Articles concerning the Admiralty of England, and the iurisdiction thereof. 21. Julij. Anno Domini. 1591. Regnique serenissimae Dominae Elizabethae Reginae tricesimo tertio.

FIrst you shall enquire if any person sworne vpon any Iurie or Inquisition in the Court of our Soueraigne Lady the Queene of her Admiraltie of England, haue opened or discouered the counsell of our said Soueraigne Ladie, or the secrets of this Realme, and his fellow Iurors.

2 Item ye shall enquire, if any person in or vpon the Sea, or in any other Port, Riuer, Creeke or place, or fresh water, where the Lord High Admirall of England hath, or hath beene accustomed to haue authoritie and iurisdiction, hath committed and exercised any treasons, felonies, spoyles, murders, confederacies and piracies, or who hath ayded and assisted the sayd committers or exercisers of such offence.

3 Item ye shall enquire, if any person with furniture, munition or victualles, haue fortified, strenghthned or ani­mated her Maiesties enemies.

4 Item ye shall enquire if any person in or vpon or neere the sea, or elsewhere, within the iurisdiction of our So­ueraigne Lady the Queenes Maiesties Admiraltie of England, hath beaten any of her Maiesties subiects, friends or confederates, with whom her Maiestie hath peace, truce, and friendship, or to whom she hath giuen or graunted her safe conduct or protection, contrary to the peace of our sayde Soueraigne Lady the Queene, or that hath taken and ca­ried away contrary to the peace of our sayde Soueraigne Lady the Queene, any Shippes, Boates, Nettes, Ropes, Cordes, or other goods whatsoeuer, or that hath transgressed or offended in the same.

5 Item you shall enquire if any person hath permitted or suffered his prisoner to depart, before it was knowen of what degree or condition he was. Because if he were of alliaunce vnto any King or Prince, he is the Kings prisoner, and not the takers, if of any other condi­cion, then he must satisfie to the Lord Admirall for his shares aswell for his prisoner, as for any goods taken vpon the Sea whatsoeuer.

6 Item you shall enquire, if any person vpon the high Seas, in great riuers, or else where within the iurisdiction of the Lord high Admiral of England, hath found any ship, yron, leade, or any other goods floating or lying vnder the water or in the depth, of which there is no possessor or owner, which commonly are called Flotzon, Ietson, and Lagon, and hath not satisfied the Lord Admirall for one moitie (thereof) accruing vnto him.

7 Item you shall enquire if any person in great riuers, streames or creekes, and in fresh waters, from the first bridge towards the Sea, or else where within the iurisdiction of the Lord high Admirall of England hath erected made or set vp, any Milles, Riddles, or any other instrument or Engine, which to those that saile and passe by or to shippes, and the same Riuers, are commonly noysom or hurtfull.

8 Item ye shall enquire, if any person vpon the high Sea, or in any other place within the iurisdiction of the Lord high Admirall hath found and taken vp the body of any dead person, and hath not restored vnto the Lord Admirall the goods and Iewels he found and tooke with the body, because the Lord Admirall hath the disposition of such goods found.

9 Item yee shall enquire if any person hath taken in the Sea, or in any other place within the iurisdiction of the Lord Admirall, Whales, Sturgions, Porposes, Balenes, or Graspes, or any other great, fatte, and ouergrowen fish, and hath not satisfied the Lord Admirall for the one halfe thereof.

10 Item ye shal enquire if any person arrested or pressed to serue the Queene, and hath receiued money so to do, and hath absented himselfe and not serued her Maiestie accordingly.

11 Item ye shall enquire if any person hath caried or transported to the partes of beyond the Seas, any merchandizes or other goods whatsoeuer, for the which the Queenes customes and subsidies haue not bene paid.

12 Item ye shall enquire of all those which take Oysters or Muscles, betwixt the first day of May, and the feast of the exaltation of the holy Crosse, and also of those which at any time of the yeere with nettes two straight, or tight, in great Riuers, or in other places within the iurisdiction of the Lord Admirall, doe destroy yong Salmons or other yong fishes, or spawne and frye of fish.

13 Item ye shall enquire if any person other then to places licensed, hath transported beyond the Seas, Wooll, Sheepe skinnes, Tinne, Leade, or other customable goods, without speciall licence of the Queene.

14 Item ye shall enquire of those which doe hinder, resist or let, the officers of the Admiraltie, to decide and correct transgressions, batteries, felonies, and other things whatsoeuer done vpon the Sea or vpon whatsoeuer riuer, water, or creeke of the Sea, vnto euery first bridge and flowing of the Sea, or full Sea marke. For all those that so doe, are as rebellious and contemptuous persons to be punished.

15 Item ye shall enquire if any person to the parts of beyond the Seas, haue transported any golde or siluer contrary to the fourme of the statute in that behalfe prouided.

16 Item ye shall enquire of those which in the entrie or mouth of any Port, or within any Port doe forestall and buy victuals in grosse, to the detriment and domage of the common people next adioyning.

17 Item ye shall enquire of those which doe arrest or impleade any in any other place, then in the Court of the Admiraltie, for matters or causes which are notoriously knowen to belong to the Court of the Admiraltie.

18 Item ye shall enquire of those which hinder the Marshall of the Court, or trouble him and other the Lorde Admirals officers and ministers, in execu­ting and doing those things which the said Lord Admirall hath commanded to be executed.

19 Item ye shall enquire of those which in their ships, wittingly doe receiue rebels, felons, outlawes, banished men, or their goods.

20 Item ye shall enquire of those which do steale, cut, or take away, the signe fixed to the Anchor, which commonly is called he Boye, wherby any Ship, or Pinnas or other vessell is lost or damnified.

21 Item ye shall enquire of those which doe hier, fraight, and lade forraine and strange ships or vessels, whereas they may for a reasonable price hier and fraight the ships of her Maiesties Subiects, which they are specially bound to maintayne and sustaine, and not to vse strange bottomes or ships.

22 Item ye shall enquire of Shipwrights, and other handicraftesmen, workemen and ministers, which doe exact and receiue excessiue wages or salla­ries, contrary to her Maisties lawes, and the ancient customes of the Sea.

23 Item ye shall enquire of those which make wrecke of shippes or other goods perishing by shipwrecke vpon the Sea, whereof some hath come to the land, or who doth clayme to haue such wrecke, except it be granted him by the King, or that he and his predecessors time out of memory of man, by prescription haue held and possessed the same.

24 Item ye shall enquire who or what persons doe throwe or cast any Ballastage or Filth in the Channels of any Port to the hurt and detriment of the same.

25 Item ye shall enquire of those Saylers or Mariners, which vpon the Seas are rebellious against their owners or masters, and contrariwise, whether the sayd owners and masters doe vse and curteously handle their Mariners, according to the purport of the statute of good behauiour in this case prouided.

26 Item ye shall enquire, if any hath taken vpon him the charge or care of conducting or bringing of any Ship or vessell, from place to place, as Loads­man, Master or Pilot, by whose ignorance, fault or negligence, the same ship or vessell with the merchandizes, goods, and things in her being, haue perished or any way bene damnified.

27 Item ye shall enquire of those who within the iurisdiction of the Admiraltie, haue strooke, beaten, or drawen blood of any person, or made any fray.

28 Item ye shall enquire what person hauing any victuals, goods or merchandises, laden in ships, purposing to goe vnto, and enter any port or ports, to sell the same there, for the profit of that Countrey, hath retourned and caried away the said victuals and goods, to the preiudice and hurt of her Maiestie and Subiectes.

29 Item ye shall enquire also of those that regrate corne (of whatsoeuer sort) or salt or fresh fish, or any other goods whatsoeuer, enhauncing or raysing the first price, and selling them at a greater rate or value, or in a dearer market then in the beginning they ought to be sold, to the domage and hurt of her Maiestie and her liege people.

30 Item ye shall enquire of those that vse (within the iurisdiction of the Lord Admirall) false bushels or measures, buying or selling with the same bu­shels, Corne, Salt, Sea coales, and other measurable goods whatsoeuer, (which exceede not the land Bushel called the Queenes Standerd by one pottell) for their owne singular or priuate commoditie and profit.

31 Item ye shall enquire of those, which within any of their shippes doe weigh merchandises or goods, by or with ballances or weights, not agreeing or being scaled with or according to her Maiesties Stannderd, to the fraud, hurt, and deceit of her people.

32 Item ye shall enquire of all those, viz. Marshals, Bayliffs, and other ministers and stewards of Noblemen, that haue presumed to take or receiue to the vse of their Lords and Masters, any goods or other things whatsoeuer, vpon the high Sea or other places, within the iurisdiction of the Admiralty, spoyled and brought to land, haue presumed to take or receiue to the vse of their Lords and Masters, such goods as are forfetted or the forfeiture of them to the preiudice and derogation of the Lord high Admirall.

33 Item ye shall enquire of all those which gather and inclose, the salt water into ditches and make to themselues standing fish ponds, or in draughts, and of newe making, and beginning gulfes and other deepe and immoueable places, getting and receiuing the commodities and profites thereof to their owne proper and priuate vses and necessaries which in salt waters ought to be common to all persons.

34 Item ye shall enquire of those which doe gather and receiue within any port or other place, of any Ship of the portage and burthen of fifty tunnes and vpwards for anchorage thereof aboue foure pence, and of any Ship vnder that burthen for anchorage thereof aboue two pence, by meanes whereof, the said Ships do leaue and forsake the said places to the hurt, hinderance, and domage of the common people adioyning.

35 Item ye shall enquire of the keepers of ports, customers, water bayliffes, or other officers whatsoeuer, which clayme or beginne newe customes for their owne or their masters priuate and proper commodities, by meanes whereof the Ships and merchants doe forsake the saide port and places with their merchandizes, to the hurt, domage, and losse of the common profit and vtilitie of the Common wealth.

36 Item ye shal enquire of those which are ordeyned or pressed to serue the King vpon the Sea in any Ship in time of warre or peace, and if from the said seruice, without leaue or vnlawfully they haue absented themselues.

37 Item ye shall enquire what men of Honours Stewards, and Bayliffs, inhabiting, or hauing mansion houses neere the Sea coast, do hold and vsurpe to hold plea, of any matter or cause concerning merchants, and mariners, or marine causes, aboue the summe of fourtie shillings sterling.

38 Item ye shall enquire of all Ships which haue bene arrested or prest to serue her Maiestie vpon the Sea, and afterwards the masters, owners, and proprietaries thereof, by fraude and deceipt haue withdrawen, or keepe them from the same seruice, defrauding her Maiestie.

39 Item ye shall enquire of those which wittingly and willingly haue cut the Cables of any Ship or Ships or other vessell or vessels, or hath broken any (no reasonable cause vrging him or them thereunto,) by meanes whereof the said ship or vessell is lost or drowned, or some man by that occasion killed.

40 Item ye shall enquire of those which eyther by day or night haue remoued the Anchor of any ship (not giuing warning thereof first, to the Master and mariners thereof) by meanes whereof the said Ship or Ships, was cast away or lost, or any man slayne.

41 Item ye shall enquire of felonies committed and done vpon forraine and strange Ships or vessels, being, or riding at an Anchor in any port, when it is not apparant, who or what he or they were, that committed or did the said spoyle or piracie.

42 Item yee shall enquire of petite transgressors, or pickers, which haue stollen or take away vpon the Sea, or within any port or creeke, Anchors, Ca­bles, Boyes, Sayles, Ropes, girdles, Shirts, Breeches, or other small things whatsoeuer.

43 Item ye shall enquire of all common and notorious malefactours aswell vpon the high Seas, as in any Port, Hauen, riuer, creeke or streame.

44 Item ye shall enquire who of custome, force or authority (from merchants or mariners with their ships fraighted and laden with victuals and mer­chandizes entering any portes or other places) doth take or hath taken away victuals against their wils and pay them for the same at their pleasure, by occasion whereof the said merchants and mariners doe leaue and forsake the said ports and places, to the hurt and domage of her Maiesties good Subiects.

45 Item ye shall enquire of all those persons which commonly fight with, or beate any of her Maiesties subiects and people within the iurisdiction of the Lord Admirall, contrary to the peace of her Maiestie.

46 Item ye shall enquire of all those, which vpon the high Seas, haue found any Ships, Pinnasses, Boates forsaken, or wayfts, driuing, or floating, with­out any creature in the same, being by the space of a day naturall, and hath not answered the Lord Admirall his part, viz. the halfe thereof.

47 Item yee shall enquire of all those which doe receiue or conceale any Deodandes (to the Lord Admirall in vertue of his office of Admiraltie by right appertaining or belonging) that is Shippes or other vessels, out of which all liuing creatures in the same by shipwracke, seemeth to haue bene perished or cast away.

48 Item ye shall enquire if any person or persons haue bene slaine, drowned, or come to his or their death by any Ship or Ships, or their tackle, or fur­niture, as Anchor, Cable rope, or any other thing whatsoeuer to the Ship belonging, or by the sayling, mouing, or going of the Ship vpon the Sea.

49 Item ye shall enquire of those which buy any kind of grayne or corne, of whatsoeuer state, condition, or degree they be vpon the sea coasts, and transport the same to any the parts of beyond the Seas, without the speciall licence of the Queenes Maiestie.

50 Item ye shall enquire of those which after some mariners or fishermen, haue set or layd their nets, cordes, or engines to fish, doe come after them, and place, pitch or lay their nets and engines so neere them, that the fisher men which first set, cannot fish, but are depriued and bereft of the benefite of their birth and fishing, or otherwise much grieued and troubled, by meanes whereof contentions and debates often growe, and happen, to the great preiudice of her Maiestie, the Lord high Admirall, and other her Maiesties subiects, against the lawes of the Sea in this behalfe prouided.

51 Item ye shal enquire, and true presentment make of all those, that since the late proclamation, haue had trafficke with the Leaguers in France, or ship­ped, caried, or sent any victuals, Ordinaunce, Powder, Shot or other Artillerie for Spaine, the Islands, or any leaguer towne in Fraunce, or other place in en­mitie with her Maiestie.

52 Item ye shall enquire and present all maner of Shippes, Boates, vessels, and other goods of men outlawed, remayning within iurisdiction of the Admiraltie.

53 Item ye shall enquire and truely present all those that haue set out any ships or other vessels to sea, without Commission vnder the great seale of Eng­land, or the great seale of the Admiralty first obteyned.

54 Item ye shall enquire what ships, goods, moneys and merchandizes, haue bene taken at sea, without such Commissions, and brought into any part of her Maiesties dominions and by whome, and who were owners, Captaines, Masters, and chiefe officers of such Ships, and where they or their prises taken did arriue.

55 Item ye shall enquire of all maner of breaking bulke of prizes, and disposing and parting of prize goods before sentence were first giuen in the high Court of the Admiraltie, that the same were lawfull prize, and truely present by whom and where the same hath bene done.

56 Item yee shall enquire for all such that contrary to their Commissions of reprisall, haue caried any prizes by them taken into Barbary, Fraunce, Ireland, or any other place out of this Realme, and there disposed the same, and of what value they were of.

57 Item ye shall enquire what Captaines, Masters, Mariners, or others at Sea, vnder colour of their Commission of reprisall, haue aborded, taken, or spoyled any ship or ships of England, Fraunce, Scotland, Denmarke, Italy, Holland, Zealand, Germany, or any other place in league and amitie with her Maiestie, and what goods they haue so taken or spoyled, whither they haue brought them, and who haue bought, receiued, or had any part of the same, in any manner sort or condition, or haue borowed or lent any money to buy the sayd goods.

Iul. Caesar.

Imprinted at London by the Deputies of Christopher Barker, Printer to the Queenes most excellent Maiestie.

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