By the Queene.

WHereas diuers traiterous and slanderous Libels haue of late beene dispersed in diuers parts of our Citie of Lon­don, and places neere thereunto adioyning, by some lewde and vngodly persons, tending to the slander of our Royal person and State, and stirring vp of rebellion and sedition within this our Realme: And to the end such wic­ked persons may be discouered and knowen:

These shalbe to signifie to all maner of person and persons, That whosoeuer shall in any fort, either openly or secretly, discouer and make knowen to any of the Lordes or others of our priuie Counsaile, or to the Lord Maior of our said Citie, the name of any of the Authors, writers, or dispersers of any of the sayd Libels, whereby the of­fendors therein may be knowen and taken, shall presently haue and receine for their paines therein, the summe of one hundred pounds of currant money payed and deli­uered vnto him by the Lord Mains of our sayd Citie.

God saue the Queene.

❧ Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, printer to the Queenes most excellent Maiestie. 1601.

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