❧ By the Queene.
❧ A Proclamation commaunding all persons vpon the Borders of England, to keepe Peace towards Scotland, vpon the like Proclamation by the King of Scotts towards England.

WHere we by our Proclamation the Sommer last made knowen to all our louing Subiects, what we had resolved should be precisely obserued, as well by our principall Officers, as all other persons vnder them agreeable vnto the like others, published by our good brother the King of Scotts, for stay­ing all courses of violence or iniustice, to be committed by any of either part; Forasmuch as we are enformed dayly and hourely, of the continuall spoiles and outrages committed in both Realmes, euen during the time of the late treatie, as well as since the determination thereof; we doe no we by these presents notifie to all our Subiects, that although our meaning is not in any sort to ouersee the redresses of any iniuries, which our Subiects shall or haue receiued; Yet forasmuch as our good brother the King of Scotts doeth by his speciall letters to vs as otherwise, she we himselfe offen­ded mightely with his bad Officers vpon his frontiers, for the breach of his commaundement, and is desi­rous to yeelde vs and our Subiects all due satisfaction, according to honour and Justice, agreeable to all former and late Treaties, hauing for that purpose caused order to be taken by the Wardens of his Borders, and for deliuery of Pledges, according to the Indents agreed vpon by our late mutuall Commissioners; Wee haue thought it our part at this time, to shew our selues no lesse conformable to quietnesse then we finde the King of Scotts to bee, and therefore attending the issue of such proceedings, as shalbe further agreed on betweene vs the two Princes, we doe straightly charge and commaund all our Wardens of the three Marches, and all other our Officers and Subiects within the saide Marches, to liue in peace and quietnesse, without offering any maner of incursion, stealth or iniurie, priuately or publiquely, whereby they may be reputed authors of any breach or interruption of that good worke, which wee haue in hand; Wherein of the contrary part, if any offence shalbe offered them by the Opposites, which shall not presently be satissied, according to the lawes of the Frontiers, we will not onely leaue our Subiects to their libertie of iust reuenge, but further will inable them with our owne extraordinary powers, according to the care and loue which wee haue and euer will vse towards them, whom God hath committed to our charge. And where our good brother the King of Scotts hath in this kinde acquainted vs with his purpose, to publish a Proclamation to the like intent, that the Opposites may take notice of this our determination, and thereby seriously conforme themselues to correspondencie in all actions, We will and commaund our Wardens to cause this to be published in all places publiue within their Offices, & like wise to giue know­ledge thereof to the Wardens Opposite in Scotland, and other Officers of Scotland vpon the Frontiers.

God saue the Queene.

❧ Imprinted at London by the Deputies of Christopher Barker, printer to the Queenes most excellent Maiestie. 1597.

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