❧ By the Queenes most excellent Maiestie.

THe Queenes most excellent Maiestie, being minded in this daungerous time to intertaine a certaine number of Captaines and souldiers for the garding of her royall person, and defence of this her Realme, to be vnder the gouernment and lieutenancie of the right honourable the Lorde Chamberlaine, hath thought it requisite for the better and more easie reliefe of the sayde armie by this her High­nesse Proclamation straightly to charge and command, that all and euery per­son and persons of whatsoeuer estate or degree he or they be of, doe obserue & keepe such rates and prices for all kinde of victuals, horsemeate, lodging, and other ne­cessaries, as from time to time shall be rated and prised by the clarke of the Mar­ket of her Highnesse most honourable housholde, or his lawfull Deputie or Deputies, and the Iurie before him or them by vertue of his office sworne and charged. Which rates and prises shall accordingly (during the time of such attendance vpon her Maiesties person) be set vp and declared vpon her Highnesse Court gates, and in eue­ry Towne, Village, Parish and Hamlet, where the said Captaines and souldiers or any of them are to be pla­ced, within the circuit of xx. miles euery way distant from her Highnesse Court. And further her Maiesties plea­sure and expresse commaundement is, That all Iustices of Peace, and all other her faithfull Officers resiant within the saide circuit, shall diligently within their seuerall authorities (vpon iust complaint made for the breach or other abuse of the same Assise) in the absence of the said Clarke of the Market, imploy themselues to see due punishment inflicted vpon the offenders by imprisonment or otherwise, &c. And also that no maner victualers or other person whatsoeuer, doe withholde, keepe backe, or hide any graine or other victuals, whereby the Mar­kets vsually heretofore serued within the saide precinct of xx. miles, might be vnfurnished thereof, vpon paine of their most grieuous imprisonment, and further fine to bee made to her Maiesties vse for their contempt in this behalfe.

God saue the Queene.

A limitation of such rates and prices of graine, victuals, horsemeat, lodgings, and other things, as by vertue of this Proclamation here aboue expressed, are to be sold and vttered, aswell within all maner of liberties, as without.

  • FIrst a quarter best wheat cleane and sweete in the Market. xx. s.
  • And a quarter second wheate in the Market, xvi. s.
  • Item a quarter third wheat or best rie in the Market. xii. s.
  • And a quarter second rie in the Market. x. s. viii. d.
  • Item a quarter best barley in the Market. x. s. viii. d.
  • And a quarter second barley in the Market. ix. s. iiii. d.
  • Item a quarter best mault cleane and sweete in the Market. xi. s. iiii. d.
  • And a quarter second mault, in the Market. x. s.
  • Item a quarter beanes or pease in the Market. xii. s.
  • Item a quarter best otes in the Market. vi. s. viii. d.
  • Item a bushell of the same otes within every house xiii. d.
  • Item a bushell best wheat meale in the Market. ii. s. viii. d.
  • And a bushell second wheat meale in the Market. ii. s. vi. d.
  • Item a bushell best mestling meale in the Market. xxi. d.
  • And a bushell second mestling meale in the Market. xviii. d.
  • [Page]Item a bushell best great otemeale in the Market. ii. s. iiii. d.
  • And a bushell small otemeale in the Market. xvi. d.
  • Item a kilderkin of the best Ale or Beere at the brewers with cariage. iii. s.
  • And a kilderkin single Ale or Beere at the Brewers with cariage. xx. d.
  • Item a thirindell of the best Ale or Beere within and without euery house. i. d.
  • And a full quart of good single Ale or Beere within and without euery house. ob.
  • Item a pound of butter sweete and new the best in the Market. iii. d.
  • And a pound of barrell or salt butter in shop or in Market. ii. d. ob.q.
  • Item a pound of good Essex cheese in the shop or in Market. i. d. ob.
  • And a pound of good Suffolke cheese in shop or in Market. i. d. ob.q.
  • Item seuen egges the best in the Market. ii. d.
  • And three of the same egges within euery house. i. d.
  • Item a stone best biefe at the butchers weighing viii. pound. xii. d.
  • And a stone second biefe at the butchers. xi. d.
  • Item a quarter best veale at the butchers. ii. s. ii. d.
  • And a quarter second veale at the butchers. xx. d.
  • Item a quarter best weather mutton at the butchers. ii. s. iiii. d.
  • And a quarter second mutton at the butchers. xx. d.
  • Item a quarter best lambe in the Market. xii. d.
  • And a quarter second lambe in the Market. ix. d.
  • Item a fat pigge the best in the Market. xiiii. d.
  • And a leane or second pigge in the Market. viii. d.
  • Item a couple capons the best in the Market. xx. d.
  • And a couple second capons in the Market. xvi. d.
  • Item a couple of chickens or rabbets the best in the Market. viii. d.
  • And a couple second Chickins or Rabets in the Market. vi. d.
  • Item a dosen Pigions the best in the Market. xviii. d.
  • Item that euery souldier or other person being placed and appointed in the Bande within the circuite of xx. miles distant from her Highnesse Court, vnder the right honorable the Lord Chamberlaine, her Maiesties Lieutenant of the same bande and armie, and receiuing her Maiesties pay by viii.d. the day, hauing to dinner or supper good wheaten bread and drinke, beefe, mutton or veale boyled, and pigge, beefe, mutton, veale or lambe rosted, or otherwise vpon the fish dayes, to haue good wheaten bread and good drinke, salte fish or ling, egges, butter, pease or beanes buttered, and so hauing com­petent and sufficient thereof for the sustentation of their bodies, euery man to pay for his meale. iii. d.
  • Item a pound of Tallowe Candels made of wicke. iii. d. ob.
  • Item a fetherbed for one man one night and so depart. i. d.
  • Item a fetherbed with necessary apparrell thereunto for one man alone by the weeke. vi. d.
  • And the like fetherbed and furniture by the weeke for two lying together. viii. d.
  • Item a mattrice or flockbed for one or two together by the weeke. iii. d.
  • Item three horseloaues at the bakers, euery one lofe weyghing xviii. ounces Troie. i. d.
  • And two of the same loaues within euery house. i. d.
  • Item euery C. weight of good sweete hay weighing Cxii.li. auoir de poiz with cariage. viii. d.
  • Item euery bottle of hay weighing iiii.li. auoir de poiz. ob.
  • Item a loade of good strawe for litter with cariage. iiii. s.
  • Item hay and litter day and night for one horse within euery Inne. iii. d. ob.
  • And the like hay and litter day and night for one horse within euery other house being no Inne. iii. d.
  • Item good grasse for one horse day and night and so depart. ii. d.
  • And the like good grasse for one horse alone by the weeke. viii. d.
  • Item if any horse abide in any pasture ouer and aboue one day and one night, then the owner of the same horse to pay for the same after the rate of the whole weeke, for so long as he shall abide in the same pasture being as aforesaid. viii. d.
  • Item a loade of talwood keeping the assise with cariage. iiii. s. viii. d.
  • Item a thousand billets keeping the assise with cariage. xi. s.
  • Item a hundred good faggots keeping the assise with cariage. iiii. s. iiii. d.
  • And three of the same faggots within euery house. ii. d.
  • Item a quarter of Charcoles conteyning viii. bushels with cariage. xiiii. d.
  • Item a vacant or emptie roome, either chamber roome or stable by the whole weeke. iiii. d.

❧ Imprinted at London by the deputies of Christopher Barker, Printer to the Queenes most excellent Maiestie. Anno 1588.

Cum priuilegio Regiae Maiestatis.

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