❧ By the King.
ALthough the Offences committed against the Queene our sister deceased, and the honour of he Estate by the Carle of Tyrone, were such as al Princes ought to very sensible of, and not by the impunitie of offendors so high a nature, giue way to others to attempt the like: Yet because we haue vnderstood that before the death of the Queene, the said Earle hauing expressed and made knowen to Her, many tokens of an vnfained repentance, had so farre mooued her therewith, as shee had giuen power to the L. Mountioy her Deputie, and now our Lieutenant of that Kingdome, to receiue him to mercie if he should seeke it, which Her purpose, we cannot but commend, as being deriued from the vertue of Clementie, of no lesse ornament to Princely dignitie then is the rigor of Iustice: And for that the said Carle hath not onely done none offence against vs since our comming to this Crowne, but also, as we are certainely informed by our Lieutenant, hath both abandoned his adherence to all foreine Princes, and offered himselfe in his owne person to doe seruice vpon any other Rebels within that Realme of Ireland; Wee could not thinke him worthy of lesse fauour at Our handes, then he had obtained at Hers, against whom his faults were commited. And therefore he being now admitted by our said Lieutenant, by vertue of the power first giuen Queene, and since confirmed by Vs, into his State and condition of a good Subiect, and in the rancke and dignitie of an Earle, And being also come ouer into this Realme to cast himselfe at our feete, and to testifie by his owne wordes, his vnfained sorowe of his former Offences, and earnest desire of our Mercie and fauour: Wee haue thought good a signifie to all men by these presents, that we haue receiued him into Grace and fauour, and do acknowledge him our Subiect, and a Noble man of such rancke and place as in that our Realme of Ireland hee is: And that therefore if any man shall by wordes, or deed, abuse the said Earle of Tyrone, or misbehaue himselfe towards him, and not yeeld him such respect and vsage, as belongeth to a person of his sort receiued into fauour and good opinion, wee shall esteeme it an Offence, deseruing such punishment, as the contempt of our pleasure so expressely signified doeth deserue.
Giuen at our Manour of Greenwich the eighth day of Iune, in the first yeere of our Reigne.
God saue the King.