❧ By the Queene.
The Queenes Maiesties Proclamation for suppressing of the multitudes of idle Ʋagabonds, and for staying of all vnlawfull assemblies, especially in and about the Citie of London, and for orders to punish the same.
FOrasmuch as it is seene that notwithstanding the good Lawes prouided for the restrayning of idle people and Vagabonds, yet for want of due execution thereof by the Iustices of Peace, and other ministers authorised thereunto, there are in many parts of the Realme, and specially about the Citie of London and her Maiesties Court, manifestly seene wandring in the common high wayes, to the annoyance of the common people both in their goods & liues, multitudes of able men, neither impotent nor lame, exacting money continually vpon pretence of seruice in the warres without reliefe; whereas many of them neuer did serue, and yet such as haue serued, if they were maymed, or lamed by seruice, are prouided for in the Countreys by order of sundry good Lawes and Statutes in that behalfe made and prouided: For reformation whereof her Maiestie straightly commaundeth all Iusticers and Officers to haue better regard, then heretofore they haue had, and to appoint vpon certanine dayes in the weeke monethly (for some conuenient season) watches and priuie searches in places needefull, and thereby to attach and imprison such idle Vagabonds, and to send the lame and maymed into the Countreys according to the saide Statues. And doeth further notifie hereby to all her Subiects, that because the disorder of those vagarant persons is through neglect of her ordinarie Officers of Iustice growen to such vnrulinesse and vndutifulnesse, that there hath bene of late diuers routes and vnlawfull assemblies of Rogues and Vagabonds, colouring their wandering by the name of Souldiers, lately come from the warres, who arming themselues with shotte and other forbidden weapons, haue not onely committed robberies and murthers vpon her Maiesties people in their trauaile from place to place, But also resisted and murthered diuers Constables and others, that haue come to the rescue: Her Maiestie therefore being compelled to looke with the eye of seueritie into these growing outrages, and being minded to prouide for her good and dutiful Subiects by cutting off in the beginning such lewde and notorious offenders, meaneth for that purpose to appoint a Prouost Marshall with sufficient authoritie to apprehend all such as shall not be readily reformed, and corrected by the ordinary Officers of Iustice, and them without delay to execute vpon the Gallowes by order of Martiall Lawe. And these her Maiesties commandements she willeth to bee duely obserued vpon paine of her indignation.
Giuen at her Maiesties Mannour of Greenewich the ninth day of September 1598. in the fourtieth yeere of her Highnesse reigne.
God saue the Queene.