By the Queene.

ELIZABETH By the grace of God Queene of England, Fraunce, and Ireland, defender of the Faith &c.
TO all to whome these presentes shall come greeting.

WHEREAS we by our letters patents dated at Westminster the fourth day of Iune in the twenteth yeare of our Raigne did giue & graunt full power, licence and authoritie to our welbeloued Seruaunts Raffe Bowes, and Thomas Beddingfield Es­quiors and to their assignes that they by themselues or their saide assignes or the Ser­uaunts, Factors, or deputies of them or their assignes or any of them as well Eng­lishmen, Denizens as straungers being with vs in league and amitie from and after the date of the said letters patentes vnto the ende and tearme of twelue yeares then next and immediately following should and might prouide and buye in any the par­ties beyond the Seas being with vs in amitie all and euery sorts of playing Cardes as they or any of them should thinke good and the same cardes from time to time to bring or send or cause to be brought or sent or transported by any manner of meanes into this our Realme or any our dominions there to vtter sell and di­stribute the same in grosse or by retale to their most commoditie without incurring any manner of penaltie, forfeiture or daunger. Any Ordinaunce Acte Statute restraint prohibicion lawe custome or vsage thertofore had made or vsed to the contrarie in any wise or by any meanes notwithstanding. AND that the saide Raffe Bowes and Thomas Bed­dingfield and their assignes and the Seruauntes, Factours and deputies of them and their assignes onely should haue and enioye by force of the same letters patents the whole trade and trafficque and merchaundise of playing cardes du­ring the said tearme. AND therefore by our saide letters patents wee did in most straite manner charge, restraine, commaunde and forbid all person and persons of what estate, degree, or condicion soeuer the same should be that none of them during the said tearme of twelue yeares as aforesaide other then the saide Raffe Bowes and Thomas Beddingfield and their assignes and their Seruauntes Factors and deputies at their or any of their appointment shoulde bring or sende or cause to be brought sent transported or laide on lande by any manner of meanes or colour into this our Realme or into anye of our Dominions any manner of playing cardes nor during the saide tearme shoulde merchandize, buye, sell, giue distribute or deliuer out or keepe or offer to sell or put to sale in anye shoppe, warehouse, seller, soller, stan­ding boothe or anye other place anie manner of playing Cardes nor should make or cause to bee made anye playing Cardes within this our Realme or Dominions during the saide tearme contrarye to the intent and true meaning of the sayde letters patentes. As by oure sayde letters patentes amongest diuers other thinges it dothe and maye at large appeare.

NOUUE knowe yee that in consideration aswell that the saide Raffe Bowes and Thomas Beddingfield haue surrendred the sayde letters pattentes into our Courte of Chauncerye to bee cancelled to the intent that a newe letters pattentes of the premisses maie bee made. As also for sundrye other good causes vs thereunto moouing and in consideration of the summe of one hundreth markes of currant money of this our Ralme to be paide by our welbeloued seruaunt Raffe Bowes Esquior or his assignes to vs our heires and successours yearely into the receipte of our Exchequor at the feaste of the Annunciation of our Ladye or within one moneth after at one entire payment du­ring all the yeares mencioned in this our graunt for the true payment whereof he hath entred into bandes into our Courte of Exchequor before our Barons there. VVE haue giuen and graunted and by these presentes for vs our heires and successors of our especiall grace certen knowledge and meere motion doe giue and graunt vnto our sayde seruaunt Raffe Bowes and to his assignes full power licence and authoritye that hee by himselfe or by his said assignes [Page] [Page]and by the Seruaunts Factors or deputies of them or their assignes or anye of them aswell Englishmen Denizens as straungers being with vs in league and amitie shall and may prouide and buye in any of the partes beyond the Seaes being with vs in amitie all and euerie such sortes of playing Cardes as hee the saide Raffe Bowes or his assignes or his or their seruauntes deputies or factors shall thinke good. And the same Cardes from time to time to bring or send or cause to be brought or sent and transported by any maner of meanes into this our Realme or any other our Dominions there to vtter sell and distribute the same in grosse or by retale to his or their most commodity without incurring any manner of penalty forfeiture or danger for the same any Ordinance Acte Statute restraint prohibicion lawe custome or vsage heretofore had made or vsed to the contrarie in any wise or by any meanes notwithstanding. AND that the saide Raffe Bowes and his assignes and his and their Seruauntes Factors and deputies onely shall haue and enioye by force hereof the whole trade trafficque and merchandize of all maner of playing Cardes whatsoeuer. AND moreouer of our especiall grace certaine knowledge and meere mocion we do further graunt vnto the saide Raffe Bowes and to his assignes and to such person and persons as he the same Raffe or his assignes shall nominate and appoint in that behalfe that hee the same Raffe Bowes and his assignes and such other person and persons as hee the same Raffe Bowes or his as­signes shall so nominate and appoint, and no other shall haue the making of playing Cards within this our Realme and other our Dominions.

TO haue hold exercise & enioy the saide trade trafficque and making of playing Cardes according to the purporte meaning and intent of this our present graunt licence and priuiledge vnto the saide Raffe Bowes his executours and as­signes onely from the date of these presentes for and during the full and whole tearme of twelue yeares from thence next and immediately ensuing and fully to be complete and ended. AND forasmuch as wee are desirous and fullye minded that the said Raffe Bowes and his assignes and deputies shall haue receaue and take the full and whole benefite profite and commoditie of all the playing Cardes so to be made or brought into this Realme or any other our Domini­ons during the tearme aforesaid, we doe by these presentes for vs our heires and successours in most strait maner and wise, charge, restraine, commaunde and forbid all person and persons of what estate, degree, or condicion soeuer the same be that none of them during the said tearme of twelue yeares as aforesaid other then the saide Raffe Bowes and his assignes or his or their Seruants Factors and deputies at his or their appointment shall bring or sende or cause to bee brought sent transported or laide on lande, by any manner of meanes or colour into this our Realme or into anye our Dominions any maner of playing Cards nor during the said tearme shal Merchandise, buy, sell, giue, distribute, or deli­uer out, or keepe, or offer to sell or put to sale, or to vtter in any shoppe, warehouse, seller, or soller, standing boothe or anye other place whatsoeuer, any maner of playing Cardes, nor shall make or cause to be made any maner of playing Cardes within this our Realme or Dominions of any sorte or fashion whatsoeuer, during the said tearme contrarie to the true meaning and intent of this our graunte, or of any lawe, statute or restraint in that case made and prouided vppon paine that euerie person offending against the true meaning of the same, not onely to incurre our highe and grieuous displea­sure and to suffer such fine and punishment as offendors in cases of wilfull contempt do deserue, but also shall forfeite & paye the summe of tenne shillinges of currant money of England for euery grosse of playing Cardes which any suche person shall bring in, buye, sell merchandise keepe or set to sale or shall make or cause to bee made contrarye to this our graunte. And shall likewise forfeite all the saide playing Cardes so to be brought in bought solde kept made or set to sale contrary to the true meaning and intent of these presents, and whatsoeuer also is or ought to be forfeite by any lawe or statute in such case made or prouided. The one halfe of which forfeiture to be to vs our heires and successors and the o­ther halfe we giue and graunt for vs our heires and successours by these our letters patents vnto our saide seruant and his assignes. And for the more sure and better execution of this our graunt we haue giuen and appointed and heereby doe giue and appoint vnto our said seruant Raffe Bowes and his assignes a scale to set vppon such Cardes as hee or his assignes or deputies shall vtter distribute and sell to the end to make knowne what Cardes haue lawfully passed his or their handes, most straightly charging and forbidding all euery & our subiects whatsoeuer to make, counterfeite, or vse any such or like seale or to set the same or any other scale vpon any playing Cardes vpon paine of imprisonment and our high displeasure. AND further also for the better execution of this our saide graunt we doe by these our letters pa­tents for vs our heires and successors giue and graunt to the said Raffe Bowes full power licence and authority that he by himselfe and vy his assignes, Seruants, Factors and deputies shall and may at all times and from time to time during the said tearme of twelue yeares enter into any shippe bothome, vessell, boate, shoppe, warehouse, or other place what­soeuer which they or any of them shal thinke good within this our Realme or any other our dominions by water or land aswell within libertie as without and there to trye and searche by all waies and meanes for all suche playing Cardes as shalbe brought in transported laide on lande bought solde Merchandised kept or put to sale or made or carried foorth of this our Realme or Dominions contrary to the true meaning and intent of these our letters patents or of any lawe restraint or statute in that behalfe made or ordained, and finding any such to arrest seise carrie awaie and deteyne the same to the vse in these our letters patents before mencioned and expressed. AND furthermore we will & commaund and by these presents for vs our heires and successors doe straightly charge and prohibite al and singuler our Customers Collectors and Comptrollers and Fermors of our Customes and subsidies of and within all & euery Borough Towne porte hauen Creeke and other place whatsoeuer within this Realme or any other our Dominions that they nor any of them by themselues their Clarkes deputies or seruaunts receiue or take any Custome or subsidie or any other thing in the name or liew of any Custome or subsidie or compound or agree or make any composition or agreement or any entrye into any booke of or for any Custome subsidy or other dutie which shal hereafter during the said tearme happen or grow [Page] [Page]due to vs our heires or successors for any playing Cardes which shalbe brought into this our Realme or anye other our Dominions or transported foorth by any person or persons other then the said Raffe Bowes or his assignes seruaunts fac­tors or deputies or some or one of them. AND further wee will and graunte by these presentes for vs our heires & successors that the Treasourer and Barons of our Exchequer for the time being byforce of this our graunt or the inrel­ment thereof in the same Court at all and euery time and times during the said tearme at & vppon their request of the said Raffe Bowes or his assignes or any other his or their Attorney factor or deputy shall and may make and direct vnder y e seale of the same Exchequer such and so many writte and writtes close or patent vnto such Maiors Bailifes Sheriffes Fermors of Customs Customers Collectors Comptrollers Serchers or other officers of vs our heires or successors in such Shieres, Counties, Cities, Boroughes, Ports, Hauens, or Creckes or other places whatsoeuer within any our do­minions as our said seruant or his assignes Attorney seruant or factor shall at any time require commanding and char­ging them and euery of them thereby that they nor any of them during the said tearme receaue or take anye custome or subsidie or anye other thing in the name or liewe of anye Custome or subsidie or compounde or agree or make anye composicion or agreement or any entrie into any booke of or for any custome subsidie or other dutie which shal hereafter during the said tearme happen or growe due to vs our heires or successors for any maner of playing cardes which shalbe brought into this our Realme or any other our Dominions or transported or carried foorth of the same by anye other person or persons then the said Raffe Bowes and his assignes Seruants Factors and deputies. And also from time to time and at all times during the said tearme they doe in all places within their office or charge carefully and diligentlye trye and search by all waies & meanes for all such playing cardes as by any person or persons other then the saide Raffe Bowes & his assignes seruants factors & deputies or some of them shall within the said tearme be brought & laide on land merchandized bought sold kept or put to sale made or transported contrary to the tennor of these our letters patents or of any lawe proclamation ordinaunce or statute in that behalfe made or ordeyned. And finding any such to arrest seise and deliuer the same to the said Raffe Bowes his assignes seruants factors and deputies or to some of them to the vse aboue specified. AND further that they do carefully & diligently endeuour thēselues that the intent & true meaning of these our letters patents may be duly obserued. And if in the execution therof they shall find any resistance that they certify the same vnto the said Exchequor to the end that the offendors therein may receiue condigne punishment for the same their offences. AND further we will and commaund by these presents that all Maiors Sherifes, Bailifs, Constables, Comptrollers, Custummers, Fermors, of customes, serchers and all other our Officers, Ministers, & Subiects, do not onely permit & suffer the said Raffe Bowes his assignes seruants factors & deputies to haue and enioy the full benefit and commodity of this our graunt, but also that they be helping aiding & assisting in the execution of the same when they shalbe therunto required at all times during the said tearme as they will answere to the contrary at their vttermost pe­rils, and neuerthelesse our full will pleasure & intent is that of our Customes Subsidies & duties to be paid for any play­ing Cardes brought or to be brought in or transported further by the sayd Raffe Bowes or his assines seruaunts, factors, or deputies we be dulie answered and paied during the sayd tearme. IN WITNES whereof we haue caused these our Letters to bee made pattents.

Per breue de priuato Sigillo. Kindesley.

God saue the Queene.

Printed at London by Thomas Purfoote.

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