¶By the King.

FOrasmuch as the infection of the Plague is at this present greatly in­creased and dispersed aswell in the Cities of London and Westminster, as also in the Suburbs thereof, The Kings most Excellent Maiestie conside­ring that great perill and danger might insue, not onely vnto his Royall person, the Queenes Maiestie, the Prince, and Princesse, the Honourable Embassadors from sundry forreine Princes, the Lords and others of his Maiesties Honourable Priuie Counsell, the Nobles of this Realme, and other his Maiesties louing Subiects, if the people of all sorts, and out of all parts of this Realme, should resort or continue together for their Suits and Causes this instant Terme, commonly called Trinitie Terme, and hoping that by dispersing of the multitude of people now being in or about his said Cities, and by staying the accesse of others to the same about Suits in Law, and by due obseruation of such good and necessary Orders and directions, as are and shall bee prescribed in that behalfe, through the mercifull goodnesse of Almighty God, the said infection shalbe stayed, so as the Corona­tion and Inauguration of his most Excellent Maiestie, to the inestimable and vniuersall reioycing of all his louing and true hearted Subiects, with all Princely solemnities and Honors thereunto ap­perteyning, may be accomplished and performed, at such time and place as his Maiesty hath already bene pleased to appoint, Hath therefore thought good by the aduice of his Priuie Councell, and Iu­stices of his Courts at Westminster, to adiorne part of the same Terme, That is to say, in and from the second Returne of this instant Terme, commonly called Octabis Trinitatis, vntill the fourth Re­turne of the same Terme, commonly called Tres Trinitatis, and that to be for such causes onely, and for such intent and purpose, as hereafter is declared.

And therefore his Maiestie doeth hereby signifie and declare, that his Will and pleasure is, That Writts of Adiornement shalbe directed to the Iustices of either Bench, and to the Iudges of all other his Maiesties Courts, to whom like Writts haue bene vsually directed, giuing them authoritie to adiorne this instant Terme, in and from Octabis Trinitatis next, vntill Tres Trinitatis then next fol­lowing, And the said Adiornement to be made the first day of the sayd Octabis Trinitatis, called the day of Essoines.

And whereas his Maiesty considering in his princely wisedome what great preiudice might grow to many his good & louing Subiects in their Causes and Suits, if this Terme should be wholly ad­iourned, Hath therefore by the aduice of his sayd Counsell and Iustices, determined to haue some part thereof to be holden and continued for some few dayes in the beginning and ending of the same, as is aforesayd, His Highnesse most gracious intention in that behalfe is, That the same dayes for which some part of this said Terme is to be holden, shalbe vsed only for the better expediting and con­tinuing of Causes and Suits, and returning and suing out of Processe, and for such other like things, which may be performed and done in the absence of the parties by their Attourneyes. And there­fore his Maiestie doth by this his Proclamation signifie to all his louing Subiects, that his will and pleasure is, That in and from the said Octabis Trinitatis next, there shal not be any Trials by Iuries, or any Iudgments vpon Demurrers, or special Verdicts or such like, in any of his Highnesse Courts of Kings Bench, Common Pleas, or Exchequer. And also that there shal not be any Iudicial hea­ring or determining of any Causes or Matters in any of his Maiesties Courts of Starre Chamber, Chancerie, Exchequer Chamber, Court of Wards, Duchie Chamber, or Court of Requests, in or [Page] from the said Octabis Trinitatis next, during the said Terme: And that no partie shall need to be pre­sent in person for any such Causes or Suites, but the same may bee attended and done by their Attourneys.

And his Maiestie doth hereby further notifie and declare, That no party shall be compelled or need to appeare in person in any of his Maiesties sayd Courts, in or from the sayd Octabis Trinitatis next, at any time during this said Terme, but may make their apparance by their Attourneys, sa­uing only in Cases of Outlawry, and other the Cases mentioned in the Prouiso hereafter following: And also that no Iuries or any whom the same may concerne, shall be compelled or need to appeare in any of his Highnesse Courts at Westminster in or from the sayd Octabis Trinitatis next, at any time during the sayd Terme for any cause or matter whatsoeuer, vnlesse it be for some speciall and impor­tant cause for his Maiesties seruice onely.

Prouided neuerthelesse, and his Maiesties pleasure and commandement is, That all Collectors, Receiuers, Sheriffes, and other Accomptants, & all other persons that should or ought to accompt or pay any summe or summes of mony in any of his Maiesties Courts of Exchequer, Court of Wards and Liueries, or of his Duchy of Lancaster, or in any of them, or enter into any accompt in any of the sayd Courts, shall repayre to the accustomed places at Westminster, and there to pay and doe in euery behalfe as though no such Proclamation or Adiournement had bene had or made.

And his Maiesties further pleasure and commandement is, That all Sheriffes shall returne in­to his Maiesties Court of Exchequer, Court of Wards and Liueries, and Duchy of Lancaster, all manner of Writs and Processe issued out of the same Courts, and returnable this Tearme, which in any sort concerne his Maiesties Reuenewes, Debts, or Duties, at or before the dayes of Returnes thereof, into such Offices from whence the said Writs and Processe did issue: And that all Commis­sioners likewise returne all manner of Commissions and Inquisitions returnable this Tearme, and from the said Courts sent, whereby his Maiestie is to receiue profit and commoditie: And all She­riffes, Collectors, all manner of Accomptants, and euery person that is to pay any kind of Debt or Duety vnto the Kings Maiestie in any of the said Courts, doe either by themselues, their Deputies, or Attourneys, pay the same in such sort as they ought to haue done if no such Proclamation or Ad­iournement had beene made, or else to sustaine such damage of Issues, Seasure, Fine, Amercia­ment, and Penaltie to be imposed vpon them, as hath beene accustomed, without any hope to be dis­charged thereof: And that all Sheriffes, by themselues or their sufficient Deputies, shall giue their attendance at the day appointed for their opposall in the Court of Exchequer, to answere their Re­turnes before his sayd Barons, as hath beene heretofore accustomed: And if any default shall be made by any of the persons aforesaid, that then in respect of the Kings present necessary and extraor­dinary charges, Sergeants at Armes and Pursuiuants shalbe sent to bring them vp to answer their contempt and slacknesse in payment.

God saue the King.

❧ Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie. Anno 1603.

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