❧ By the Queene.
❧ A Proclamation to charge all persons that haue gotten any maner goods into their possession, which haue beene taken on the Seas this last yeere, and haue not bene customed, to restore the same vpon paine to bee punished as Felons and Pirates.
WHere of late by our Proclamation published in certaine Counties on the Sea coast Westward, strait commandement was giuen by vs to all maner of persons, that haue bought or exchanged, or by any meanes receiued of any maner of person, directly or indirectly out of the Fleete set foorth this last Sommer, at the charge of the Citie of London, and lately returned any maner of commodities from any person, without the consent of the owners of t [...] said shippes, that they should bring to certaine Commissioners at Plymmouth, Dertmou [...] Totnes, Exceter, Southampton, and Portesmouth, a particuler note in writing of the same, vpon paine to be punished as felons and abbettors to Pirates, if they should not within a time limitted obey the same charge and commandement, as more particularly is expressed in the said Proclamation. Nowe her Maiestie is enformed, that there hath beene other notable deceipts vsed by diuers other Captaines, Masters and Mariners in sundry other shippes, which haue serued on the Seas this last Sommer, for that many of them haue contrary to the lawes broken bulke, and made spoyle on the Seas, before the Shippes and the pryzes came to any Porte, and haue feloniously embeselled great quantities of goods out of the said Ships, for which custome should haue beene paid to her Maiestie (which hath not beene) and out of which the owners and aduenturers should haue had also their partes, according to the charge of their aduentures, who are also depriued of the value of such goods so embeselled, and the parties that haue so embeselled such goods, are in danger to answere thereto as felons and pirates, and such as haue bought and receiued any part thereof, in danger to be punished as abbettors to pirates, if they shall deteyne and conceale the same. Therefore to the enlarging of the saide Proclamation, being onely directed to the Portes of the West Countrey, and for the discouerie of the goods taken by the Fleete of the Citie of London: her Maiestie doeth nowe by these presents generally charge and commaund all maner of persons in any part of her Realme, that haue had, bought, or receiued by gift, exchange, or by deliuerie of any maner of goods that haue beene taken on the Seas this last Sommer by any Shippe whatsoeuer, for the which, custome hath not beene duely paid or compounded for with her Maiesties Officers of her Ports, that they shall not after, alyen, or waste any part of such goods, but shall bring to the head Officers of the custome houses, or other speciall Commissioners appointed at the Portes, or neerest to the places where they bought or receiued the same goods, a plaine declaration in writing, signed with their hands or markes, conteyning the particuler names, quantities, and qualities of the said goods, and shall thereby expresse names and conditions of the parties of whom they receiued the same, and of the parcels which they receiued, and what they deliuered in value for the same. And if they haue alyened or dispossessed themselues of any part thereof, in such cases they shall also expresse in writing, to whom they haue so alyened or deliuered the same. And if any person shall not within twentie dayes space the publication hereof, obserue this her Maiesties commandement to all purposes, as before is specified, the same shall be vsed and proceeded withall as felons and abbettors of pirates, according to the lawes of this Realme.
Giuen at our Pallace of Westminster the eight day of Ianuarie, in the foure and thirtieth yeere of our Reigne.
God saue the Queene.
❧ Imprinted at London by the Deputies of Christopher Barker, Printer to the Queenes most excellent Maiestie. 1591.