¶ A Declaration of an order for the making of certaine small Cases for Ballaunces and Waightes to weigh all maner of Golde Coynes currant within the Realme, prouided to be solde to all persons that shall haue cause to vse the same, which haue bene viewed by the Wardens and Assistants of the Companie of the Goldsmiths in London here vnder named, limmiting the sundry prices thereof, according to their se­uerall quantities: which Cases, with the Ballaunces and Weights haue bene made by order of the Master of her Maiesties Mynt in the Tower of London, and viewed, allowed, and set to reasonable pri­ces by the sayde Wardens of the Goldsmithes in London, and thereupon according to her Maiesties Proclamation heretofore made for this purpose, nowe put into Print, by order of the L. Burghley, L. Treasourer of England, whereof the originall formes (so as afore is said, rated and prised) remaine in the receipt of the Eschequer, to be hereafter compared with such as shallbe sold by the said Master of the Mynt, according to their seuerall formes and prices.

The first and grea­test Case. FIrst a Case of Wood with seuerall partitions for xiiii. printed Waights, with foure other partitions for other Waights, and one partition with a couer for Graines, esteemed at viii. d. iiii. s. vi. d.
The ballance of the same Case at xvi. d.
The xiiii. Waighes for Coynes. xviii. d.
The sute of i. d. wayght from ob. Wagyht to v, d. wayght. ix. d.
The sute of graines form di graine to v. graines. iii. d.
The second Case. Item, a lesser or seconde Case of Wood hauing a partition for Ballaunce, xiiii. partitions for xiiii. seuerall Wayghtes for Coynes, and one partition for small graines, esteemed at vi. d. iii. s. iii. d.
The Ballaunce of the same at xii. d.
The xiiii. printed Waightes at xviii. d.
The Graines iii. d.
The thirde Case. Item, a lesser or third Case of Mood hauing a partition for the Ballaunce, two partitions for the xiiii. seuerall Wayghtes for coynes, and one partition for graines esteemed at iiii. d. iii. s. i. d.
The Ballaunce of the same case at xii. d.
The xiiii. printed Waightes at xviii. d.
The Graines iii. d.
The iiij. Case be­ing Leather. Item, a Lether case printed and gilded with Golde, hauing in it a partition for the Ballaunce, two partitions for Waightes and Graines esteemed at xii. d. iiii. s. vi. d.
The Ballaunce of the same case at xii. d.
The xiiii. printed Wayghtes at xviii. d.
The sute of i. d. wayght at ix. d.
The sute of Graines at iii. d.
The v. Case being Latten, Item, a case of Latten for a paire of folding Ballaunce also of latten at viii. d. iii. s. v. d.
The Ballaunce to the same case at xii. d.
The xiiii. printed Wayghts at xviii. d.
The Graines at iii. d.
  • Hugh Kayl.
  • Iohn Eccleston.
  • Affabell Partridge.
  • Iohn Hyllard.
  • Iohn Fox.

❧ Imprinted at London by the Depu­ties of Christopher Barker, Printer to the Queenes most excellent Maiestie.

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