❧ By the Queene.
Whereas humble sute and petition hath of long time ben made vnto vs by our louing Subiectes the Clothiers Suffolke, Norffolk, and Essex, for some reasonable mitigation and tolleration of the strictnesse of the Statutes now standing in force, touching the making of clothes within the same Counties: And namely one statute made in the fifth and sixth yeeres of the raigne of King Edward the sixth, intituled an Acte for the true making of wollen Cloth, and one other statute made in the fourth and fifth yeeres of the raignes of King Philip and Queene Mary, intituled an Act touching the making of wollen Clothes, which as we are credible informed, are by experience found to be such as the makers of the said Clothes cannot by any meanes precisely and fully performe and obserue, albeit they haue endeuoured themselues thereunto according to their best skill and industrie, and asmuch as in them did lie: And so the said Clotheiers in extremitie of lawe, haue incurred, and do dayly incurre the danger of the penalties and forfeitures limitted in and by the said Statutes, for which many of them haue ben impleaded and sued, and otherwise grieuously molested and vexed by informers and searchers: By reason whereof they haue forsaken and left their trade, to the great decay of cloth making within the said Counties, and to the impouerishment and vtter vndoing of great nombers of poore people there, which heretofore haue ben releeued and set on worke by the same; A matter likely to growe to further inconuenience, if some speedy course be not taken for redresse thereof. Whereupon we, of our Princely and godly disposition hauing a most tender care and regarde of our said good and louing subiects, and desiring as much as in vs lyeth, to prouide conuenient and speedie reliefe for them, in that behalfe: haue by the aduise of the Lords and others of our priuie Counsell, who haue had the examination thereof, and with great deliberation haue caused certaine orders to be deuised & set downe for mitigation of the extremities & strictnes of the said statutes, and for tolleration with the said Clothiers for & concerning the same, so as they should not be vexed with any sutes by informatiōs or actions, as long as they shal obserue the said orders, which said orders we haue caused to be hereunto annexed: Straightly charging & commanding aswel the Clothiers aforesaid, as also all others to whom it shal or may in any wise appertaine, duely to obserue and performe the same in all things. And our expresse wil and pleasure is, that none of the Clothiers within our said counties of Suff. Norff. & Essex, which shall fully and truly in all things obserue, fulfill, and accomplish the said orders according to the effect and true meaning of the same, shall in any wise be sued, impeached, troubled or molested by any Alnager, searcher or informer, or any other person or persons whatsoeuer, for or by reason of the breach or not performing of the said statutes or any of thē, or for or concerning any forfeiture or penaltie therein conteined: which we require you all to see obeserued in al Courts, where any person shal offer to implead them, contrary to the good intention of the said orders. And these tollerations to endure during our pleasure, or vntil by Parliament the same may be further considered and established, as the like prouision hath ben made for Westerne cloths in the xxvii. yeer of our raigne. We wil also that at the request of the clothiers of Suff. Norff. & Essex or any of them, the orders hereunto annexed shalbe published and fixed vp in our city of London, in places conuenient, and likewise published in such market & port Towns as shalbe thought needful in the said Counties. Al which shal be done by order & direction of our priuie Counsel, as they shal think meete from time to time.
Giuen vnder our signet at our Mannor of Greenewich the xiii, day of March, in the xxxii, yere of our Raigne.