vp of a charitable deuotion, delive­rately to publish and declare the Tenor of these our Letters Patents vnto our said Subiects, exhorting and charitably perswading them to extend their liberall Contributions in so good and charitable a deed. The late Statute made in the fiue and thirtieth yeere of the Raigne of our late deare Sister Queene Eliza­beth for the punishment of Vagabonds and Rogues, or any other Statute, Law, Ordinance, or prouision heretofore made to the contrary in any Rogues, or any wise notwithstanding. In witnesse whereof wee haue caused these our Letters to be made Patents for the space of one whole yeere next after the date hereof to endure.

God saue the King.

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