[royal blazon or coat of arms]
ELIZABETH by the grace of God Queene of England Fraunce and Ireland defender of the faith &c.
To all and singuler Archbishops Bishops Archdeacons Deanes and their officials Parsons, Vi­cars Curates, and to all other spirituall parsons. And also to all Iustices of peace, Maiors, Sheriffes, Bailiffes, Constables, Churchwardens, and to all o­ther our officers ministers & subiects whatsoeuer they be as wel within liber­ties as without to whome these presents shall come greeting.

Whereas wee are credably cer­tefied as well by the pittifull supplication and petition of our poore & true subiect Hugh Euance of the borough of Thetforde in our Counties of Suffolke and Norffolke Maulster, as a [...]so by the testimoniall of Sir Arthure Heu [...]ningham Knight, Sir Edwarde Cleere Knight, Myles Corbett Esquire, Thomas K [...]y [...]ett Esquire, Bassingbourne Gawdie Esquire, and Edward Eden Esquire, Iustices of peace their that where his maulting house Kill house, three hundred Com [...]e [...] of maulte besides all his barlie and other come vpon his chambers being. And also most of his dwelling howses with goodes therein to the value of Two hundred & threescore poundes & vpwardes is by sodaine misfortune vtterly burnt waisted and consumed with fire hapned the xvii day of April last past to the extreme impouerishing and vitter vndoing of the said Hugh his poore wife & children or euer, vnlesse they bee charirably holpen and relieued with the deuotion of well desposed people. Know ye therefore that we haue licensed and by these pre­sents, do licence the said Hugh or his deputie the bearer hereof to aske, gather, receiue, and take the almes, charitie, and deuotion of our louing Subiectes, inhabiting and dwelling within our sayde Countie of Norffolke and Suffolke with our citie of Norwhich and all townes and boroughes corporate whatsoeuer in either of the same counties and not elsewhere, towards the reliefe of the sayde Hugh his poore wife and children. Wherefore we will and commande you and euery of you, that at such times as the sayd Hugh or his Deputie shall come and repaire to any your Churches or other places to aske and gather the charitie and deuotion of our lo­uing subiectes, as is aforesaide, quietly to permit and suffer them so to do without any maner your lets interruption or contradiction. And you the sayd Spirituall persons to declare the teanour of these our Letters Patents vnto our saide subiectes, exhorting them to extend their charities in this behalfe. And also you the said Constables and Churchwardens to be aiding helping and assisting the sayde Hugh and his deputie in your Churches for the collecting and gathering of thalmes aforesayde. In witnesse whereof we haue caused these our Letters to be made patentes for the space of one whole yeare next after the date hereof to endure.


God saue the Queene.

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