❧ By the Queene.

THe Queenes most excellent Maiestie being credibly enformed that the infection of the plague is at this present greatly increased and dispersed aswel in the Citie of London and Westminster, and other places neere adioyning to the same, and also in diuers other parts of this Realme. And considering that great perill and danger might ensue, not onely vnto her Maiesties royall Person, but also to her most louing Subiects, if the people of all sorts, and out of all partes of this Realme should repaire and resort together for their suits and causes the next Terme commonly called Trinitie Terme: Hath therefore thought good by the aduise of her priuie Counsell and Iustices of her Courts at Westmin­ster to adiourne part of the same Terme, That is to say, from the second Returne of the saide Terme commonly called Octabis Trinitatis, vntill the fourth Returne of the same Terme commonly called Tres Trinitatis, And that to bee for such causes onely, and for such intent and purpose, as hereafter is declared. And therefore her Maiestie doeth hereby signifie and declare, that her will and pleasure is, that Writs of adiournement shalbe directed to the Iustices of either Benche, and to the Iudges of all other her Maiesties Courtes to whome like Writs haue bene vsually directed, Giuing them authoritie to adiourne the sayde Terme from Octabis Trinitatis next, vntill Tres Trinitatis then next following. And the saide Adiournement to be made the first day of the sayde Octabis Trinitatis, called the day of Essoynes.

And whereas her Maiesty considering in her princely wisedome what great preiudice might grow to many her good and louing subiects in their causes and suites, if the next Terme should be wholly adiourned, hath therefore by the aduise of her saide Counsell and Iustices, determined to haue some part thereof to be holden and continued for some fewe daies in the beginning and ending of the same as is aforesaid. Her Highnesse most gracious intention in that behalfe is, that the same daies for which some part of the said Terme is to be holden, shal be vsed only for the better expediting and continuing of causes and suits, and returning and suing out of Processe, & for such other like things, which may be performed and done in the absence of the parties by their Atturneis. And there­fore her Maiesty doth by this her Proclamation signifie to al her louing subiects that her will and pleasure is, that during the said Terme there shall not be any trialles by Iuries or any iudgements vpon Demurrers, or special Verdicts, or such like, in any of her Highnesse Courts of Kings Bench, Common Pleas, or Exchequer. And also that there shall not be any iudiciall hearing or deter­mining of any causes or matters in any of her Maiesties Courts of Starre-chamber, Chauncery, Exchequer chamber, Court of Wardes, Duchie-chamber, or Court of Requests, sauing only orders to be giuen in the same last mentioned Courts the first, second and third dayes of the same Terme for the better directing & continuing of causes, and that no partie shal neede to be present in per­son for any such causes or suites, but the same may be attended and done by their Atturneies.

And her Maiestie doth hereby further notifie and declare, that no party shall be compelled, or neede to appeare in person in any of her Maiesties said Courts at any time during the saide next Terme, but may make their appearance by their Atturneis, sauing onely in cases of outlawrie, and other the cases mentioned in the prouiso hereafter following. And also that no Iuries, or anie whom the same may cōcerne, shalbe compelled or neede to appeare in any of her Highnes Courts at Westminster at any time during the said Terme, for any cause or matter whatsoeuer, vnlesse it be for some special and important cause for her Maiesties seruice only.

Prouided neuerthelesse, and her Maiesties pleasure and commandement is, that all Collectors, Receiuers, Shiriffes and other Accomptants, and all other persons, that should or ought to accompt or pay any summe or summes of money in any of her Maie­sties Courts of Exchequer, Court of Wardes and Liueries, or of her Dutchie of Lancaster, or in any of them, or enter into any Ac­compt in any of the sayde Courtes shall repayre to the accustomed places at Westminster, and there to pay and do in euery behalfe as though no such Proclamation of Adiournement had beene had or made.

And her Highnesse further pleasure, and commandement is, that all Shirifes shal returne their writtes and processe, against all such Accomptantes and debters at the dayes therein appointed: And if any person or persons, who ought to accompt or pay any summe or summes of money to her Maiestie in any of the Courtes and places aforesayde, doe make default therein, that then her Highnesse Writs and Proces shalbe awarded and sent forth against euery such person & persons, and the same to be duly and orderly serued, and returned by the Shiriffes and Officers thereunto appoynted, in such like maner and forme, as the same soulde haue bene if this present Proclamation had not bene made. And if any Sheriffe or other Officer shall make default, or be negligent in seruing, executing, or returning of any the Writs and Processe aforesayd: That then euery such Shiriffe, and other Officer shall incurre such paynes and penalties as by the sayde Courtes shall bee taxed and assessed. Willing and commanding all and euery her Maiesties Sheriffes, and other Officers, ministers, and Subiects, to whome it doth or shall appertaine, and by this her High­nesse Proclamation not dispensed withall, to keepe their assemblies and apparances with all their returnes and certificates in her Highnesse Courts at Westminster, in the sayde Crastino Trinitatis, and Tres Trinitatis, then and there to be holden and kept, as if this Proclamation had not bene had as they will answere to the contrarie at their perils.

God saue the Queene.

❧ Imprinted at London by the Deputies of Christopher Barker, Printer to the Queenes most excellent Maiestie.

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