❧By the King.

WHere in a Proclamation (lately by vs published) for considerations therein expressed, We prescribed a course whereby the complaints of our people might bee taken away, if the same should appeare to bee iustly grounded; Hauing nowe since that time receiued particular information, that a Graunt to certaine Patentees for the sole preemp­tion of Tinne, was very inconuenient and full of grieuance to our louing Subiects: Wee, after long debate thereof before our Selfe and our Priuie Councell, where obiections of either side were made, and where the inconueniences were layed open, Haue resolued not onely to consider how the generalitie of our Subiects might bee relieued in suspension of this Graunt, but how the same might be done without any iniustice to any particuler person, who is interessed there­in by vertue of Letters Patents vnder the great Seale of England, whereof wee neuer intend to seeke any course of reuocation, but by an ordinary course of Iustice, in which all our people are equally interessed. In which respect, hauing commaunded the Lords and others of our Priuie Councell to call before them the Patentees, and then to offer them all such triall for the maintenance of that Patent, as the Iustice of this our Realme affordeth, The said Patentees haue rather yeelded in their owne duetie and discretions, to surrender the Patent, then to goe about to maintaine it: Whereof wee thought it fit that all our good Subiects should take no­tice, as an Argument of our continuall care and desire to doe all things, which tend to the reliefe of our people in any thing, whereby they receiue any maner of oppression, as long as they shall duetifully and orderly appeale vnto vs for the same.

God saue the King.

¶ Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, Printer to the Kings most excellent Maiestie. Anno Dom. 1603.

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