[royal blazon or coat of arms]

❧By the King.
❧ A Proclamation for the discouery and apprehension of William Ruthen, and Patricke Ruthen, brethren to the late Earle of Gowrie.

WHereas the Kings Maiestie is enformed, that William Ruthen, and Patricke Ruthen, (two brethren to the late Earle of Gowrie, a dange­rous traytour to his Person) haue crept into this Kingdome with malicious hearts against him, disguising themselues in secret places, where hee is enformed, that they doe not onely vtter cankered spee­ches against him, but are practising and contriuing dangerous plots, and desperate attempts against his Royall Person; for effecting whereof, either by themselues, or by such as they can perswade and suborne thereunto, they leaue no meanes vnessayed: Be it therefore knowen to all men by these Presents, That for the speedie apprehension of these malicious and dangerous persons, William Ruthen and Patricke Ruthen aforesaid, The Kings most excellent Maiestie doeth straitly com­mand and charge all and singular Sheriffes, Iustices of the Peace, Mayors, Bayliffes, Consta­bles, and all and euery other his Highnesse Officers within this his Realme of England, That they, and euery of them make diligent search and enquirie for the said malicious persons William Ruthen and Patricke Ruthen, and to vse all their best indeuours, aswell within all manner of Li­berties, as without, for the discouery, apprehension, and arresting the bodies of them the sayd William Ruthen and Patricke Ruthen, and being apprehended or arrested, forthwith, speedily, and without any delay, to bring them, or cause them to be brought vnder some safe custodie, before some of his Highnesse most Honorable Priuie Counsell, there to be proceeded with and ordered, according as Iustice shall require: And herein not to faile, as they and euery of them tender their duety to his Highnesse, and will answere the contrary at their vttermost perils.

And the Kings most Excellent Maiestie doeth moreouer straightly charge and command all and euery Searcher, Customer and Officer of any Port within this Realme, and all other his [Page] Highnesse Subiects, of what Nature, qualitie and condition soeuer hee or they bee, to whose Houses the saide William Ruthen, and Patrick Ruthen, or either of them shall resort, or to whose knowledge, notice or vnderstanding it may come, where or in what places they the said William Ruthen, and Patrick Ruthen shall bee, or into whose handes they shall come, to stay, apprehend, and arrest them, and to bring them before some of his Maiesties Priuie Counsell as aforesaide, Wherein if any shall goe about to conceale them, or shall not reueale their abode (if it be in their power to doe so) His Maiestie doth hereby pronounce, that he will for euer after, holde them as partakers and abettours of their malicious practises and intentions, for which they shal feele the weight of his heauiest indignation. And if at any time, any Subiects of his (out of their du­tie) shall discouer the persons aforesayd, or their residence, and yet shall not find themselues able to pursue them, his Maiestie doth command them, to call for the aide and assistance of his High­nesse Officers, or any other his Subiects, whome his Maiestie doeth also straitly charge and commaund hereby, to bee ayding and assisting herein, as they will answere to the contrary at their vttermost perils.

God saue the King.

❧Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie.

ANNO DOM 1603:

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