❧ By the Queene.
❧ A Proclamation to be published in Cornewall, Deuonshire, Dorcetshire and Hampshire, for Restitution of goods lately taken on the Seas from the Subiects of the King of Spaine by way of Reprisall

WHereas by order from the Queenes most excellent Maiestie di­uers ships of warre set foorth this last Sommer by the Cine of London, to toyne in consort with her Maiesties Fleet and others, vnder the couduct of the Lord Thomas Howard, haue taken sundry prizes of Spanish ships comming from the West Indies fraight with Merchandises and good commondities of sundry sorts: The which prizes the Captaines of the sayd London ships, haue not directly brought home to the said port of London, as they should and might haue done, the winde seruing thereunto, but into other remote ports and hauens of this Realme, with purpose (as should seeme) to take oportunitie of such distant places for the ri­sling of the sayd prizes and the enriching of themselues, and contrary to all right and the trust reposed in them, the sayd Captaines Masters and Mariners of the said London ships, going vpon wages, haue taken out and embezelled diners parcels of the goods and commo­dities laden whithin the said ships, and the same haue sold and exchanged to sundry persons dwelling within the said port Townes and other adiacent places thereto to the great slander and preiudice of Sea discipline and and wrong to the aduenturers by whom they were em­ployed.

The Queenes most excellent Maiestie, not willing to suffer so great a disorder nor so great a wrong and iniustice to be done to wards her selfe and other her Subiects the aduenturers in the said Fleet, doth straitly charge and command, that all such persons as haue bought, exchanged, or haue any wayers receiued of any maner person, directly or indirectly, out of the said London Fleet, any forcine Coyne, Bollyon of Gold or Siluer, Iewels, Pearles, Stones, Muske, wrought or rawe silke, Cochenelia, Indico, or any other marchandizes, commodities or things whatsoeuer, or that shall haue in their possession any of the goods of the aforesaid natures: shall presently after the publication of this Proclamation, or within tenne dayes next following, bring in a true particular note in writing of the same, with the se­uerall prizes what they payd, and the names of whom the same was bought, or tokens deci­phring the person and persons, as neere as they can remember, and the day, time and place, where and when the same was bought, exchanged, or receiued, and foorth of what Shippe or Prize the same was brought (as neere as they can call to remembrance) to Sir Francis Drake Knight, the Mayor of Plymmouth Christopher Harris, or any two of them, beeing Com­missioners appoynted by her Maiestie for the receiuing of any such goods in Plymmouth: And for goods taken neere Dartmouth and Lotnes, to be brought to Sir Iohn Gilbert, and the Maiors of the same townes: And of any goods about Exceter, to be brought to the Maior there, and Sir Robert Dennis: And of goods about Southampton and Portes­mouth, to be brought to any of the Maiors there, and Sir Thomas West, and Thomas Henslow, or any two of them. And in cafe any that hath so bought, exchanged or receiued of my of the said Captames, Masters or Mariners, or others of the said Fleete any such trea­sure, commoditie or thing (as is abouesaid) and doe not bring in and deliuer a particular note of the same in writing with the seuerall prizes they payd, and the names of whom the same was bought, with the day, time, and place, where, where, and forth of what Ship or Prize the same was bought, and deliuer or cause to be deliuered the same the same within the time, and acording as before is seuerally specified and imoyned to the said Commissioners a­boue named, shall be held, and taken as Felons and Abettors to Pyrats, and to be proceeded against, as in case of Felonie is accustomed to be done by the Lawes of this Realme.

God saue the Queene.

❧ Imprinted at London by the Deputies of Christopher Barker, Printer to the Queenes most excellent Maiestie.

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