❧ By the Queene.

THe Queenes most excellent Maiestie, vnderstanding that the infection of the plague in the cities of London and West­minster doth yet continue, so as with safetie the next Michaelmas Terme cannot be kept as was accustomed in the ci­tie of Westminster: and therefore doubting that if the said Terme of S. Michael now next comming should be kept at the said citie of Westminster, it can not be but dangerous to such her louing subiects, which for their lawfull causes should make their necessary repaire to the said cities: Therefore her Maiestie considering the great inconueniences that may thereof ensue, by the aduice of her Highnesse Coūcell doth finde it very expedient that adiournment should be made of the said Terme, in forme following, That is to say, in or from the first Returne thereof, commonly called Octabis Mi­chaelis, vnto the Returne, commonly called Mense Michaelis, then next ensuing, when the rest of the said Terme shall be continued and kept in maner and forme hereafter specified. For which purpose, especiall choise is made of the Towne of [...] ▪ Albans in the countie of Hartford: at which place her Highnesse pleasure is, that the residue of the said Terme shall be kept as hereafter is ex­cessed: and therefore doth declare, and hereby signifie her will and pleasure, that writs of adiournment shall be directed to the Iustices of either Benches, & to the Iudges of all other her Maiesties courts, to whō like writs haue bene vsually directed, giuing them authoritie to adiourne the [...]e Terme from Westminster aforesaid, vnto the said towne of S. Albans, vnto & in the Returne & day called Mense Michaelis, from or in which [...]Mense Michaelis, the residue of the said Terme shalbe adiourned to and in the Returne and d [...]y called Crastino Animarum next ensuing, in ma­ [...] and forme as by the said writs of adiournment shalbe directed. And also that all matters, causes, and sutes betweene partie and partie in her [...]nesse courts of Chancerie, Star-chamber, Eschequer, the courts of Wards and Liueries, the Duchie of Lancaster, and Requests, shall haue [...]tinuance, and the parties shall haue day in or from the said Octabis Michaelis vnto and in the said day of Mense Michaelis, and from thence shall haue continuance, and the parties shall haue day in and to the said Returne of Crastino Animarum as is aforesaid, willing and commanding them and[?] euery of them to whom it doth apperteine, to keepe and obserue their apparances and assemblies in a land euery her said courts to be holden as is[?] aforesaid, in the said Mense Michaelis, and from thence to the said Returne called Crastino Animarum, as is aforesaid, in like maner, forme and [...]ondition as they should or ought to haue done, if the said Terme and courts had bene holden and kept at Westminster, and as they and euery of [...] wil answere at their perils. Prouided alwayes, and her Maiesties pleasure and commandement is, that all persons that are or ought to [...]ie any Bonds, Recognizances, or other things into her Maiesties Eschequer: and also all Collectours, Receiuers, Shirifs, and other Ac­ [...]untants, and all other persons that should or ought to account or pay any summe or summes of money in any of her Maiesties courts of Esche­ [...]uer, court of Wards and Liueries, or of her Duchie of Lancaster, or any of them, or enter into any account in any of the said courts, shal repa [...]re into the said citie of Westminster, vntill full Terme shalbe kept and holden at some other place, and after full Terme so begun and holden, then [...] such towne or place where the Terme shall be kept and holden, where her Highnesse hath appointed the officers and ministers of the same, as [...] that purpose her Maiestie hath thought expedient, and there to certifie, pay, and do in euery behalfe, as though no such Proclamation of ad­ [...]ment had bene had or made. And her Highnesse further pleasure and commandement is, that all Shirifs shall returne their writs and pro­ [...] against all such Accountants and Debters at the dayes therein appointed: and if any person or persons who ought to account or pay any [...]umme or summes of money to her Maiestie, in any the courts and places aforesaid, do make default therein, that then her Highnesse writs & pro­ [...]t shall be awarded and sent forth against euery such person and persons, and the same to be duely and orderly serued & returned by the Shirifs [...]nd officers thereunto appointed, in such like maner and forme as the same should haue bene, if this present Proclamation had not bene made. And[?] if any Shiriffe, or any other officer shall make default, or be negligent in seruing, executing, or returning of any the writs and processe afore­ [...]id, that then euery such Shiriffe and other officer shal incur such paines & penalties, as by the said courts, or any of them shalbe taxed & assessed. And further, her Maiestie considering that if there should happen to be any accesse and apparance at the said towne of S. Albans, during the re­ [...]e of the Terme, of such as haue had the plague in their houses, or haue bene themselues infected therewith, there might ensue great perill and image to those that haue as yet bene cleare thereof, & so further inconuenience might grow thereby to the rest of the Realme: Her Highnesse for [...]auoyding thereof, doeth straightly charge & command that no such person or persons who haue bene so infected, or haue had the plague in their [...]ouses, or haue bene in any house, at the time of their being in the same, infected with the plague at any time sithence the xviii. day of September [...] past, of what estate or degree soeuer he or they be, shal repaire to the said towne of S.Albans or other place whatsoeuer, to which any part of the [...] Terme of S. Michael shalbe adiourned, during the residue of the said Terme, except he or they shalbe commanded by speciall Processe, or other­ [...] haue speciall commandement for his or their personall apparance. And yet neuer the lesse, euery such person or persons so infected before his their repaire into the said Towne, shall before he or they enter into any house within the Towne or place aforesaid, openly notifie and declare by [...]me message to the principall officer of the Court where he should appeare, his or their state touching his or their infection, with the cause for which he or they shall be called by Processe or other commandement, or to such person or persons as shall be appointed by the L. Keeper of the great Seale[?] of England, to haue regard thereunto: So as if the said partie shall be ordered to come into the Towne or place aforesayd, or into any the Courts[?] there, the same shall after (during the space of his or their abode there) beare and holde vp in his or their hande vpright to be seene, one red [...] of the length of one yard or more, vpon paine of her Maiesties displeasure, and imprisonment of their bodies during her Highnesse pleasure. [...]nd further her Maiestie straightly chargeth and commandeth all Iustices of Peace of the said Countie of Hartford, as well within Liberties as without dwelling within twelue miles of the said Towne of S. Albans, and all Bayliffs, Constables, & head officers of any Boroughes, townes, [...]lages, or hamlets within eight miles of the said Towne of S. Albans, that they & euery of them shall from and after the day of the proclaiming this Proclamation within the said Countie, doe their best endeuours to make and set foorth such good orders as (by the goodnesse of God) may [...] most to the preseruation of all places within the same circuite of eight miles from the infection of the plague, and for that purpose to assemble themselues together weekely at some conuenient place in the said Countie from the time of the publishing of this Proclamation, vntill the ende [...] the residue of the said Terme, as wel for the deuising as for the execution of such good orders. And that the said Iustices of Peace shal in the first [...]ay of the sitting in the residue of the said Terme, signifie and declare to the L. Keeper of the great Seale of England all that they, and the saide Constables and other the said Officers shall then haue done in and about the premisses: And shall also from time to follow such directions as [...]ey shall receiue from the said L. Keeper and other of her Maiesties priuie Counsell being at that Towne of S. Albans, tending to the preserua­ [...]on of the places within the circuit aboue specified from the said infection of the plague: Not doubting but that aswel the said Iustices, as other the [...]feriour officers will carefully discharge their dueties in that behalfe, as they tender the continu [...]nce of her Maiesties fauour, and will answere [...] the contrary at their perils.

God saue the Queene.

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