Eastriding in the Countie of Yorke.

A Certificate of the rate and appointment of the seuerall wages for artificers, handicraftsmen, husbandmen, labou­rers, seruants, workemen and apprentices of husbandry, within the Eastriding of the Countie of Yorke, made and agreed vpon by Iohn Hotham, Marmaduke Grimstone, Robert Constable, Iohn Gaite, Iohn Alrede, Launcelot Alford, and Iohn Readman Esquires, Iustices of peace within the Eastriding of the said Countie, at the generall Sessions of peace holden before vs at Dripoole, within the said Countie, the xxvi. day of April, in the xxxv. yere of the raigne of our most gracious Soueraigne Lady Elizabeth, by the grace of God Queene of England, France and Ireland, defender of the faith, &c. according to the tenor and forme of the act of Parliament in such case lately proui­ded, as followeth.

Seruants and Artificers of husbandry.

BAyliffe of husbandry, that in these parts is called an ouerman, that is hired with a gentle­man, or rich yeoman that doeth not labour himselfe, but putteth his whole charge to his seruants, shall not take by the yeere for his wages with meat & drinke, about xxxiii. s. iiii. d. and a liuery, or vi. s. viii. d. for the same.

A chiefe seruant of a husbandman that ouerseeth his seruants, and the chiefe sheepeheard or feoman of or to a gentleman, shall not take for his wages with meate and drinke, aboue xxvi. s. viii. d. and a liuery, or vi. s. viii. d. for the same.

A Milner that is skilfull in mending of hir Mill, shal haue by yere xxvi. s. viii. d and a liuery, or vi. s. viii. d. for the same.

A seruant in husbandry that can mowe or plough well, shall not take for his wages by yeere with meat and drink, aboue xxiii. s. iiii. d. and a liuery, or vi. s. viii. d. for the same. And euery other common seruant in husbandry, shall not take by yeere aboue xx. s. and v. s. for a liuery.

A yong man betweene the age of xii. and xviii. yeeres, shall not take by the yeere with meat and drinke, aboue xvi. s. and no liuery.

A woman seruant that taketh charge of brewing, baking, kitching, milkehouse or malting, that is hired with a gen­tleman or rich yeoman, whose wife doeth not take the paines and charge vpon her, shall not take wages by yeere, with meate and drinke, aboue xvi. s. liuery, iiii. s.

A woman seruant that serueth an husbandman or feeman, or any other woman seruant shall not take by the yeere with meat and drinke, aboue xiii. s. iiii. d and a liuery, or iii. s. iiii. d. for the same.

Haruest worke.

A mower of grasse or corne shall not take by the day with meat and drinke, aboue iiii. d. without meat and drinke, x. d.

A shearer or bindeer of corne shall not take by the day with meat and drinke, aboue ii. d. without meat and drinke, v. d.

No man shall take for the mowing of an acre of med [...]w, without meat and drinke, aboue x. d. and for mowing of an a­cre of corne without meat and drinke, viii. d.

A haymaker, weeder, or looker of corne, shall not take by the day with meate and drinke, aboue i. d. without meate and drinke, not aboue iiii. d.

A master Tailer that shall make gentlemen or gentlewomen their apparell shall not take by the day aboue iiii. d. and other common tailers, not aboue ii. d. with meat and drinke.

Labourers of husbandry.

Euery common labourer for ditching, paling, railing, hedging, threshing, & other common labourers, from the feast of all Saints, to the first of March, shal not take for wages by the day with meat and drinke, aboue i. d. ob. and with­out meat and orinke, not aboue iiii. d. and from the first of March vntill the feast of all Saints, not aboue ii. d. by the day with meate and drinke, and without meat and drinke, not aboue. v. d.

Threshing of a quarter of hard corne, not aboue viii. d. for a quarter of pease or beanes, not aboue v. d. for a quarter of barley, not aboue iiii. d. a quarter of Oates, not aboue iii. d. ob. without meat and drinke.

No man shall take for casting or setting of any ditch, hauing the quicke wood ready layde beside him which ditch is no more then one yard and three quarters of a yard broad, and an elle deepe, aboue iii. d. for euery rodde, and when the ditch is bigger or lesser, more or lesse, according to the quantitie and rate.

No man that scoureth two good graftes with a spade in a ditch shall take for one rodde scouring aboue i. ob. and if hee take there grafts, ii. d. and not aboue.

No man shall take for making of a rough dry stone wall, hauing the stone laid by him, which wall is one yard and a halfe high, and halfe a yard thicke, aboue xii. d. a rodde, without meat and drinke.

Artificers and handicraftsmen.

A master Mason that taketh the charge of a mans building, hauing vnder him or them, one, two, or three men, that haue bene two or three yeeres at the occupation, shall not take for wages for himselfe by the day at any time of the yeere, with meate and drinke, aboue vi. d. and without meate and drinke, not aboue x. d. and for euery one that wor­keth vnder him, he shall not take by the day with meat and drinke from the feast of Saint Michael the Archangell to the xxv. day of March, not aboue iii. d. and without meat & drink, not aboue viii. d and from the xxv. of March vn­til y e feast of S. Michael the archangel, with meat & drink, not aboue iiii. d. & without meat & drink, not aboue viii. d.

A master carpenter who taketh charge of building, that hath one, two or three men vnder him that haue beene two yeeres at the science shal not take for wages by the day without meat and drinke, not aboue x. d. and with meate and drinke, aboue iiii. d.

A Mason or other carpenter that hath but one man or none, and that are not master of a charge or of a building, but of other worke, a shewing, squaring, w [...]lling, or such like, or plumber, glasier, limeburner, couper, brickm [...]ker, that­chers, turners, bricklayers, scl [...]ters, [...]nd tylers, shal not take by the day for wages with meate and drinke from the the Annunciation of our Lady vntil Michaelmas aboue iiii. d. and without meat and drinke, aboue viii. d. and from the feast of Saint Michael the Archangell vntil the feast of the Annunciation of our Lady, with meat and drinke, not aboue iii. d. and without meat and drinke, not aboue vii. d. except Thatchers, who may take iiii. d. by the day throughout the whole yee [...]e with meate and drinke.

A shipcarpenter shall not take for his wages by the day from the Annunciation of our Lady, vntill the feast of Saint Michael with meate and drinke, aboue vi. d. and without meat and drinke, not aboue x. d. & from the feast of S [...]int Michael vntill the Lady day in Lent, not aboue iiii. d. with meate and drinke, and without, not aboue viii. d.

A clincher shal not take for his wages by the day, from the Lady day in Lent vntill Michaelm [...]s with meat & drinke, not aboue iiii. d. and without, not aboue vi. d. and from the feast of Saint Michael the Archangel vntill the Annun­ciation of our Lady not aboue iii. d. by the day with meate and drinke, and without, not aboue vii. d.

I holder shal not take for his wages by the day from the Annunciation of our Lady, vntil the feast of Saint Michael with meat and drinke, not aboue iii. d. and without, not aboue vi. d. and from the feast of Saint Michael, vntill the Annunciation of our Lady, not aboue ii. d. by the day with meat & drinke, and without meat & drink, not aboue. vi. d.

All which said wages and liueries by vs the said Iustices rated in forme aforesaid, we hauing consideration to the pri­ces of all maner of victuall, and other necessaries in these North parts do thinke indifferent and meete to continue within the Eastriding of the said Countie of Yorke, for the yeere next to come.

God saue the Queene.

Imprinted at London by the Deputies of CHRISTOPHER BARKER, Printer of the Queenes most excellent Maiestie.

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