❧ By the King.

THe foule and insolent outrages lately committed vpon the borders of our Realmes of England and Scotland by persons accustomed in for­mer times to liue by rapine and spoyle, praying dayly vpon our good and louing Subiects without feare of God or man, hath giuen vs iust cause to vse, all meanes conuenient both for the reliefe of our Subiects damnifyed, and for preuention of the like mischiefe hereafter. Where­fore as of late we gaue commission to proceede against those persons, that were guiltie of those foule facts: So now againe, because as yet such redresse hath not followed as both our honour and our good Subiects losse do require, We haue thought good to renew that our Commission to certaine persons of qualitie and of good vn­derstanding in the affaires of those our Borders, And withall, to publish by open proclamation to all men, but specially to such, as are guiltie, or were partakers of the foule incursions made vp­on our first comming to our Crowne of this our Realme of England, or any others before or since, That whereas some of them haue of late submitted themselues, and some others seemed to be willing to submit themselues to our merry, Because they and all others shall know, that as we are a Prince that before all worldly respects whatsocuer affecteth the preseruation of Iustice a­mong our people, and the punishment of such, as breake the Rules thereof, So that we are not indisposed to shew mercy where there is cause to extend it, and where the same is sought at our hands in such dutifull maner, as is meete: We doe therefore charge all persons whatsoeuer, who know themselues to haue bene Actours, Partners, or of consent to that incursion aboue mentioned, or to any other breach of our peace within the Counties and Lymits heretofore cal­led our Borders both of the English side and of the Scottish, that they doe before the twentieth day of Iune next comming resort to such place, where they shall vnderstand our Commissioners to be, and there submit themselues to such mercy and fauour, as wee shall thinke good to extend towards them: Assuring them in the worde of our Royall and Supreme power, that whosoe­uer of them shall not before the sayd twentieth day of Iune haue submitted himselfe according to the tenour of this our Proclamation, shall holde himselfe for euer excluded from our mercy without hope at any time to obtaine grace or fauour, but to abide the rigour of such punishment, as our power can lay upon him.

God saue the King.

❧ Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie.

ANNO DOM. 1603.

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