• [Page]31 Item ye shall enquire of those which within any of their Shippes doe weigh marchandizes or goods, by or with ballances or weights, not agreeing or being sealed with or according to her Maiesties Standard, to the fraud, hurt and deceipt of her people.
  • 32 Item ye shall enquire of all those viz. Marshals, Bayliffes, and other ministers, and stewards of Noblemen, that haue presumed to take or receiue to the vse of their Lords and Masters any goods or other things whatsoeuer vpon the high Sea, or other places within the iurisdiction of the Admiraltie spoiled and brought to land haue presumed to take or receiue to the vse of their Lords and masters such goods as are forfeited, or the forfeiture of them to the preiudice and derogation of the Lord high Admirall.
  • 33 Item ye shall enquire of all those which gather and inclose the salt water into ditches, and make to themselues standing fish ponds or indraughts and of [...]ew making and beginning gulfes and other deepe and immoueable places, getting and receiuing the commodities and profits thereof to their owne proper and priuate vses and necessaries, which in salt waters ought to be common to all persons.
  • 34 Item ye shall enquire of those which doe gather and receaue within any port or other place, of any ship of the portage and burthen of fiftie Tunnes and vpwards for anchorage thereof aboue foure pence, and of any ship vnder that burthen for anchorage thereof aboue two pence, by meanes whereof the said ships doe leaus and forsake the said places to the burt hinderaunce and domage of the common people adioyning.
  • 35 Item ye shall enquire of the keepers of ports, Customers, water bayliffes or other officers whatsoeuer, which claime or begin new Customes for their owne or their masters priuate or proper commodities. By meanes whereof the shippes and merchants doe forsake the said port and places with their merchan­dizes to the hurt, domage, and losse of the common profite and vtilitie of the Commonwealth.
  • 36 Item ye shall enquire of those which are ordeyned or prested to serue the King vpon the Sea in any ship in tyme of warre or peace, and if from the sayd seruice, without leaue or vnlawfully they haue absented themselues.
  • 37 Item ye shall enquire what men of Honours, Stewards and Bayliffes inhabiting or hauing mansion houses, neere the Sea coast, doe hold and vsurpe to hold plea, of any matter or cause concerning merchants and martiners or marine causes aboue the summe of forty shillings sterling.
  • 38 Item yee shall enquire of all ships which haue byn arrested or prest to serue her Maiestie vpon the Sea, and afterwards the masters, owners, and pro­prietaries thereof, by fraud and deceipt haue withdrawen or kepe them from the same seruice, defrauding her Maiestie.
  • 39 Item ye shall enquire of those which wittingly and willingly haue cut the cables of any ship or ships, or other vessell or vessels, or hath broken any ( [...]reasonable cause vrgeing him or them thereunto) by meanes whereof the said ship or vessell is lost or drowned or same man by that occasion killed.
  • 40 Item ye shall enquire of those which either by day or night haue remoued the anchor of any ship (not giuing warning thereof first, to the master and mar­tiners thereof) by meanes whereof the said ship or ships was cast away or lost, or any man slaine.
  • 41 Item yee shall enquire of felonies committed and done vpon forraine or strange ships, or vessels being or tyding at an Anchor in any port, when it is not apparant, who or what be or they were, that committed or did the said spoile or piracie.
  • 42 Item yee shall enquire of petite transgressors or pickers which haue stollen or take away vpon the Sea, or within any port or creeke, anchors, cables, beyes, sayles, topes, girdles, shirts, breches, or other samll things whatsoeuer.
  • 43 Item ye shall enquire of all common and notorious malefactors aswell vpon the high Seas, as in any Port, Hauen, Riner, Creeke, or Streame.
  • 44. Item ye shall enquire who of Custome force, or authoritie (from merchants or mariners, with their ships fraighted and laden with victuals and mer­chandizes entring any ports or other places) doth take or hath taken away victuals against their wils, and pay them for the same at their pleasure, by occasion whereof the said merchants and marriners, doe leane and forsake the sayd Ports, and places, to the hurt and domage of her Maiesties good subiects.
  • 45 Item ye shall enquire of all those persons that commonly fight with or beace any of her Maiesties subiects and people within the iurisdiction of the Lord Admirall, contrary to the peace of her Maiestie.
  • 46 Item ye shall enquire of all those which vpon the high Seas, haue found any ships, pinnasses, Bontes forsaken, or wayfres dryning or floating with­out any creature in the same, being by the space of a day naturall, and hath not answered the Lord Admirall his part viz, the halfe thereof.
  • 47 Item ye shall enquire of all those which doe receaue or conceale Deodandes (to the Lord Admirall in vertue of his office of Admiraltie by right apper­taying or belonging) that is ships or other vessels, out of which all lyuing creatures in the same by shiwracke seemeth to haue byn perished or cast away.
  • 48 Item ye shall enquire if any person or persons haue byn staine, drowned, or come to his or their death by any ship or ships, or their Tackle, furniture as Anchor, Cable rope, or any other thing whatsoeuer to the ship belonging or by sayling, mouing or going of the ship vpon the sea.
  • 49 Item ye shall enquire of those which buy any kind of graine or corne of whatsoeuer state, condition or degree they be vpon the Sea coasts, and transport the same to any the parts of beyond the Seas without the speciall licence of the Queenes Maiestie.
  • 50 Item yee shall enquire of those which after some mariners, or fishermen haue set or layd their nets, toards, or engines to fish, doe come after them, and place, pitche or lay their nets and engines so neere them; that the fishermen which first set cannot fish, but are depriued and bereft of the benefit of their birth and [...]ing, or otherwise much grieued and troubled, by meanes whereof contentions and debates often grow, and happen, to the great preiudice of her Maiestie, the Lord high Admirall, and other her Maiesties subiects, against the lawes of the Sea in this behaife prouided.
  • 51 Item ye shall enquire and true presentment make of all those that since the late Proclamation haue had traffique with the Leguers in Fraunce, or shipped tarryed or sent any victuals, Ordinauce, Powder, short or other Artillerie for Spaine, the Islands, or any Leaguer towne in Fraunce, or other place, in [...]ity with her Maiestie.
  • 52 Item yee shall enquire and present all manuer of shippes, boates, vessels, and other goods of men outlawed, remayning within the iurisdiction of the Admiraltie.
  • 53 Item ye shall enquire and truely present all those that haue set out any Ships or other vessels to sea, without Commission vnder the great seale of Eng­land, or the great seale of the Admiraltie first obtayned.
  • 54 Item yee shall enquire what shippes, goods, moneyes and merchandizes, haue been taken at sea, without such commissions, and brought into any part of her Maiesties dominions, and by whom, and who were owners, captaines, masters, and chiefe officers of such ships, and where they of their prizes taken [...] arriue.
  • 55 Item ye shall enquire of all maner of breaking bulke of prizes, and disposing and parting of prize goods before sentence were first giuen in the high Court of the Admiraltie, that the same were lawfull prize, and truely present by whom and where the same hath been done.
  • 56 Item ye shall enqure for all such that contrary to their Commissions of reprisall haue caryed any prizes by them taken into Barbary, Fraunce, Ireland, or any other place out of this Realme, and there disposed the same, and of what value they were of.
  • 57 Item ye shall enquire, what Captaines, masters, mariners, or others at Sea vnder colour of their Commission of reprisall, haue aborded, taken or spoy­ [...] any ship or ships of England, France, Scotland, Denmarke, Italy, Polland, Zealand, Germany, or any other place in league or amitie with her Maiestie, and what goods they haue so taken or spoyled, whither they haue brought them, and who haue bought, receaued or had any part of the same in any maner sort or con­ [...]ition or haue borrowed or lent any money to bup the said goods.
Iul: Caesar.

Imprinted ar London by the Deputies of Christopher Barker, Printer to the Queenes most excellent Maiestie.

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