¶ By the Queene.

WHere, for the seruice of her Maiestie, and her Realme, committed to Sir Walter Raleigh Knight, Captaine of her Maiesties Garde, to bee done vpon the Seas for defence of the Realme, some num­ber of Mariners haue bene prested to serue in that voyage, and some other more are further to bee prested, Because her Maiestie would haue the saide seruice in no sort to be delayed, and that the saide Sir Walter Raleigh is fully ready with all the Shippes to bee vnder his charge: Her Maiestie most straightly commandeth, that all Mariners and Souldiers that are already prested, doe foorthwith repaire to their shipping, vpon paine of death, as is due to them that shall offend to the contrary: And that all others that shall bee prested for this seruice, doe repaire likewise without delay to the shipping, vpon like paines. And that no person doe entertaine or with holde any of them that are already prested, or that shall be prested, vpon paine of imprisonment and further punishment according to the qualitie of their offences.

Giuen at her Maiesties Palace of Westminster, the second day of March, in the foure and thirtieth yeere of her Maiesties reigne.

¶ God saue the Queene.

¶ Imprinted at London by the De­puties of CHRISTOPHER BARKER, Printer to the Queenes most excellent Maiestie.

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