❧ By the King.

FOrasmuch as the Kings most Excellent Maiesty is graciously minded to make his speedy repaire from Barwick to his Highnesse Citie of Lon­don, In which his iourney hee is to passe from thence through diners Shires of this Realme: These are to notifie vnto all Sheriffes of the seuerall Counties through which his Maiestie shall so passe, that his Highnes will and pleasure is, that eche of them respectiuely being at­tented with the Iustices of Peace, and other Gentlemen of the said se­uerall Counties, faile not to waite on his Maiestie, to receiue him at his first entrance into the same County whereof they are Shiriffes, and so to continue their atten­dance vntill such time as his Maiestie come to the vttermost bounds of the same Countie, Where the Shiriffe of the next Countie is in like maner to attend and receiue him: And this to be so done from Countie to Countie, vntill his Maiestie shall come to the said Citie of London.

And furthermore, for that it is requisite that sufficient and plentifull prouisions be made in all such Counties and places where his Highnesse shall either lodge or rest by the way, not onely for his Maiestie and such Noble Personages as shall attend him, but also for the whole Traine: These are in his highnesse name to charge and command all Sheriffes, Iustices of Peace, and others his Maiesties Officers, Ministers, and Subieets to whom it may appertaine, That they and euery of them take speciall care and regard, that all manner Victuals and other prouisions necessarie and conuenient for his Maiestie and his whole trayne, be in conuenient time brought to all places where his Highnes shall lodge or rest in his passage as aforesaid, there to be vttered and solde for reasonable prices: For all which, the owners thereof shall from time to time re­ceiue good and present payment. And as it is not doubted, but that all his Maiesties good and faithfull Subiects will be most readie and willing to shewe themselues forward and carefull in the due accomplishment of the premisses, according to their loyaltie and duety: so if any shall be found disobedient, negligent, or remisse therein, These are to let them know, that they are to sustaine such condigne punishment as their offence in that behalfe deserueth.

God saue the King.

❧ Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie.

Anno Dom. 1603.

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