❧ Letters from the Lords of her Maiesties most honourable priuie Counsell for the furnishing and supplying of Horses in all Townes where the Postes are established, for the relief of the Postes there, and fur­therance of her Maiesties seruice, Directed To all Maiors, Shiriffes, Iustices of the Peace, Bailifes, Conestables, Hed ­borowes and all other her Maiesties officers, Ministers, and louing Subjects, to whom it may or ought to appertaine, and to euery of them.
The due execution whereof is also specially recommended to the Lord Lieutenant of the Shire, and his seuerall Deputies.

FOrasmuch as special and extraordinary occasions are sundry times offered for the affaires of the State and seruice of her Maiestie to send and dispatch in Post, both by Packets and otherwise oftener and in greater numbers, then that the ordina­ry prouision of the Post-masters in their seuerall Stages is able to perfourme, with the expedition requisite and at their handes required, as by their seuerall and sundry complaints to their Master and Comptroller generall appeareth, and by him hath bene likewise intimated unto vs; These are therefore to will and require you, and in her Maiesties name to charge and commaund you and euery of you whom this may or ought to concerne, to be ayding and assisting with your best countenances, authorities, and powers vnto the Post of that Stage when and as often as in her Maiesties behalfe he or any frō him shall repaire vnto you, And for his better reliefe to take present order and the like from time to time here­after as the Seruice shall require, that as well within that Towne or Stage where the Post abideth, as from other places of the Countreys next adioyning within Liberties and without, the Conestables and other Officers prouide, take up, and bring in, some tenne or twentie able and sufficient horses, (or some such number more or lesse, as the seruice shall import) with furniture conuenient to be there from sixe dayes to six dayes, at their Owners charges held ready and at the direction of the Post of the place for the better per­formance of his duetie aswell touching the Packet (his peculier charge) if his owne horses be formerly im­ployed, as also for the speedier horseing a way of such special persons as in her Maiesties seruice shall ride in Post. Vnto the Owners of which horses, the said Post shall allow and pay from time to time such rates and prices as he taketh for the hire of his owne. Hereof we require you and euery of you not to faue, as you will answere the contempt at your vtter most perill.

  • Jo. Puckering.
  • R. Essex.
  • H. Hunsdon.
  • W. Cobham.
  • Tho. Buckhurst.
  • R. Cecile.
  • Jo. Fortescu.

WHereas we wrote our former Letters of the 11. of this moneth for the furtherance of her Ma­iesties seruice that horses should be supplied from out of the Townes, and Stages where Postes are layed, and Countreys adjoyning to the reliefe of the said Postes, whose ordinarie furniture oftentimes doth not suffice, we haue thought it eftsoones very requisite, to wil and require you, And in her Maiesties name more streitly to commaund you and euery of you, to put our said former Letters in due execution. Adding withall for the better contentment of the Owners of such horses so appointed to serue in their turnes, that no man whatsoeuer be suffred to runne or ride further then from one Stage to the next Stage without changing; And the rider to pay or satisfie for the hire of his horse or horses aforehand, and at the first deliuery of them. And if any shall herein disobey or contend, to signifie his name vnto vs. Requiring you and euery of you by the Conestables and other Offi­cers to take note in writing of the names of all men keeping horses within the Townes, villages, and coun­trey next adjoyning to any Stage where the Posts are placed, the better thereby to put in execution the true purpose and entent of our former Letters for the present occasion of her Maiesties seruice and the affaires of the Realme, at the intimation and requests of the Posts in their seuerall charges; wherein if any default shall be found by cunning, negligence, or other abuse, in the Conestables, Officers, or owners of any horses; to signifie the same to the Lord Lieutenant of the Shire, or his deputie or deputies, or (if neede be) to any of vs; or to M. Iohn Stanhope the Master or Comptroller generall of al her Highnesse Postes. And hereof we eftsoones require you to haue that care that to your seuerall dueties and places belongeth, and as you tender her Maiesties seruice, and the state of the Realme.

  • John Puckering.
  • W. Cobham.
  • R. Cecill.
  • W. Burghley.
  • T. Buckhurst.
  • Jo. Fortescue.

¶ Imprinted at London by the deputies of Christopher Barker, Printer to the Queenes most excel­lent Maiestie. ANNO. 1596.

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