❧ By the Queene.
A Proclamation against all persons, that disorderly enter into shippes that are brought as Prizes into any Hauen, and that doe secretly buy or conuey away the goods before they be customed, and allowed as lawfull Prize.
WHereas great disorders haue lately bene committed, and doe still continue by reason of going abroade of diuers men of warre, at their returne home with prizes, by diuers and sundry persons, that do soiourne & remain in diuers port Townes, and places adiacent with great summes of money, with intent to buy and conuey in secret sort of the Captains and Mariners of the said shippes, the best commodities that they can get, as Pearle, Iewels, Stones, and other short ends of great value: And doe also very disorderly, and in secrete sort with their Boates in the night time goe aboord the said men of warre, to conuey away the goodes and marchandise of the said Ships, before it bee adiudged good Prize, and before her Maiesties Customes and other dueties be answered, (a matter very inconuentent to be suffered) but the offenders therein to be punished according to the qualitie of their offence. Her Maiestie therefore for reformation thereof doth straightly charge and command, that after the publication of this Proclamation: No maner of person or persons whatsoeuer, vnlesse it be the Officers of the Port, & of the Admiralty, or the Owners & companie of such Ships, do go aboorde any such Prizes, or do buy, bargaine, receiue or conuey out of the said Prizes, or from any of the companie of the same, either on board or on shore, any goods, marchandise or Pillage brought home in the saide Shippes being Prizes, or from any of the Shippes of the men of warre, vntil her Maiesties Customes and other dueties be first paide, and the Prize adiudged to be lawfull: vpon paine not onely to forfeite the goodes so bought or receiued, but also the buyer and the Seller to bee committed to prison, there to remaine vntill order bee giuen from the Lordes of her Maiesties priuie Counsell for their deliuerie.
And for the better preuenting of the disorders aforesaid: Her Maiesties further pleasure is, And so shee doeth straightly command, that immediately vpon the comming in of any Prize from the Seas, some of the Officers of the Custome-house of that Port, and of the Admiralty, shal go aboard, & remaine aboard quietly, without any interruption or resistance of the Captaine, Owner, Master, or Mariners, vntil the Ship shalbe discharged, & there to take notes, and viewe of such goods, as from time to time shalbe discharged. And likewise of the chests and pillage of the Captaines, and companie of any such Prizes before they be brought on shoare. And if any resistance bee vsed towards the sayde Officers, or if any person shall founde to offende contrarie to the orders aforesaid: Then her Maiestie commaundeth all Iustices of Peace, Maiors, Vice-admirals, and all other Officers whatsoeuer, presently to apprehende the Offender or Offenders, and to committe him or them to prison, aduertising to the Lordes of her Maiesties priuie Counsell, the name of the partie or parties committed, with the qualitie of his or their offences: That thereupon further order may bee taken as apperteineth.
Giuen at her Highnesse Mannor of Greenwich, the first day of August 1594. in the sixe and thirtieth yeere of her Maiesties reigne.
God saue the Queene.
❧ Imprinted at London by the Deputies of Christopher Barker, Printer to the Queenes most excellent Maiestie.